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My dog is a killer

utbrowningmanutbrowningman Member Posts: 2,749 ✭✭✭
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
When I go to my inlaws for dinner (most sundays) I bring the dog (manchester terrier) so she can run the farm with their black lab. She loves the farm and there is so much to do and smell. As soon as we park, the lab is waiting right there for my dog to jump out of the van so they can run around. Well, most farms have cats. My dog had a cat on her back within a minute and by the time I got there, she had the cat's belly opened up and looked like the liver was coming out. I got my dog out of there and tied her up. Grabbed my 9mm which I was planning on shooting anyway and went looking for the cat. I'm not a cat lover by any means but did not want to see the cat suffer. Figured I take the cat down to the old dump and bring it to an end. Could not find the cat. Must have crawled under the old '56 Chevy and buried itself in the leaves. Either that or it made its way into the old one room house where most of them live. This is the second time my dog has done this to a cat. The first was on the pheasant hunt last year. She's obviously not a bird dog but took her along anyway. Found a cat in the ditch and she did the same thing - going for the belly. Guess she is just using her instincts as a terrier to go for the cats.


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