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Those of you with ADD and ADHD

redneckandyredneckandy Member Posts: 9,705 ✭✭✭✭
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
Be careful of what drugs you take, you might grow tits.

A drug used to treat ADHD children is causing concern in the United States.

It is called Risperdal and it is supposed to be used primarily for adults with sever psychological problems.

But last year it was prescribed more than 6.5 million times.

The side effects include young males developing female sex organs.

Nineteen-year-old John was just seven when he began taking Risperdal for ADD.

Even though the FDA approved the drug only for adult patients who were psychotic, John's doctor and others widely prescribed it to kids for less severe behaviour problems.

Once taking Risperdal, John's mum says he became aggressive, sleepy, and developed bowel problems. But the biggest shock came when he was 14 and started developing women's breasts.

"He asked me if he was a girl," she says.

It turns out Risperdal can increase production of a hormone called prolactin, which stimulates breast growth. It is called gynecomastia - and it is irreversible.

Risperdal and other so-called "atypical anti-psychotics" have exploded in use.

Hundreds of thousands of kids have been prescribed Risperdal in the 14 years it has been on sale - long before the FDA approved it for very limited pediatric use in 2006.

John and most of the other children were not psychotic at all, but were given Risperdal for behaviour disorders including autism and ADD.

Attorney Stephen Sheller is suing Janssen, which makes Risperdal. He claims Janssen marketed Risperdal for unapproved uses in children, downplayed serious risks like diabetes and seizures.

Janssen would not agree to an interview but told us the breast growth risk is "clearly stated in the FDA-approved" labelling, and "we only promote our products for their FDA-approved indications."

Nobody knows how often it happens. But in Janssen's own clinical trials with fewer than 2,000 children (1,885), 43 developed the abnormal breasts.

Mr Sheller represents John and nine other boys - one of whom was only four when he developed a breast on one side and began producing milk.

The treatment for the unbridled breast growth is as unthinkable as the disorder: painful removal of the breasts.
Eventually, the boys can appear normal again.

The family's lawsuit is still in court.

But John's mother says surgery did not fix all of the problems from the medicine.

When asked if John still thinks he's a girl his mother wells up and cries before answering, "yes."

As for Risperdal - it's still on the market. And families say putting even more children at risk.


  • Rebel_JamesRebel_James Member Posts: 4,746
    edited November -1
    ADD, ADHD , nonexistent diseases. There's a reason over 95% of the meds prescribed in the world are to AMERICAN CHILDREN.

    Parents too lazy to control their kids!

    My sister has two sons, both took years of meds for that crap. The oldest wanted to enlist in the Army. Took him over a year just to get in because of the meds he'd taken as a child. My sister finally copied every page in his doctor's file and he got in.

    My step-son was 'diagnosed' in 1st grade. His father and I stuck together against my wife, not NO, but HELL NO! He ain't taking that crap. We'll bust his * and make him behave!!

    He's 19 now, normal as normal can be!
  • 11b6r11b6r Member Posts: 16,584 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I once thought I had ADD, but later learned I....... Oh look- a squirrel! [:p]

    Seriously, we have kids bored out of their skulls. A few teachers will challenge them enough to keep them sufficently busy that they DON'T get bored. That is too much work for the others, who would prefer a room full of quiet zombies.
  • quickmajikquickmajik Member Posts: 15,576 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by 11b6r
    I once thought I had ADD, but later learned I....... Oh look- a squirrel! [:p]

    Seriously, we have kids bored out of their skulls. A few teachers will challenge them enough to keep them sufficently busy that they DON'T get bored. That is too much work for the others, who would prefer a room full of quiet zombies.

  • Survivalist86Survivalist86 Member Posts: 3,105
    edited November -1
    Imagine that...I have it real bad. I take NOTHING, and never will. I owe my success and drive to my ADHD. I like being able to sleep onlu 4 hours a night. And my drug of choice? Coffee kind of mellows me out a bit.
  • wsfiredudewsfiredude Member Posts: 7,769 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Rebel_James
    ADD, ADHD , nonexistent diseases. There's a reason over 95% of the meds prescribed in the world are to AMERICAN CHILDREN.

    Parents too lazy to control their kids!

    My sister has two sons, both took years of meds for that crap. The oldest wanted to enlist in the Army. Took him over a year just to get in because of the meds he'd taken as a child. My sister finally copied every page in his doctor's file and he got in.

    My step-son was 'diagnosed' in 1st grade. His father and I stuck together against my wife, not NO, but HELL NO! He ain't taking that crap. We'll bust his * and make him behave!!

    He's 19 now, normal as normal can be!


    Doc tried to tell me my son had ADHD.

    Seemed that my son was pretty excited about all the stuff in the exam room; the BP cuff on the wall, the dipsenser with tongue depressors, etc. Naturally he was curious, and was looking at all of it.

    Doc said, 'Interesting. Have you ever considered the possibility that your son has ADHD?'

    I said, "Doc, have you ever considered the possibility that he's just a little boy doing what boys do."

    He asked, "Do you ever play ball with him?"

    Said, "All the time. We get out in the backyard. I will pitch a ball to him, and he hits it with a platic bat."

    Doc said, "And how does he react when he gets a hit?"

    Said, "He smiles, and jumps up and down, sometimes laughing."

    Doc said, "Sounds like classic symptoms of ADHD."

    Said, "Doc, if you bought a lottery ticket, hit the numbers, and won 100+ million, I'd bet you'd smile, jump up and down, and laugh. You got ADHD?"
  • tneff1969tneff1969 Member Posts: 6,682 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    ADD and ADHD, seam to be the diagnosis for everything related to kids these days.
  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    cliffnotes? I forgot what I was reading
  • Colt SuperColt Super Member Posts: 31,007
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Rebel_James
    ADD, ADHD , nonexistent diseases. There's a reason over 95% of the meds prescribed in the world are to AMERICAN CHILDREN.

    Parents too lazy to control their kids!

    My sister has two sons, both took years of meds for that crap. The oldest wanted to enlist in the Army. Took him over a year just to get in because of the meds he'd taken as a child. My sister finally copied every page in his doctor's file and he got in.

    My step-son was 'diagnosed' in 1st grade. His father and I stuck together against my wife, not NO, but HELL NO! He ain't taking that crap. We'll bust his * and make him behave!!

    He's 19 now, normal as normal can be!

    I'm really glad that I'm not much longer for this world.

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