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Confront and Support...Perhaps some of the folks..

n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
...who get bent out of shape about anything and everything to do with Christianity could at least agree with the following article.?.?

It makes a lot of sense to me...

Confront and Support
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 2 by Os Hillman
Saturday, May 23 2009

"Barnabas wanted to take John, also called Mark, with them, but Paul did not think it wise to take him, because he had deserted them in Pamphylia and had not continued with them in the work. They had such a sharp disagreement that they parted company" (Acts 15:37-39).
Conflict in the workplace, in ministry, or even marriage is inevitable because you are working closely with one another. God has wired each of us with different personalities that can view circumstances differently. One person can see a situation and conclude something totally different from another.

There are times when differences and conflicts just cannot be resolved. It doesn't mean that one person or the other is evil or sinful. It just means that the difference of opinion or the personality clash has no solution.

We see an example of this in the relationship of Paul and Barnabas, two partners in Christian ministry who had a sharp disagreement regarding a young man named John Mark. In Acts 15, we see that Barnabas wanted to take John Mark on a missionary journey. However, Paul refused. John Mark had disappointed him once before and Paul didn't want to give him another chance. In the end, Paul and Barnabas agreed to disagree and to part company. Paul went one way; Barnabas and John Mark went another. Sometimes, that's the only solution to a disagreement.

There's a postscript to this story: In 2 Timothy 4:11, Paul writes from his prison cell in Rome and tells Timothy, "Get Mark and bring him with you, because he is helpful to me in my ministry." Sometime after the disagreement between Paul and Barnabas, John Mark redeemed himself and became a valued partner in Paul's ministry. In fact, as Paul faced execution in Rome, he wanted his friend John Mark at his side.

Whenever there is disagreement, make sure you maintain support of the person at the same time you disagree with their position. Avoid personal attacks and implying motive behind someone else's position. This will allow you to disagree and still maintain a relationship.


  • Queen of SwordsQueen of Swords Member Posts: 14,355
    edited November -1
    Everything is personal if you're a person.

    Your post is like saying "Don't take the personal, but.." and then making a highly personal and judgmental comment.

    Those who live in glass houses should not cast stones...
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by rcrxs old lady
    Everything is personal if you're a person.

    Your post is like saying "Don't take the personal, but.." and then making a highly personal and judgmental comment.

    Those who live in glass houses should not cast stones...

    I don't understand where you are coming from Andrea...or what you mean.[?]

    This article is about agreeing to disagree...the last sentence sums it up very well.

    What are you trying to tell me?
  • retroxler58retroxler58 Member Posts: 32,693 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I'd have to say that this makes perfect sense...
    Why I can totally disagree with my closest friend or my spouse
    and still support their differing position at the same time.
    It's all about trust and respect for another...
    I've found myself at times disagreeing at one moment only to find
    later, that I'm defending their differing position with someone else.
  • Queen of SwordsQueen of Swords Member Posts: 14,355
    edited November -1
    It's a matter of perspective, Eric.

    You and I have a working relationship, via Internet.

    But, be careful of what advice you dispense. There are people out there that can misinterpret, and convolute your original message.
  • k_townmank_townman Member Posts: 3,588
    edited November -1
    This story is not going to make the BELIEVERS accept the NON-BELIEVERSas equals. It has been my experience that as soon as one grasps christianity, they start to attain that Holier than thou attitude. They look down their noses at the rest of the world.
  • Queen of SwordsQueen of Swords Member Posts: 14,355
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by k_townman
    This story is not going to make the BELIEVERS accept the NON-BELIEVERSas equals. It has been my experience that as soon as one grasps christianity, they start to attain that Holier than thou attitude. They look down their noses at the rest of the world.

  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by rcrxs old lady
    It's a matter of perspective, Eric.

    You and I have a working relationship, via Internet.

    But, be careful of what advice you dispense. There are people out there that can misinterpret, and convolute your original message.

    Understood...and it seems to happen all the time.

    You are referring to here on GB aren't you.?.?...or are you talking about something larger?
  • burdz19burdz19 Member Posts: 4,145
    edited November -1
    There are times when differences and conflicts just cannot be resolved. It doesn't mean that one person or the other is evil or sinful. It just means that the difference of opinion or the personality clash has no solution.


  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by k_townman
    This story is not going to make the BELIEVERS accept the NON-BELIEVERSas equals. It has been my experience that as soon as one grasps christianity, they start to attain that Holier than thou attitude. They look down their noses at the rest of the world.

    Again...I think you should make an effort to experience true Christianity...and not Mormonism. I don't know of any true Christians that have that type of an attitude.

    Now...if you are misconstruing the fact that we claim to know of our, and your eternal destiny as being "holier than though", than I cannot help you...this has nothing to do with being holier than's just relating the facts as we know them.

    I apologize for any miscommunication on my part...I'm not the best person at getting words across as they were intended.
  • Queen of SwordsQueen of Swords Member Posts: 14,355
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by ECC
    quote:Originally posted by rcrxs old lady
    It's a matter of perspective, Eric.

    You and I have a working relationship, via Internet.

    But, be careful of what advice you dispense. There are people out there that can misinterpret, and convolute your original message.

    Understood...and it seems to happen all the time.

    You are referring to here on GB aren't you.?.?...or are you talking about something larger?

    Either or.

    Just be careful.
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