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Cell Phones

CaptplaidCaptplaid Member Posts: 20,297 ✭✭✭
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
It's just a matter of time before all vehicles come with an "Onstar" type of system pre-installed (that you can't deactivate) that tracks all activity, including location, speeds, etc. While it's great technology for stopping stolen vehicles or child abductions, for now, as the cost comes down it will be everywhere and impossible to evade. And I see it becoming mandatory for new vehicles at some point. Give up freedom for "security". I think someone early in the history of our country had something to say on that subject.


  • CaptplaidCaptplaid Member Posts: 20,297 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    JUST A QUICK REMINDER...... In a few weeks, cell phone numbers are being released to telemarketing companies and you may start to receive sales calls on your cell phone. Depending on your type of service you may be charged for these calls.

    To avoid that you can call this number from your cell phone 888-382-1222. It is the national DO NOT CALL list. It only takes a minute of your time. It blocks your number for 5 years. Please pass this on to anyone you know who you feel doesn't want to be hassled.[:)]

    When a worm wants to relax,does he go fishing?  "And remember a wet dog doesn't fly at night"  "My memory's not as sharp as it used to be. Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be."   ATF,Eagle Guns
  • CaptplaidCaptplaid Member Posts: 20,297 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Toolbabe thinks I should get a cell phone. I have never felt the need to have one. However with trying to get the home inspection business going and the sub contracting for Archadeck looking so promising it might not be a bad idea.
    What companys do you guys who have them use? And why?

    General TOOLS RRG

    Don't go blaming the beer. Hank Hill

    So much Ice, So much Beer. So little time. Shooter4

    I don't have an anger problem. I have an idiot problem. Hank Hill

    When I was a child, I thought as a child. But now that I am grown, I just wish I could act like a child and get away with it.
  • CaptplaidCaptplaid Member Posts: 20,297 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    i read that they could be remotely turned on to transmit sound or pics without action by owner ????...if this is true then could one of these gizmos you can buy to sweep for hidden transmitters be used to tell when this was happening????? i know of a person here years ago modified a scanner so he could listen in to phone calls...inquiring minds of the electronically challenged want to know
  • CaptplaidCaptplaid Member Posts: 20,297 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    What is your opinion or views of the mostly women you see pulling into gas stations or turning corners in a crowded city with a cell phone stuck in their ear?


  • CaptplaidCaptplaid Member Posts: 20,297 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Just heard there is an anual increase of 10% of people using Cell Phones.. Just what we need another 250,000 Idiots running up and down the road with a cell phone glued to their ear.

    No matter where you go, some body has a darn cell phone ringing and disturbing the people around em. are they darn important that they cant wait 10 minutes, to go where I dont have to listen to their conversations..Yea I know, I could leave, but why should I, its not my telephone call..

    "It is hard to soar with Eagles when your surrounded by Turkeys"

    "I dont care how thin you make a pancake, it still has two sides"

    "A wise man is a man that realizes just how little he knows.
  • CaptplaidCaptplaid Member Posts: 20,297 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I heard there was something a person can put on thier cell phones to get extra signal. It doesn't have to be attached or plugged in, I guess it can be held on to the back of the phone with a rubber band. Has anyone ever heard of this? If so what are they and where can you find them?
  • CaptplaidCaptplaid Member Posts: 20,297 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Arw our kids becoming so gadget dependent they cannot entertain themselves withou them?

    How did us old farts survive when all they had was dial phones>

    Old Fart
  • CaptplaidCaptplaid Member Posts: 20,297 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    My wife and I have been having a debate on how long to keep a cell phone on charge.

    Her point: Keep it on charge until the 'green" light or full light comes on, anything longer will be hard on the battery's.

    My point: Doesn't make any difference on how long it's on the charger, the damage occurs when the batteries are allowed to discharge almost completely.

    Dinner on the looser is the result (although according to her rules, I will end up paying for dinner irregardless[:p])
  • CaptplaidCaptplaid Member Posts: 20,297 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    What kind of cell phone do you have and do you like it?

    I just went to a Motorola Q last week and I love it. Excellent reception and good sound. I cracks e up they talk about all the things a cell phone can do know but they fail to answer the question "HOW IS THE RECEPTION?" The primary reason for a cell phone is to make phone calls. DUH!

    I tried out some LG touch screen for a day. My wife still has hers but I hated it.
    1. the reception was worse than the Motorola Razor.I ain't going to upgrade to a phone with worse reception.
    2. I listen with my left ear. This phone was made for right handed people. I kept unlocking it and hanging up on people with my cheek on the touch screen.
    3. The touch screen sucked. I later found the problem to be my phone. Her's was OK. I would aim for the 5 and hit the 8 below it.


    The Motorola also came with an extra large battery. SWEET!

  • CaptplaidCaptplaid Member Posts: 20,297 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I currently have a Razr,and would like to know of a better phone,for range.and simple use!
  • CaptplaidCaptplaid Member Posts: 20,297 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Out of the Bazillion Cell phones, Do any of you know of a cell phone
    With a built in GPS system? If not, lets make one!


    NRA Life Endowment Member
  • CaptplaidCaptplaid Member Posts: 20,297 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    How do you justify paying the high rates to have one. Been looking to get a Smart phone. Be nice to use some of the features as in traveling.

    But paying for voice and data connection is just to expensive. Cheapest I can come up with is right at $80.

    But then I still have my Home phone to pay for since that is bundled with my Internet for home. That comes to right at $80. My Problem is if I cut the Home and go completely with cell I do not know if I can get cell service at my place.

    I just tried an AT&T one that they claimed I could get service But I had to stand in the front yard with the phone held above my head to get service. But by the time I could dial it was gone.

    The only other one that my get service is Verizon.

    I do have t-mobile a Pay as you go but it does not get service at home. Its just for emergencies while on the road so far Its gotten service everywhere but right at home. That costs me if I don't use it around $25 per year.
  • Tile KingTile King Member Posts: 316 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    i have a samsung blackjack II. at&t. i like it, no problems. i get good reception and the internet is fairly quick. i had a touch screen one before this. i didnt like it. i would hit other things too and it seemed to "think" a lot.
  • slipgateslipgate Member Posts: 12,741
    edited November -1
    I have the Samsung Beat/TMobile. It fits in the watch pocket of my jeans! I got it because it is small and very light. It has an MP3 player and camera, but I couldn't care less about those features. The battery lasts 3-5 days.
  • mateomasfeomateomasfeo Member Posts: 27,143
    edited November -1
    I like my iPhone. Had it for about two years and it handles a lot of talk time before recharge.

    But, I need a phone with internet capabilities for virtual calendars. I like the map feature also.

    I like the big screen most of all, and there are lots of games and apps for when you are waiting somewhere. It carries 1500 of my favorite songs and plugs directly into my car for hands free driving and listening to my music.

    Reception is about like any of the others I have owned. And I've owned them all!
  • Aspen79seAspen79se Member Posts: 4,707
    edited November -1
    You bought just the Q and not the Q9? If so, they gave you an outdated model. The Q I had did ok, but the Q9 works a lot better; faster,better reception, easier to use, and the life on the regular battery is better than the Q on the extended one.

  • Colt SuperColt Super Member Posts: 31,007
    edited November -1
    I got a cool slidey one that has a qwerty keyboard for sending text messages.

    I don't send text messages.

    Proving , once again, that I am stoopid.

  • BaseJumperBaseJumper Member Posts: 5,570
    edited November -1
    Yeah, you are gonna like the Q.
  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    I carry two iphones (obviously att)a htc touch pro (sprint) and a blackberry touch (verizon)
  • Jacob2008Jacob2008 Member Posts: 19,528 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    I carry two iphones (obviously att)a htc touch pro (sprint) and a blackberry touch (verizon)
    [:D][:D] hate to pay your phone bill. I take it business phones and personal?
  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Jacob2008
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    I carry two iphones (obviously att)a htc touch pro (sprint) and a blackberry touch (verizon)
    [:D][:D] hate to pay your phone bill. I take it business phones and personal?
    yeah, the first iphone is usually dead by 10:00, and the others are to make sure I have service when I am in the far reaches of the country lol
  • Jacob2008Jacob2008 Member Posts: 19,528 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by Jacob2008
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    I carry two iphones (obviously att)a htc touch pro (sprint) and a blackberry touch (verizon)
    [:D][:D] hate to pay your phone bill. I take it business phones and personal?
    yeah, the first iphone is usually dead by 10:00, and the others are to make sure I have service when I am in the far reaches of the country lol
    I dont know how you keep track of them all. Ive seen people in the store talking on two or three at a time, but it looks hard.
  • peonpeon Member Posts: 2,644 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    LG Shine. It is a slider phone... don't like flip phones. I like it. I just use it to talk on. I don't need all the internet and texting stuff.
  • jon ojon o Member Posts: 1,755 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Never felt the need for a cell phone. My land line is dirt cheap!!
  • 4406v4406v Member Posts: 317 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    When they make a cell phone that actually makes a clear phone call without dropping the call maybe then I'll get one.

    Why do you think they make you sign a contract?They know the quality of thier service stinks and they want to lock you in.I don't understand why phones have to take pictures,text message,play games,play music etc. when the purpose of the phone is to make phone calls and they don't even do that well!!!
  • JnRockwallJnRockwall Member Posts: 16,350 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Verizon and Nextel both suck a*s
  • MarnerMarner Member Posts: 2,977
    edited November -1
    Have had mine for a while so it's a little dated but it still works pretty good some of the time...apparently it has something to do with analog coverage. [:D]

  • iluvgunsiluvguns Member Posts: 5,351
    edited November -1
    Have a BlackJack II. Hate it. Had the original BlackJack before this one. Liked it a lot. Samsung had battery problems on the original, so finally started shipping with two batteries, one of them an extended life battery, and an external charger. They have the SAME problem with the II, but no extra battery comes with it. If I talk a lot (and I do as it is the only phone I have; we canceled our land-line about 3 years ago) the battery goes dead about 6 in the evening. Will not buy another Samsung cell phone!
  • tneff1969tneff1969 Member Posts: 6,682 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Crackberry for business
  • CaptplaidCaptplaid Member Posts: 20,297 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Yeah it's the Q9. It is very impressive. I don't care about email. I just wanted a qwerty keyboard for text messaging, but the reception is great and the battery is great.

  • Aspen79seAspen79se Member Posts: 4,707
    edited November -1
    Capt: I use my for everything. When I switched models my internet speed went from 470kb to 10MB. I haven't synced my email with it, but I get my Gmail through another application on it. The keyboard is one of the best, and the screen's resolution is great too.
  • cce1302cce1302 Member Posts: 9,555 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I have a Gov't Nextel that is forwarded to my personal cell phone because the gov't one is too bulky. I don't mind forwarding it because the calls I get are eiher short or they get cut off because I live in an area with very little cell phone service, so I call back on my house phone (Vonage). I asked for a personal cell phone without texting, GPS, camera, internet, email, MP3 player, but apparently nobody makes a phone that you just talk on anymore, so mine has all that stuff, but I never use any of it. I also have a gov't crackberry, but I don't get many calls on it. I can check my emails from home on it, but I don't like to. Maybe once before bed, or before I go to work in the AM.
    After I'm out, I'm going to turn off all my phones for a week.`
  • lindalecowboylindalecowboy Member Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Tile King
    i have a samsung blackjack II. at&t. i like it, no problems. i get good reception and the internet is fairly quick. i had a touch screen one before this. i didnt like it. i would hit other things too and it seemed to "think" a lot.

    same here on the BJII, love it, except when I got it I was tethering my laptop to it in lieu of an air card and now that I sold that business and don't need it any more it's a lot of phone for just talking.

    I can't believe the Razor didn't work well for you. I've worn out two of them and my wife and MIL has one and they have all worked very well, enough features, closed to prevent butt calls and good reception in somewhat weak areas.
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