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9mm Bulk Ammunition

EFA DirectorEFA Director Member Posts: 3 ✭✭
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
Hey Everybody,
I recently got home from a 6 month deployment chasing drug runners in South America and came home with the intensions of getting my company (Evergreen Firearms Academy) off the ground. Being as I am only an E-6 and in the Navy and I have a wife and two kids, I have been trying to keep my expenses down. One major problem I have expereniced is that all the ammo stocks have seemed to dried up since I was last home (October 08). Does anyone know where I can purchase bulk 9mm with out loosing my shirt? I will even take reloads I just need ammo. I have guys wanting to take courses and I have no ammo.[?]


  • IHMSAmanIHMSAman Member Posts: 4 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    try but they are 2 months backlogged.
  • DieHard4DieHard4 Member Posts: 2,373 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Well, it's like this. Since November there has not been any ammo anywhere for any price. What is available will cost you between $20-$30 a box, or more, and even places that charge that much are sold out. Some get lucky at Walmart, I haven't, but then they usually limit you to a few boxes if they do have some. You can forget about finding anything cheap or in bulk online. Many places are still backordered for several months, and some even still take a few weeks to send out your box for instock items. Reloads are hard to come by too because parts are not available, due to the large demand for loaded ammo. Best you could do would be to look at Sportsmans Guide right now and get your cheaper ammo on the backorder list for the next several months. I've been looking around and their prices are still lower than most places, but you will be waiting awhile for your ammo. I've had .380 backordered with them since March I think, and its due to come in July. I paid like $12.50 a box. So hopefully it will come in some day. If you need a good cry check out Cheaper than Dirt prices. Sure does it for me.
  • lvpattlvpatt Member Posts: 309 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1, try this

    i have been buying 9mm/38pl since before the election,once paid $325 per 1000rds, but would buy all i could at $300 delivered, i now have enough, if thats possible, last case purchased 6 days ago.
    i used to get calls from people 2 or 3 times a week, only 1 call since early april,maybe price went up, my contacts, dealers, gun club members, on line posts, etc, know i would only pay the $300.
    do u want me to refer any to u if they contact me?
    i also think supplies are getting better,people at my club seem to have plenty these last couple of weeks,unheard of before that.

    gl pat
  • SpartacusSpartacus Member Posts: 14,415
    edited November -1
    on the auction side blazer is cheapest at $310 per 1000 (only one seller at that price) but most is going for around $350 like this one;

    the other day I saw some loose reloads for $270 per 1000 plus $30 shipping.

    suppliers seem to be backlogged right now.
    the FFL I deal with called yesterday and asked if i could spare some 9mm until his orders came in!
  • Sven61611Sven61611 Member Posts: 60 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Isn't this the reason supplies are sooo short? People hoarding thousands of rounds of ammunition? I guess I picked the wrong time to take up competitive shooting as a hobby. As a first time firearm owner I take offense that I can't get any ammunition. There are several reasons, of course. But supply and demand would be much different if people weren't holding on to thousands and thousands of rounds, don't you think?

    If the current administration gets away with passing any gun control, I think it's going to be on high capacity magazines. Hoard those if you choose, but let the rest of us shoot SOMEthing. [:D]

    There seems to be quite a lot of ammunition for sale on the auction side. Perhaps hoarders buying at $.30 each and selling for $.50 to $1.00 each?? Just offense intended. [:D]
  • NwcidNwcid Member Posts: 10,674
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Sven61611
    Isn't this the reason supplies are sooo short? People hoarding thousands of rounds of ammunition? I guess I picked the wrong time to take up competitive shooting as a hobby. As a first time firearm owner I take offense that I can't get any ammunition. There are several reasons, of course. But supply and demand would be much different if people weren't holding on to thousands and thousands of rounds, don't you think?

    If the current administration gets away with passing any gun control, I think it's going to be on high capacity magazines. Hoard those if you choose, but let the rest of us shoot SOMEthing. [:D]

    There seems to be quite a lot of ammunition for sale on the auction side. Perhaps hoarders buying at $.30 each and selling for $.50 to $1.00 each?? Just offense intended. [:D]

    Please define hoarding for me.

    Was I hoarding when I would buy 2 cases of ammo and shoot up one then do over for many years? Was I hoarding when ammo prices started to climb about 3 years ago so I bought all I could at the lower prices? Was I hoarding when I bought more ammo then I needed at the time so now I am not on the hunt for ammo and way over paying for it?
  • CS8161CS8161 Member Posts: 13,596 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Sven61611
    Isn't this the reason supplies are sooo short? People hoarding thousands of rounds of ammunition? I guess I picked the wrong time to take up competitive shooting as a hobby. As a first time firearm owner I take offense that I can't get any ammunition. There are several reasons, of course. But supply and demand would be much different if people weren't holding on to thousands and thousands of rounds, don't you think?

    If the current administration gets away with passing any gun control, I think it's going to be on high capacity magazines. Hoard those if you choose, but let the rest of us shoot SOMEthing. [:D]

    There seems to be quite a lot of ammunition for sale on the auction side. Perhaps hoarders buying at $.30 each and selling for $.50 to $1.00 each?? Just offense intended. [:D]

    Capitalism at work. And some honest to goodness price gouging...I think things will settle down soon.
  • Sven61611Sven61611 Member Posts: 60 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    If you have thousands of rounds of ammunition just to have it, yes you're hoarding. If you buy 1000 rounds a day and shoot it up, then no you're not hoarding -- you're one hell of shooting enthusiast! [:D] Which is what I'd like to be, given the chance.
  • DieHard4DieHard4 Member Posts: 2,373 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    It's all Obama's fault. Pre-election I could easily get 1000 rounds of 9mm for $150. Post-election I have quite a hard time getting that same amount for $300. Brand doesn't even matter. Location doesn't either, cause the cheapest place back then is no different now than the rest. It's all slowly doubled in price over the last 3 years as they say, and then when the election hits that doubled price doubled again, so now we are paying at least 4 times now what we did 3 years ago.

    The smart person would buy something that shoots 5.7x28. If you notice carefully, it was going for $20 a box 3 years ago, and right now, it's still going for $20 a box. And you can find it. It was the most expensive, but is now the cheapest.
  • savage170savage170 Member Posts: 37,504 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The best deal I've gotten recently with only 2 week Back Order was cabelas 329 for 1200
  • lvpattlvpatt Member Posts: 309 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Originally posted by DieHard4
    It's all Obama's fault. Pre-election I could easily get 1000 rounds of 9mm for $150. Post-election I have quite a hard time getting that same amount for $300. Brand doesn't even matter. Location doesn't either, cause the cheapest place back then is no different now than the rest. It's all slowly doubled in price over the last 3 years as they say, and then when the election hits that doubled price doubled again, so now we are paying at least 4 times now what we did 3 years ago.

    obamas fault? no taxes, restrictions or negative proposals, in fact we gained with the national park bill.
    its our fault, enough of us decided to stock up ,just in case, and create a market of rising prices, that severely restricts the shooting ability of the average person.
    if prices fall so what, just an insurance premium. the free market.
  • KodiakkKodiakk Member Posts: 5,582
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by IHMSAman
    try but they are 2 months backlogged.

    I ordered 1,000 9mm rounds and the buttheads only sent me 500. Tuesday I'll be calling them and asking where the other 500 is.

    P.S. The operation is good though to be honest, I was just very disapointed they halfed my order without asking or telling me.
  • drobsdrobs Member Posts: 22,611 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Sven61611
    If you have thousands of rounds of ammunition just to have it, yes you're hoarding. If you buy 1000 rounds a day and shoot it up, then no you're not hoarding -- you're one hell of shooting enthusiast! [:D] Which is what I'd like to be, given the chance.

    I shot 600rds of 7.62x39 my last range outing. I bought it when it was 1000rds for $75. I stocked up. The only way to buy ammo is in bulk. I haven't needed to buy any in a few years. I will have to replenish at some point though.

    Buy a 12 ga, tons of ammo still out there for that caliber.

    Now would be a great time to learn to reload. Primers and powder have gone up but it's still alot cheaper than buying loaded ammo.
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