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BO declares war on Gun Owners w/SC pick

RamtinxxlRamtinxxl Member Posts: 9,480
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
Obama Declares War on America's Gun Owners With Supreme Court Pick

By Ken Blackwell
Senior Fellow, American Civil Rights Union/Family Research Council

President Obama's nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor is a declaration of war against America's gun owners and the Second Amendment to our Constitution. If gun owners mobilize and unite, it's possible (though unlikely) to stop this radical nominee.

Last year the Supreme Court handed down the landmark decision in D.C. v. Heller, holding that the Second Amendment right to bear arms applies to individual citizens in their private lives. The ruling marked a turning point in gun rights in this country.

In the past year, the biggest question courts now face is whether the Second Amendment applies to the states. That may sound crazy, but the reality is that the Bill of Rights only controls the federal government, it doesn't apply directly to states or cities. Only the parts of the Bill of Rights that are "incorporated" through the Fourteenth Amendment apply to the states.

Since the Heller decision, only two federal appeals courts have written on the Second Amendment. That's six judges out of about 170. Of those six, three said the Second Amendment does apply to the states. And those judges were out of the liberal Ninth Circuit in California, and included a judge appointed by Bill Clinton and another appointed by Jimmy Carter. - Even leftist judges can get this.

But not Judge Sonia Sotomayor. She is one of only three federal appellate judges in America to issue a court opinion saying that the Second Amendment does not apply to states. The case was Maloney v. Cuomo, and it came down this past January.

That means if Chicago, or even the state of Illinois or New York, wants to ban you from owning any guns at all, even in your own house, that's okay with her. According to Judge Sotomayor, if your state or city bans all guns the way Washington, D.C. did, that's okay under the Constitution.

This issue could not be more important. Today, on the very day President Obama has announced Judge Sotomayor's nomination, the National Rifle Association is arguing Second Amendment incorporation in court before the Seventh Circuit in a case challenging the Chicago ban on handguns.

If this case, or one like it, goes to the Supreme Court, Justice Sotomayor would say that Chicago can ban all your guns. If she can persuade her liberal colleagues on the Court to join her, it could become the law of the land that states and cities can ban guns. Should that happen, then you can expect anti-gun liberals in state legislatures to rush to pass new state laws doing exactly that.

The White House is telling us all about Judge Sotomayor's compelling personal story - and it is an amazing story of what is possible "only in America." But compelling personal stories are not the question. Miguel Estrada, whom President George W. Bush nominated to the D.C. Circuit appeals court and was planning on nominating to the Supreme Court, had a compelling story as a Hispanic immigrant who legally came to this country not even speaking English. Democrats filibustered Mr. Estrada.

Supporters point out that Judge Sotomayor was first appointed by George H.W. Bush for the federal trial court - before Bill Clinton elevated her to the Second Circuit appeals court. That's true, but George H.W. Bush also gave us Justice David Souter, so clearly he wasn't too careful about putting liberals on the federal bench. We can't allow the left to hide behind the Bushes.

But when it comes to gun rights, we don't need to guess. Judge Sotomayor has put in writing what she thinks. President Obama has nominated a radically anti-Second Amendment judge to be our newest Supreme Court justice.

There are a number of pro-Second Amendment Democratic senators from deeply red states, including Mark Begich from Alaska, Jon tester and Max Baucus from Montana, Ben Nelson from Nebraska, Byron Dorgan and Kent Conrad from North Dakota, and Tim Johnson from South Dakota.

These senators will jeopardize their seats if they vote to support an anti-gun radical for the Supreme Court. Second Amendment supporters will now be up in arms over this radical anti-Second Amendment nominee, and you should never underestimate the political power of American gun owners.

So, will this be a one-sided war?


  • Queen of SwordsQueen of Swords Member Posts: 14,355
    edited November -1
    Dang, but she saved the 2005 MLB season....[xx(]
  • gunnut505gunnut505 Member Posts: 10,290
    edited November -1
  • wsfiredudewsfiredude Member Posts: 7,769 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Ramtinxxl

    President Obama's nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor is a declaration of war against America's gun owners and the Second Amendment to our Constitution. If gun owners mobilize and unite, it's possible (though unlikely) to stop this radical nominee.

    Last year the Supreme Court handed down the landmark decision in D.C. v. Heller, holding that the Second Amendment right to bear arms applies to individual citizens in their private lives. The ruling marked a turning point in gun rights in this country.

    No, it didn't.

    The ruling served as an affirmation that Samuel still believes he has the authority to make a privilege out of what once was a right. It was no victory.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by wsfiredude
    quote:Originally posted by Ramtinxxl

    President Obama's nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor is a declaration of war against America's gun owners and the Second Amendment to our Constitution. If gun owners mobilize and unite, it's possible (though unlikely) to stop this radical nominee.

    Last year the Supreme Court handed down the landmark decision in D.C. v. Heller, holding that the Second Amendment right to bear arms applies to individual citizens in their private lives. The ruling marked a turning point in gun rights in this country.

    No, it didn't.

    The ruling served as an affirmation that Samuel still believes he has the authority to make a privilege out of what once was a right. It was no victory.
    I'll take your excellent point to the next level Shane.

    The SCROTUS flatly ruled that Samuel DOES have the authority to administer Amendment II as a mere privilege, rather than as a fundamental natural-right. This, despite the unambiguous language and crystal clear intent of Amendment II......"Shall Not Be Infringed".

    It was a massive defeat, which as you and I both know, fooled most of our esteemed gun-owning, "sharp as a tack" citizenry.

    Go figure....
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by rcrxs old lady
    Dang, but she saved the 2005 MLB season....[xx(]

    damn, that makes her eminently qualified to be a SCOTUS Justice![V]
  • wsfiredudewsfiredude Member Posts: 7,769 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by lt496
    quote:Originally posted by wsfiredude
    quote:Originally posted by Ramtinxxl

    President Obama's nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor is a declaration of war against America's gun owners and the Second Amendment to our Constitution. If gun owners mobilize and unite, it's possible (though unlikely) to stop this radical nominee.

    Last year the Supreme Court handed down the landmark decision in D.C. v. Heller, holding that the Second Amendment right to bear arms applies to individual citizens in their private lives. The ruling marked a turning point in gun rights in this country.

    No, it didn't.

    The ruling served as an affirmation that Samuel still believes he has the authority to make a privilege out of what once was a right. It was no victory.
    I'll take your excellent point to the next level Shane.

    The SCROTUS flatly ruled that Samuel DOES have the authority to administer Amendment II as a mere privilege, rather than as a fundamental natural-right. This, despite the unambiguous language and crystal clear intent of Amendment II......"Shall Not Be Infringed".

    It was a massive defeat, which as you and I both know, fooled most of our esteemed gun-owning, "sharp as a tack" citizenry.

    Go figure....

    Agree 100%.

    To government, the RTKBA is just like a tampon;

    It has strings attached.
  • lindalecowboylindalecowboy Member Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Just when you think this wild man can't do anything more crazy........boom, he outdoes even his own wickedness...... OMG, is there no end to the destruction in this man's path???? She ADMITS to legislating from the bench. She freely admits she rules on her EMOTIONS, screw the constitution, it's all about how I FEEL today.

    I just hope one of those nutless repubs left on Capitol Hill has the nads to ask her about that New Jersey Fire fighter case she ruled on. IF that had happened to a black or any other MINORITY, there would have been absolute anarchy in the media.

    We're doomed my friends, there has never been a day that was darker (no pun intended) in our nations history than we are living in now. It only gets worse from here. Just think we got almost 4 full years left of this crap.
  • nemesisenforcernemesisenforcer Member Posts: 10,513 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Write your Senators. I'm going to.

    Numerous times.
  • CaptplaidCaptplaid Member Posts: 20,297 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I really have a problem with a Supreme Court Justice that says the Bill of Rights only guarantees the federal government won't take away the rights but a lower government still can.

    She's basically wiping her * with the Constitution of the United States.

  • CaptplaidCaptplaid Member Posts: 20,297 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    This "judge" has been overruled by the Supreme Court 4 times!!!


    I do hope she explains her errors in judgement to the Senate.

    I mean really, if she screwed the pouch four times, she has some explaining to do. We need to hear how she matured from these corrections by the Supreme Court.

    Let the Blood Games begin.
  • CaptplaidCaptplaid Member Posts: 20,297 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    And what is a Latina....a lesbian mexican?
  • slipgateslipgate Member Posts: 12,741
    edited November -1
    She is a complete idiot that will simple go along with the other Liberals on the court. I doubt she has ever had an original thought in her life. She is a great example of the Peter Principle and Affirmative action.

    It's funny but the original Conservative/Republican mantra was to get the dumbest people possible to run the government because we wanted as little government medling as possible. The Liberals/Democrats, on the other hand, wanted the smartest people possible since they want government to run our lives. So for all of you that think compromise is the answer, now you have it. The dumbest people on the planet running your life.
  • CaptplaidCaptplaid Member Posts: 20,297 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Harriet Meier was more qualified.
  • eastbankeastbank Member Posts: 4,052 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    maybe they will find a pubic hair on her soda can. eastbank.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    The repubs will be perfect globalist-collectivist troopers and other than a bit of public criticism to keep the "party-faithful" believing in them, they will largely support and confirm her as a SCROTUS Justice.

    A few, mostly those who are up for reelection, or in a "difficult" state, will become the face and voice of the opposition to her. The "party", will quietly shepherd her through to the SCROTUS Bench.

    One would think that this stuff would be obvious, by now.
  • scottm21166scottm21166 Member Posts: 20,723
    edited November -1
    When Obama said he wanted a justice who was sympathetic to real life issues, I knew he would pick someone who would favor free choice and gun control as a way to reduce the problems of unwanted pregnancy, and gun violence.
    She, being an intercity raised daughter of immigrants, probably witnessed all the worst of that demographic and blames guns as the cause for all the death and violence in those crime and gang invested areas.
    That is the bad thing about urban centers choosing all the elected representatives and justices. They really do have a different view of the world. All of us who live in small town America know that those problems rarely touch us and so the anti-gun legislation is overbearing and intrusive to our way and experience of life.
    Also, the problems of gang violence, drug dealers and armed robbers are the exact reason why there should be no restriction to the 2A. Law-abiding citizens in bigger cities absolutely need to arm themselves for protection especially since there are not enough Police to protect them.
  • CaptplaidCaptplaid Member Posts: 20,297 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    There is so much there on this choice of a justice, but I expect the wet noddle Republicans to influence the party and nothing is said about here.

    My gosh! She made the wrong decision 4 times. That is unprecedented.
  • nemesisenforcernemesisenforcer Member Posts: 10,513 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    here's the message I just sent my senators:


    I am writing to you today to express my outrage and opposition over President Obama's nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor.

    Beyond the fact that she is blatantly unqualified for such a vaunted position of responsibility and power, her judicial philosophy, if it could be called that, is abominable at best and psychotic at worst.

    She was clearly picked to fulfill the President's minority/woman quota requirement rather than for any real qualifications. Her background, as impressive and sympathetic as it is, does not qualify her or anyone like her for the Supreme Court.

    Most troublesome is her view on the Second Amendment and on the rights of American gun owners. Her positions could not be more clear: banning all guns of whatever type and for whatever reason, if perfectly acceptable to her and would not run afoul of her (ridiculous and unbelievable) "interpretation" of the Second Amendment.

    She must not be allowed to pass Senate confirmation. Vote against her, filibuster her, urge the president to withdraw her nomination, urge her to withdraw her name, whatever must be done, it must be done. She must not be allowed to get her hands on the levers of power any more than she already does. Her extreme Leftist philosophy would only serve to further undermine the protections of the Constitution on virtually any issues to come before the Court. This is a risk America can ill afford.

    As my Senator, I expect you will take my concerns most seriously on this issue.

  • Marc1301Marc1301 Member Posts: 31,895 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I will write mine also, but I may as well pizz into a nice strong wind when it comes to Senators here.

    Martinez (R) is a RINO of the highest degree, and Nelson (D) is most likely about to blow one thinking about doing more of his messiahs bidding.[xx(]
    "Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here." - William Shatner
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