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Republicans still don't 'get it'

minitruck83minitruck83 Member Posts: 5,369
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
Picked this up off the link on footlongs post about O and the tomb of the unknown soldier.

More appeasement.

Wanted to add that in retrospect I agree with the comments about needing two party's, as what we now have is one party with two names,and a single agenda.



  • dreherdreher Member Posts: 8,862 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Why don't the Republicans understand that if they aren't Conservative that they are just Democratic lite. If I'm interested in demo lite, I may as well vote for the Dems. Why would I be interested in demo lite when I can vote for the real thing?
  • FatstratFatstrat Member Posts: 9,147
    edited November -1
    Isn't it interesting that the Media is bringing Colen Powell back as the voice of Republicans.
    This man is the epitomy of a RINO and has absolutely 0 credibility as a conservative. He's admitted to voting against his party in several POTUS elections.
  • War Pig ActualWar Pig Actual Member Posts: 2,063 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The repubs are going to implode. They have strayed so far to the right in a center-right country that they will soon be a regional party. If they were wise they would heed Gen. Powell's words. Hopefully this will allow the Libertarians to gain ground nationally.
  • Don McManusDon McManus Member Posts: 23,633 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by War Pig Actual
    The repubs are going to implode. They have strayed so far to the right in a center-right country that they will soon be a regional party. If they were wise they would heed Gen. Powell's words. Hopefully this will allow the Libertarians to gain ground nationally.
    The last administration governed to the left of Jimmy Carter. Don't quite see how that can be construed as 'straying so far to the right'.
    Freedom and a submissive populace cannot co-exist.

    Brad Steele
  • GuvamintCheeseGuvamintCheese Member Posts: 38,932
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by War Pig Actual
    The repubs are going to implode. They have strayed so far to the right in a center-right country that they will soon be a regional party. If they were wise they would heed Gen. Powell's words. Hopefully this will allow the Libertarians to gain ground nationally.
    BS. aint happnin.
  • War Pig ActualWar Pig Actual Member Posts: 2,063 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    If Cheney and Rush are the voice of the repubs, then it has already begun. Rush has 20 million listeners outta 350 million Americans. Typically the popular vote is around 100-125 million voters. If all 20m voted for him and/or Cheney they would lose by 80-90 million votes as they are polarizing extreme right-wing blow hards. Cheney is the least popular politician that has ever existed in the last 60 years. If you want the American people to listen to you, these are not the guys to do it. Powell would have beat anyone in 2000, 2004, and 2008.
  • War Pig ActualWar Pig Actual Member Posts: 2,063 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Originally posted by War Pig Actual

    The repubs are going to implode. They have strayed so far to the right in a center-right country that they will soon be a regional party. If they were wise they would heed Gen. Powell's words. Hopefully this will allow the Libertarians to gain ground nationally.

    The last administration governed to the left of Jimmy Carter. Don't quite see how that can be construed as 'straying so far to the right'

    Don, when you say "last administration" are you talking about Bush?
  • FatstratFatstrat Member Posts: 9,147
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by War Pig Actual
    If Cheney and Rush are the voice of the repubs, then it has already begun. Rush has 20 million listeners outta 350 million Americans. Typically the popular vote is around 100-125 million voters. If all 20m voted for him and/or Cheney they would lose by 80-90 million votes as they are polarizing extreme right-wing blow hards. Cheney is the least popular politician that has ever existed in the last 60 years. If you want the American people to listen to you, these are not the guys to do it. Powell would have beat anyone in 2000, 2004, and 2008.

    But he wouldn't now that he has revealed his true blue colors.
  • Spider7115Spider7115 Member Posts: 29,702 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    True conservatives should send postcards with this pic to the Republican Party. [:(!]

  • War Pig ActualWar Pig Actual Member Posts: 2,063 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Posted - 05/26/2009 : 5:07:56 PM

    Originally posted by War Pig Actual

    If Cheney and Rush are the voice of the repubs, then it has already begun. Rush has 20 million listeners outta 350 million Americans. Typically the popular vote is around 100-125 million voters. If all 20m voted for him and/or Cheney they would lose by 80-90 million votes as they are polarizing extreme right-wing blow hards. Cheney is the least popular politician that has ever existed in the last 60 years. If you want the American people to listen to you, these are not the guys to do it. Powell would have beat anyone in 2000, 2004, and 2008.

    But he wouldn't now that he has revealed his true blue colors.

    Here's the thing about Powell I respect. He doesn't pander to the so-called "base". He has an opinion and states it clearly and you like it or you don't. He has served this country more honorably than either one of those dudes (and I won't go there). If you vote, live, work, breathe party over country then there's no way you can call yourself an American. You should call yourself a repub, dem, libertarian, etc. etc. These Karl Rove you're either with us or against us tactics have run their course. No one is buying that crap or else McCain would have won. Since only about 30 percent of Americans say they are dem and 25 percent say repub. You do the math.
  • trapguy2007trapguy2007 Member Posts: 8,959
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Fatstrat
    quote:Originally posted by War Pig Actual
    If Cheney and Rush are the voice of the repubs, then it has already begun. Rush has 20 million listeners outta 350 million Americans. Typically the popular vote is around 100-125 million voters. If all 20m voted for him and/or Cheney they would lose by 80-90 million votes as they are polarizing extreme right-wing blow hards. Cheney is the least popular politician that has ever existed in the last 60 years. If you want the American people to listen to you, these are not the guys to do it. Powell would have beat anyone in 2000, 2004, and 2008.

    But he wouldn't now that he has revealed his true blue colors.

    Doubt he would have then .
    Quite a few of us were listening to him back then .[}:)]
  • War Pig ActualWar Pig Actual Member Posts: 2,063 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    How do you guys feel now that you are a minority?
  • RtWngExtrmstRtWngExtrmst Member Posts: 7,456
    edited November -1
    War Pig:

    If you're not in a minority then you must be backing the man following in the foot steps of Hitler but a guy without Hitler's balls.
  • Don McManusDon McManus Member Posts: 23,633 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by War Pig Actual
    Originally posted by War Pig Actual

    The repubs are going to implode. They have strayed so far to the right in a center-right country that they will soon be a regional party. If they were wise they would heed Gen. Powell's words. Hopefully this will allow the Libertarians to gain ground nationally.

    The last administration governed to the left of Jimmy Carter. Don't quite see how that can be construed as 'straying so far to the right'

    Don, when you say "last administration" are you talking about Bush?

    Yes. Prescription drugs, education, any number of domestic spending bills, and the well-documented growth of government. GWB and the GOP Congress caved on virtually any Conservative vs. Liberal issue of substance in the spirit of bipartisianship. It came back and bit the GOP square on the *. It is also worth noting that the GOP leadership supported amnesty until it became apparent that it would the yet another nail in their electoral coffin.

    The only chance the GOP has is to become advocates of limited Constitutional Governance, complete with the dismantling of much of what has been created from whole cloth over the past 60 years.
    Freedom and a submissive populace cannot co-exist.

    Brad Steele
  • War Pig ActualWar Pig Actual Member Posts: 2,063 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Originally posted by War Pig Actual

    Originally posted by War Pig Actual

    The repubs are going to implode. They have strayed so far to the right in a center-right country that they will soon be a regional party. If they were wise they would heed Gen. Powell's words. Hopefully this will allow the Libertarians to gain ground nationally.

    The last administration governed to the left of Jimmy Carter. Don't quite see how that can be construed as 'straying so far to the right'

    Don, when you say "last administration" are you talking about Bush?

    Yes. Prescription drugs, education, any number of domestic spending bills, and the well-documented growth of government. GWB and the GOP Congress caved on virtually any Conservative vs. Liberal issue of substance in the spirit of bipartisianship. It came back and bit the GOP square on the *. It is also worth noting that the GOP leadership supported amnesty until it became apparent that it would the yet another nail in their electoral coffin.

    The only chance the GOP has is to become advocates of limited Constitutional Governance, complete with the dismantling of much of what has been created from whole cloth over the past 60 years.

    I think GWB and GOP caved to any business group that came along and made their case for legistlation followed by a large check made out "RNC". But with power comes corruption no matter what letter follow your title. There is no difference when it truly comes down to it. Politicians will only talk about what was on the news the previous day and as soon as that story goes away you don't hear about it anymore. But that is America, example... when's the last time you heard about anymore teabag protests?
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    Oh they get it, quite clearly.

    We simply have two wings of the same Globalist-Collectivist party. A Democrat left wing and a Republican center/right wing.

    The question is, do we ever wake up to this simple truth?

    I expect not.
  • rhythm_guyrhythm_guy Member Posts: 1,512 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by lt496
    We simply have two wings of the same Globalist-Collectivist party. A Democrat left wing and a Republican center/right wing.

    More like a Dem far left wing and a Repub left wing.
  • PanzerSlayer2PanzerSlayer2 Member Posts: 1,798 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I actually put more blame on Powell about the current state of affairs than most. It was Powell who suggested to Bush 1 we stop bombing Iraq in ODS after 100 hours instead of finishing the job. This left Clinton to twist aimlessly in the wind and Bush 2 to clean up the mess.
  • ElMuertoMonkeyElMuertoMonkey Member Posts: 12,898
    edited November -1
    Conservatives are pansies.

    They talk big, complain even louder, yet come every election, they crumple like tin foil and vote for "the lesser of two evils", which means they still vote for evil and the one that doesn't have the balls to be completely evil, to boot!

    So don't go blaming the GOP for its lack of scruples, morals, and conviction - they take their cues from the conservatives in this nation who wouldn't show an ounce of spine if they got a full body X-ray.
  • FatstratFatstrat Member Posts: 9,147
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by War Pig Actual
    quote:Posted - 05/26/2009 : 5:07:56 PM

    Originally posted by War Pig Actual

    If Cheney and Rush are the voice of the repubs, then it has already begun. Rush has 20 million listeners outta 350 million Americans. Typically the popular vote is around 100-125 million voters. If all 20m voted for him and/or Cheney they would lose by 80-90 million votes as they are polarizing extreme right-wing blow hards. Cheney is the least popular politician that has ever existed in the last 60 years. If you want the American people to listen to you, these are not the guys to do it. Powell would have beat anyone in 2000, 2004, and 2008.

    But he wouldn't now that he has revealed his true blue colors.

    Here's the thing about Powell I respect. He doesn't pander to the so-called "base". He has an opinion and states it clearly and you like it or you don't. He has served this country more honorably than either one of those dudes (and I won't go there). If you vote, live, work, breathe party over country then there's no way you can call yourself an American. You should call yourself a repub, dem, libertarian, etc. etc. These Karl Rove you're either with us or against us tactics have run their course. No one is buying that crap or else McCain would have won. Since only about 30 percent of Americans say they are dem and 25 percent say repub. You do the math.

    IMO the problem w/Powell is that we don't find out where he stands until we find out he is siding w/the Libs. He's never come out and stated his positions down the line. Nor has he been asked by the Liberal media. Time and time again we have had Powell run out by the media to do a hatchet job on the GOP. It's become obvious that he's either now become, or has always been a Lib.
  • Horse Plains DrifterHorse Plains Drifter Forums Admins, Member, Moderator Posts: 39,858 ***** Forums Admin
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by ElMuertoMonkey
    Conservatives are pansies.

    They talk big, complain even louder, yet come every election, they crumple like tin foil and vote for "the lesser of two evils", which means they still vote for evil and the one that doesn't have the balls to be completely evil, to boot!

    So don't go blaming the GOP for its lack of scruples, morals, and conviction - they take their cues from the conservatives in this nation who wouldn't show an ounce of spine if they got a full body X-ray.

    X-ring, Monkey!!!!!!!

    I wouldn't vote for Powell for president anymore than I voted for McShame.[xx(]
  • RtWngExtrmstRtWngExtrmst Member Posts: 7,456
    edited November -1
    Powell is a lib and always has been. The only reason he pretends to be a Republican is because no one would have ever heard of him if not for his promotions by Reagan, Bush Sr., and GW.

    Politically, Powell will go nowhere untill another Repunlican president comes along and gives him a little affirmitive action.
  • MossbergboogieMossbergboogie Member Posts: 12,211
    edited November -1
    I must admit I was going to vote Mccain last time, but I did more digging and ended up becoming a libertarian. I am 23 years old and I do not find the republican party attractive,, here in lies your problem. Much of the youth can not get behind the GOP. I would say I am way different from the majority of my peers. As not many have copies of Common Sense Or The Federalist Papers sitting on their desks. I do wish to read the anit-federalist papers as well.
  • jonkjonk Member Posts: 10,121
    edited November -1
    I have a copy of the Federalist papers, the anti-Federalist papers, Common Sense, deToqueville's Democracy in America, and J.S. Mill's On Liberty on my bookshelf, along with a pocket copy of the Constitution.

    I agree most people from BOTH parties don't 'get it' with regards to these readings and the precepts contained within, on which we were founded.

    I don't agree with Limbaugh on everything but I think he nailed this one: the Republicans lost and will continue to lose until they offer a true conservative candidate. We don't need to offer 'moderates' and 'progressives'- as has been said, that's DemocratLite- and if that's what you want, you vote for the real thing, a Democrat.

    We need someone who can clearly articulate conservative principles and why they are better than liberal ones. Newt Gingrich does this well but he has his own baggage. He might be a good campaign advisor for someone though.

    You do that, your candidate will win.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by chrishiher
    I must admit I was going to vote Mccain last time, but I did more digging and ended up becoming a libertarian. I am 23 years old and I do not find the republican party attractive,, here in lies your problem. Much of the youth can not get behind the GOP. I would say I am way different from the majority of my peers. As not many have copies of Common Sense Or The Federalist Papers sitting on their desks. I do wish to read the anit-federalist papers as well.
    Ask and you shall receive.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by ElMuertoMonkey
    Conservatives are pansies.

    They talk big, complain even louder, yet come every election, they crumple like tin foil and vote for "the lesser of two evils", which means they still vote for evil and the one that doesn't have the balls to be completely evil, to boot!

    So don't go blaming the GOP for its lack of scruples, morals, and conviction - they take their cues from the conservatives in this nation who wouldn't show an ounce of spine if they got a full body X-ray.


    This is due not only to the "pansie effect", but also to the fact that they either have no real convictions, principles and a foundation in liberty, or that they abjectly fail to understand what this Republic is supposed to be.

    Either way, it is pathetic and it makes me sick.
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