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what do your FFL's charge you?



  • machine gun moranmachine gun moran Member Posts: 5,198
    edited November -1
    $25. Another FFL a little farther away charges $10. One stocks only used guns and consignment guns, and the other has no stock. Both will order any gun from any supplier.

    Other FFL's in the area charge amounts that are up to and including 'exorbitant', and two of them refuse to order anything that is military surplus from a distributor. One of those will not even handle a transaction involving a former military firearm, like a Garand, from a private party. These last two weenies are 'politically correct', seeking a pat on the head from Liberals, and are obviously not worth their FFL's or the ideals that were paid for on Normandy Beach. But that gets to be a different subject.
  • bustinstainlessbustinstainless Member Posts: 451 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    i use two different ffls
    one charges 10.00 the other 25.00
    the 10.00 guy goes out of town alot so i go to the next cheap one
  • quickmajikquickmajik Member Posts: 15,576 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by dnelson457
    quote:Originally posted by thermonuculer

    Thats why I asked if he got Kissed[xx(]

    Well atleast they both look happy about it.[:)]

    I pay for the gun plus shipping/insurance.. Thats it.
  • jwb267jwb267 Member Posts: 19,664 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    i charge $21.00 + $1.26 tax
  • LesWVaLesWVa Member Posts: 10,490 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Saxon Pig
    You can understand how a storefront dealer who sells guns for a living might not be all that thrilled about you wanting him to transfer a gun for you that he would or does sell in his store. He has to pay rent, employee salaries, taxes and fees, utilities, insurance and all the other associated costs with doing business..

    I don't think it's fair to complain about a shop owner trying to make a living.

    I would not complain at all.

    But I would politely let him know that he just lost out on ALL OF THE PROFITS he could have made selling me ammo and/or accessories for that firearm, which I am sure would have added up to be far more than the $75 he lost on the sell or transfer over a five, ten or twenty year period.

    One of my sayings.

    "I do not need you to make a living. BUT you need a lot of people like me to make one for you".
  • cletus85cletus85 Member Posts: 2,104 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Going rate in my area is $20 to $35 with a few pawn shops that charge 10% of the sale price of the item. I've never paid more than $35. I don't mind paying $35 at a certain place because of it's close proximity to my work--less than half a mile and a reputable dealer of many many years.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    Sellers loosing profits? Pffft.
    Sellers lost the sale when they didn't have a good price. IMO you can either make a little money on the transfer, or you can loose out on making ANY money.

    Sure, I underdstand the sellers point of view. They want locals buying local. Then I would advise them to get better distributors and sell at a more competitive price. The OP pointed out the rifle was bought here for 899 plus fees. The local shop wanted 1800 plus tax. That is a LARGE price gap.

    I see this here in my corner of the world too. I SHOP around for my needs and consider all costs included for the final price. Sellers can make a 25 dollar transfer fee, or gripe that they closed their doors because they couldn't make any money.
  • pietro75pietro75 Member Posts: 7,048
    edited November -1
    $20-$30 in my area in N.Idaho
  • reloader44magreloader44mag Member Posts: 18,783 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    20 bucks per firearm
  • lindalecowboylindalecowboy Member Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Mine charges $15, another one close by charges $25
  • bountyhunter101bountyhunter101 Member Posts: 149 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    $15.00 is all it cost me.
  • ljwrenchljwrench Member Posts: 5,053
    edited November -1
    $15 last November.
  • 11b6r11b6r Member Posts: 16,584 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    If it has not already been shipped, contact Mel Chung over on Molokai. Mel is a good smith, and a good guy, see what he would charge you. What island you on?
  • NighthawkNighthawk Member Posts: 12,022 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I pay $20.00 to $25.00 bucks or sometimes just a steak biscuit from Hardees.
  • nunnnunn Forums Admins, Member, Moderator Posts: 36,058 ******
    edited November -1
    $15 first time. $10 for repeat customers. I have a few repeat customers.
  • 35 Whelen35 Whelen Member Posts: 14,307 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    $0, and no sales tax.[8D]
    An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil is not overcome by fleeing from it.
  • DieHard4DieHard4 Member Posts: 2,373 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Next time, ask for the transfer fee price before buying. The FFL I normally have online guns sent to used to charge $30 per gun. Now they've gone up to $40. Still beats the $50 or so at other places. I have a rule that if the gun online costs equal or less than the same gun in store after shipping and transfer, it's a deal. Usually works best for over $1000 guns, if the online one is several hundred less, like the one you got. The C&R helps a lot too.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Saxon Pig
    You can understand how a storefront dealer who sells guns for a living might not be all that thrilled about you wanting him to transfer a gun for you that he would or does sell in his store. He has to pay rent, employee salaries, taxes and fees, utilities, insurance and all the other associated costs with doing business and must mark up the guns he sells to a point where he covers these costs and makes something for himself.

    Maybe he puts $75 in his pocket from your rifle purchase. So here you come with an ad from Shotgun News showing a gun he sells for $800 but you can order it from this outfit for $600. So, he should do this for you for $15? He's losing $75 by you NOT buying it from him. So he charges enough transfer fee to justify losing the sale. You can agree or disagree with this policy, but I hope you can at least see his point.

    A better option for transfers are dealers who operate from home ("kitchen table dealers") or businesses who have FFL but don't rely solely on gun sales or at least new gun sales, like pawn shops. Pawn dealers often see a transfer as $20 for 10 minutes work and since they don't really sell guns for a living it's worth it to them. The home FFL has much lower overhead and generally keeps no inventory he has to push so he's a better bet for low transfer fees, too.

    I don't think it's fair to complain about a shop owner trying to make a living.

    As to your original question, I used to use a local pawn shop that charged $15 until the owner changed the store into a full-fledged gun shop and raised the fee to $50. I didn't complain, I just moved on.

    There is a pawn shop near work that still charges $20 and I have a small store front dealer (has a location but no inventory, does special orders and transfers only) who charges $15. His hours are a bit inconvenient as he is only there by appointment. His full time job is as a medical doctor, BTW. Obviously does this for fun rather than seriously needing the money.

    One FFL who is a member of this forum does transfers for free. But he is 60 miles away and by the time I make the drive it's cheaper to pay $20.

    Some places that are more urban are costlier because it costs more to be in business. State or cities that are generally unfriendly towards guns (like California where high transfer fees are the norm) make having an FFL difficult which causes them to charge more for the hassle and also limits competition by driving some guys out of the business. Something like that may happen in Hawaii, a beautiful but anti-gun state.

    Always bear in mind that while you can save a few bucks by doing a transfer opposed to retail store shopping, you lose the personal touch and any support after the sale. Make your choice.

    There is a list of transfer dealers on the GB home page. Ask around. Find your best deal.

    Excellent post SP.[8D]
  • sorhabwesleysorhabwesley Member Posts: 3 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:My reason for this: I think you would all agree that 10% above wholesale is reasonable. Let's say a gun wholesales for $800 and I charge $889 & 9% sales tax, total $969.01. My profit $80 after shipping. Reasonable, right? Customer orders gun on internet from another dealer, $889, $25 shipping & $25 transfer fee. Their total cost $939, no sales tax. Internet dealer makes $80. customer saves $30, it cost me $55 loss in profits.

    If this guy charged 1100 for this rifle here in I would buy from him. 1800 bucks? No way.

    I did know of the fee before hand, infact they first told me 100 bucks, went in...guy rang it im like WTH guy on phone said 100. This guy said, min 100 or 10% of in store cost.

    This store whome Im not going to mention untill I get my rifle, has lost alot of future bussiness..Im active Military, my whole unit is getting the word not to go that scummy of me? I dont think so...dont try to sell something with a 50%+ markup maybe youde get more sales. I know a big dealer(now I say big, big as in big for here) your not paying anything over 1000 bucks for this gun...they are ordering in bulk, not onesies and twosies...if Joe Blow can get the gun for 800-1000...whats a dealer getting it for? My brother just paid 699 for one in Idaho, yes on sale...but thats less than half the price being asked here.

    Best lessons are learned, not taught =)
  • BaseJumperBaseJumper Member Posts: 5,570
    edited November -1

    Not that hard to do the paperwork. Even at $15 bucks that still equates to about $90 per hour (considering it takes about 10 minutes to yellow sheet the weapon). Paperwork and background check may be more time consuming in other states I guess, but here if you have a current CCW permit no check is required.

    You need to look for another FFL.
  • Jacob2008Jacob2008 Member Posts: 19,528 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Shop charges 15 or 25.. I dont recall.
  • ruger41ruger41 Member Posts: 14,665 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The guy I use says $25 but I have not won any gun auctions yet to see. My dealers prices are generally better than what I would get on GB for a new gun so I just buy new stuff from him and will mainly use GB for old guns. The regular gun shows I've gone to lately had better deals than GB[;)]
  • Joe DreesJoe Drees Member Posts: 2,953 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    $45.00. Cost $20.00 two years ago which is why I'm getting my C&R again.
  • quickmajikquickmajik Member Posts: 15,576 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by nunn
    $15 first time. $10 for repeat customers. I have a few repeat customers.

    I bet you do,[^] thats a really good rate.
  • mrseatlemrseatle Member Posts: 15,467 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    FFL fees? I buy all my guns from individuals[8D]

    FFL's are agents of the RTKBA offending BATF
  • topdadtopdad Member Posts: 3,408 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Between the transfer fee, and the shipping cost
    you have to pay atention to just how good a deal
    realy is.I've seen a lot of them go for the same
    price or more than you could get it for localy
    before you even factor in the transfer, and shipping.
  • txlawdogtxlawdog Member Posts: 10,039 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I have paid $15-$25 bucks. Brother is an FFL out of town and he does it for free...

    That is way expensive in Hawaii, thats pretty sad I think, they are robbing you! I would shop around, I hope you can find someone cheaper.
  • SuspensionSuspension Member Posts: 4,783
    edited November -1
    My dealer charges me $2 and whatever else I want to stick into his daughters college fund, every two dollars he makes off a transfer goes into her college fund and has since I remember her being in the shop in a stroller. I hope she goes to Harvard.
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