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Having a great time so far.. few pics..

LesWVaLesWVa Member Posts: 10,490 ✭✭
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
Had to come to town and grab a few supplies (fuel and atv engine oil mainly) and drop off the ole lady and kids. Will be heading back into the woods shortly. Had a great weekend so far and all are having a great time..

Well except this guy laying on the ground behind the 4 wheeler, who thought he was tougher than a Beech tree. We came upon him over a steep bank rolling around in a creek where he crashed. He ran off of the road, over the bank and smacked a tree with his head. The bone above his right eye socket was broken and sticking through the skin. We administered some first aide and talked him into letting us get an ambulance to take him to the hospital. We did not know the guy. The Deputy that showed up said that he was from the Logan area according to his DL's. Called and got a hold of someone whoms number he gave us and they were going to meet him at the hospital. The guy had to be flying low for the entire right side of his 4 wheeler was totaled. Sorry but I was not about to take a photo of the guy nor his head for he was in bad shape.


Some of the crew as we took a break.


Friend and his kid who came down from Warren Oh.. Yea he is packing. We can do that here.


His guy came down from Mill Creek PA with his family. He had no mercy at all for his ride all weekend.


A friend from Lynchburg Va trying out one of the holes in his Jeep.


My girl friend came along and had a blast getting dirty and picking on everyone. She did not want to come home. Her favorite part was the ice cream and all of the people and eating pig for dinner, so she says.


That's it for now. Got to grab a couple 55 gallon drums of fuel and a case of oil and head back into the thick of it.


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