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Dog dilema

A J ChristA J Christ Member Posts: 7,534
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
My cousin recently got married and was living in a condo that my aunt and uncle owned. They asked if they could get a dog. The answer was no. They got one anyway. A black lab. They quickly realized that it wasn't going to work out so they asked my sister to take it.

My sister lives on about 3 acreas, mostly orchard, but has 5 kids and another on the way very soon. She has no experience with training dogs.

Now the puppy is over 6 months old, has had virtually no training, and my sister can't handle it.

My wife and I would like to take the dog and train it for her father. However, her 16 year old brother is going to be returning from a year in Alaska soon so his border collie will be in there and her dad really can't afford or handle two dogs.

We don't have the room to add a 3rd dog into our pack right now but we don't want to see the dog go to the SPCA. He may get adopted because he's still a puppy, but he's pretty big already so there's no guarantee.

Any ideas? Anybody interested in a pure bred (not sure if he's registered and I don't know his line) black lab with a good temperament? I'll even pay the shipping or arrange to get him to you.


  • A J ChristA J Christ Member Posts: 7,534
    edited November -1
    Live out in the country and it seems like folks take this area to drop off their unwanted dogs and cats.
    I'd like to take in each and every one but that just isn't practical, got 2 already and just can't take in any more.
    Old lady on the corner will feed them, after a while they pack up and start to roam the country side and someone will call animal control, they get trapped and off to the pound.
    Dogs are usually older and often infected with heart worms.
    Only saw one actually being dropped off, pitiful sight, poor dog running after the car howling, he knew what was going on. Didn't realize what went on until too late to do anything like get a tag number.
    A dog would not do his human like that, discard/abandon/ kick them out when they are old and sick.
    Hope theres an especially hot and uncomfortable corner of hell for the folks that do that to a dog. They probably abuse little kids too.
  • Marc1301Marc1301 Member Posts: 31,895 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by A J Christ
    Live out in the country and it seems like folks take this area to drop off their unwanted dogs and cats.
    I'd like to take in each and every one but that just isn't practical, got 2 already and just can't take in any more.
    Old lady on the corner will feed them, after a while they pack up and start to roam the country side and someone will call animal control, they get trapped and off to the pound.
    Dogs are usually older and often infected with heart worms.
    Only saw one actually being dropped off, pitiful sight, poor dog running after the car howling, he knew what was going on. Didn't realize what went on until too late to do anything like get a tag number.
    A dog would not do his human like that, discard/abandon/ kick them out when they are old and sick.
    Hope theres an especially hot and uncomfortable corner of hell for the folks that do that to a dog. They probably abuse little kids too.

    "Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here." - William Shatner
  • dan kellydan kelly Member Posts: 9,799
    edited November -1
    dog dumpers are scum...they deserve a nasty fate.
  • savage170savage170 Member Posts: 37,504 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by dan kelly
    dog dumpers are scum...they deserve a nasty fate.

  • grumpygygrumpygy Member Posts: 48,464 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I get all the cats.[:(!]
  • retroxler58retroxler58 Member Posts: 32,693 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    My wife is at heart an animal lover. I love to hunt for the thrill and the meat. While she doesn't necessarily support hunting, she understands that my hunting puts food on the table and has become quite fond of venison.

    She brought home a stray once that was let out near our house. Less than a week later, our Brittany Spaniel gave birth to seven pups. Within three weeks all seven pups had contracted Parvo and essentially bled to death within three days. Spoke to the vet about the pups ASAP when we started seeing the signs. He tested all of the dogs we had at the time; The Brittany, the stray, the old mutt we also had, all seven pups. The only dogs to indicate signs of Parvo were the pups and the stray. The stray finally died a couple weeks after the pups. The Brittany had mental problems for months after that as well. She kept trying to find pups that no longer existed. Very tragic.

    I can't say how much grief came from that ordeal. All I can say is that I truly hate people that don't or won't take care of their animals. A simple inoculation at the correct time and all of what we went through would have been avoided. We had to deal with someone else's senselessness and unthoughtful, uncaring, attitude toward others and life itself.

    I'm not one of those uppity ASPCA people, but the laws should provide very stiff penalties for those who do this kind of unthoughtful act!!!
  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    I used to have to dispatch them quite regularly when I lived in the country. It was a lot more humane than the alternative. Animal control would not do a thing with them, or even come out, so I did the only thing I could. I had my own animals, and their health was more important to me. Sorry if that offends anyone
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    if you are going to own an animal, have the decency to have It spayed/neutered, get its shots, and take care of it.

    Dogs and cats give so much love, and ask for so little in return.

    Animal abusers and child molesters/abusers are one in the same in my book. They hurt the defenseless and trusting innocents.

    I'd post what I'd do to these scum bags, but I'd scare the hell out of some of you[}:)]
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    I used to have to dispatch them quite regularly when I lived in the country. It was a lot more humane than the alternative. Animal control would not do a thing with them, or even come out, so I did the only thing I could. I had my own animals, and their health was more important to me. Sorry if that offends anyone

    No, I understand your position
  • retroxler58retroxler58 Member Posts: 32,693 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by PBJloaf
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    I used to have to dispatch them quite regularly when I lived in the country. It was a lot more humane than the alternative. Animal control would not do a thing with them, or even come out, so I did the only thing I could. I had my own animals, and their health was more important to me. Sorry if that offends anyone

    No, I understand your position

    I've had to this myself a few times.
    Sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do, even if you don't wanna...
    My wife would pay the vet tons of bucks for some other idot's senselessness until she ran out of money. Then she'd patiently wait for the time to come to dig...
  • SuspensionSuspension Member Posts: 4,783
    edited November -1
    Was floating the river one evening fishing for small mouth and saw a burlap sack come tumbling down the bank and heard something in it, checked and it was full of puppies. Wish I woulda caught that SOB that tossed them, all but 3 ended up dying, found those 3 good homes though.
    Takes a real piece of work to abuse animals.
  • SawzSawz Member Posts: 6,049
    edited November -1
    Its been a long time ago since this happened but This guy needs his * kicked real hard.. He dropped off a litter of black lab pups on the local interstate in the little area between the off ramp and the freeway, a friend picked up the last one alive
  • grumpygygrumpygy Member Posts: 48,464 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Tree of my cats were headed to the river when a freind stopped the guy. He kept 3 and I took three.

    He would not tell me who the guy was. Knows it would not be good for the guy.
  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    not suprising considering people dump their own babies in trash cans
  • grumpygygrumpygy Member Posts: 48,464 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Just on the new. Think it was in the Portland area. Mother dumped her kids in the Willamette. 2 dumped one survived.[V]
  • retroxler58retroxler58 Member Posts: 32,693 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Seems to me that the world is full of enough sorrow...
    What makes someone do this kind of thing to the helpless...?
    Kittens, Puppies, babies, young children, old people ... the list could go on.
    I just don't understand what it could be that would allow a reasonable person to do this type of act...

    I hunt... but I slam on the breaks for a rabbit or squirrel in the road. I come to complete stops sometimes when I see chaps playing near the road. Just the other day, from nowhere came a basketball flying across the road. I slammed on the breaks... and there he was; a kid probably 8-9 years old came chasing the ball...

    I guess it takes being there, protecting the innocent, watching for the unsuspecting before you begin to understand the dangers and the consequence.

    I've read it somewhere else... anyone that could treat animals this way could easily do the same with kids, etc.

    ... it makes me cringe.
  • M-14BULLETTSM-14BULLETTS Member Posts: 37 ✭✭
    edited November -1
  • retroxler58retroxler58 Member Posts: 32,693 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Why does any reasonable animal owner not do his animals and society justice?
    I know many vets that offer their time and have clinics several times a year, offering to neuter or spay your dog or cat for just a few bucks. Many times I've seen them even waive the small fee when the owner couldn't afford it.
    Yet some people will let their dogs or cats run free, procreating as often as is available and then when the pups or kittens come, discard them like junk...
    People who do this ought to be brought before the LAW!
    And prosecuted like the criminals they are.

    As I've said... I hunt. I buy a license every year and that money goes to wildlife research, maintenance, etc. I buy ammo and arms and some of that tax money goes to animal preservation, etc. I hunt and therefore I do my part in the management of wildlife in my area. I hunt and eat what I kill. I do take pleasure in the hunt... but I take no pleasure in taking life from the innocent. I religously practice fair chase.
    If I were to hunt without a license I'd be prosecuted before the law. If I were to hunt outside of the prescribed season, I'd be prosecuted before the law. If I were to do any of the things these people do as a hunter, I'd most likely be prosecuted before the law. Yet these people get by with it over and over and over.

    To me... people who treat the innocent this way rate right up there with the worst of criminals...
  • TrupoBPTTrupoBPT Member Posts: 381 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    +100000000000000000000000000000000000 To the posts that want "dog droppers" to go to hell or be punished.
  • victorlvlbvictorlvlb Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November -1
    I took in a cat a few years ago. The cat would go for walks with us,like a dog, and play with the grand children. Some thing or some one screwed this cat up in the last two months. My wife was in the hospital for almost a month, I didn't have time to comb or groom the the cat, but I did feed and give it and water . It looks like it has three tails , has bare skin on its side, and will not come to me anymore.[:(]
  • pietro75pietro75 Member Posts: 7,048
    edited November -1
    Dog Dumper's or I should say animal dumpers SUCK! [:(!]
  • JnRockwallJnRockwall Member Posts: 16,350 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by A J Christ
    Live out in the country and it seems like folks take this area to drop off their unwanted dogs and cats.
    I'd like to take in each and every one but that just isn't practical, got 2 already and just can't take in any more.
    Old lady on the corner will feed them, after a while they pack up and start to roam the country side and someone will call animal control, they get trapped and off to the pound.
    Dogs are usually older and often infected with heart worms.
    Only saw one actually being dropped off, pitiful sight, poor dog running after the car howling, he knew what was going on. Didn't realize what went on until too late to do anything like get a tag number.
    A dog would not do his human like that, discard/abandon/ kick them out when they are old and sick.
    Hope theres an especially hot and uncomfortable corner of hell for the folks that do that to a dog. They probably abuse little kids too.

    Hey kicked out on the curb aint as bad as off a bridge in a toe sack.

    Everyone hates when animals are mistreated, but some people don't know any other way. My sister is a vet tech, and she had a guy come in one day wanting to drop off a cat he could not afford to keep due to it's health. Animale clinics are not animal free drop zones so they refused and he got mad and strangled the cat in the lobby! They called 911 and the cops got him.

    Other than that, about 3-5 times a month some ahole will leave a litter of kittens or some old pet or animale they don't want on the door step.
  • screwobamascrewobama Member Posts: 625
    edited November -1
    There is no way I could drop off either of my two dogs and just drive off like that. Once when I was by a corn field I was throwing the ball for him to chase and while he chased the ball I jumped in between the first 2 rows of corn just to see what "Grip" would do. The look on his face when he turned around and I wasn't there was if his whole world had stopped. After a couple seconds I came out from between the rows and his tail was waggin a mile a minute because the world was good again.
  • retroxler58retroxler58 Member Posts: 32,693 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by screwobama
    There is no way I could drop off either of my two dogs and just drive off like that. Once when I was by a corn field I was throwing the ball for him to chase and while he chased the ball I jumped in between the first 2 rows of corn just to see what "Grip" would do. The look on his face when he turned around and I wasn't there was if his whole world had stopped. After a couple seconds I came out from between the rows and his tail was waggin a mile a minute because the world was good again.

    Same here... Took my good 'ole friend Bea-Jay (a mid-sized long hair dachshund) to the woods a while back to see how he'd do running rabbits.
    Every few moments he would look back at me to make sure I was within sight.
    About an hour into the woods, he caught the scent of a rabbit and took off after the scent trail.
    When he lost the trail he looked back and I wasn't where he expected me to be although I could still see him.
    I watched while he actually started howling in what sounded like terror. I think he actually had scared himself.
    Instinct kicked in and he started retracing his scent trail. He finally came back to where we had gotten separated only to find that I was now on the other side of a creek.
    When he "found me" on the other side of the creek, he started going crazy trying to find a way across.
    I had to coax him to a shallow crossing (he doesn't like water and has short legs) that he could manage by himself. When he finally got back into my proximity, he wouldn't get more than ten feet away the rest of the day. I've finally realized that he has poor eyesight as well.
    I'd love to take him to the field to run rabbits. But I believe the dog would have a heart attack if he ever got separated from me again.
  • tneff1969tneff1969 Member Posts: 6,682 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    We have had our fair share of * dog dumpers, it's really nice when they dump their pitbulls. Nothing like walking out to your truck, and 2 pissed off looking pitbulls standing between it and you. Now that my son is big enough to play outside, we have new rules concerning dogs we don't own.
  • p3skykingp3skyking Member Posts: 23,916 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    If society ever breaks down, the dog and chicken fighters, and the trophy hunters around here can kiss their * goodbye.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    Most serial killers were animal abusers at some time in their life.

    Around here, people just put cats and dogs outside, dont feed them hoping they will go away. [:(]

    There are packs of dogs in a lot of our forest lands around here. [:(]
  • retroxler58retroxler58 Member Posts: 32,693 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Classic095
    Most serial killers were animal abusers at some time in their life.

    Around here, people just put cats and dogs outside, dont feed them hoping they will go away. [:(]

    There are packs of dogs in a lot of our forest lands around here. [:(]

    Similar situation happened around here about fifteen years ago.
    A pack of feral dogs formed and roamed freely attacking other pets and farm animals. Unfortunately, they couldn't be caught and wouldn't allow anyone to even get close. Locals had to finally resort to taking lethal shots to reduce the danger to children after one child was mauled.
    Very unfortunate that these situations can occur. If only the original owners would have taken their responsibilities to their dogs more to heart...
  • Allison9Allison9 Member Posts: 388 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Dog/cat dumpers abound here in this county. No animal control at all.
    We also have people,hunters and those going on vacation, that will dump there dogs in areas with know animal lovers. Then when the vacation is over, or next hunting season, they troll the area and pick the dogs back up. That way, someone else can care for the pet when they can't be bothered. And yes, they DO the same for there kids.

    Plenty of MUTTS in this county, most are of the two legged variety.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    AH! Yes! We have neighbors that put their kids out at daylight and dont let em back in until dark or even know where the hell they are. Some peoples pets are better off than these kids..
  • NighthawkNighthawk Member Posts: 12,022 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Ive always believed the old saying you reap what you sow. I believe mistreating or neglecting any animal will come back on you one way or another.[:(!]
  • countryfarmercountryfarmer Member Posts: 4,552
    edited November -1
    We have had our fair share of * dog dumpers, it's really nice when they dump their pitbulls. Nothing like walking out to your truck, and 2 pissed off looking pitbulls standing between it and you.

    That's another thing that ticks me off, people that make their dogs mean. Unfortunatley then the only thing to do is put them down.
    I have 2 pits (they are both spoiled rotten) and 14 other dogs. We do dog rescue and have heard every excuse there is when people give their dogs up.
  • retroxler58retroxler58 Member Posts: 32,693 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by countryfarmer
    We have had our fair share of * dog dumpers, it's really nice when they dump their pitbulls. Nothing like walking out to your truck, and 2 pissed off looking pitbulls standing between it and you.

    That's another thing that ticks me off, people that make their dogs mean. Unfortunatley then the only thing to do is put them down.
    I have 2 pits (they are both spoiled rotten) and 14 other dogs. We do dog rescue and have heard every excuse there is when people give their dogs up.

    I've been around a lot of dogs over the years and my wife actually has broken up a dog fight on her very own (and without a single mark [?]). The only mean dogs I've ever seen were dogs made that way either by their owners or by the way they were treated by others than their owners.
    A dogs mentality is that of sheer loyalty to the pack leader (usually the owner), anything else is an element of its environment. Dogs aren't born mean, they'er made that way... Pity for the mean dog too, because it's very difficult to reverse that "training". Once you've got a mean dog or otherwise, you've got a problem. [V]
  • MFinnMFinn Member Posts: 2,095 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I got no use for folks like these, scum of the earth [:(!]
  • SuwanneePirateSuwanneePirate Member Posts: 65 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    It was real bad where I grew up in West Virginia. People would drive down a country road and dump their cats and dogs. the cats would end up killing all of the rabbits and ruffeled grouse and quail . Then the would start out on your chickens and peeps. The dogs would pack up and go right for the calfs and sheep Once a pet has been turned out and packed up they seem to go wild and have a wildness about them thats hard to get out. Once they have packed up its tough to get close enough to catch them other than a large live trap .best to put them down. Is there a fine for dumping them out?
  • retroxler58retroxler58 Member Posts: 32,693 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by SuwanneePirate
    ...Is there a fine for dumping them out?

    There ought to be...
  • grumpygygrumpygy Member Posts: 48,464 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by SuwanneePirate
    It was real bad where I grew up in West Virginia. People would drive down a country road and dump their cats and dogs. the cats would end up killing all of the rabbits and ruffeled grouse and quail . Then the would start out on your chickens and peeps. The dogs would pack up and go right for the calfs and sheep Once a pet has been turned out and packed up they seem to go wild and have a wildness about them thats hard to get out. Once they have packed up its tough to get close enough to catch them other than a large live trap .best to put them down. Is there a fine for dumping them out?

    In about 73 in Lancaster Calif. We had packs of dogs running in the desert. They killed just to kill. They ate very little of what they killed. Lost some sheep to them. Friends had horses torn up.
  • countryfarmercountryfarmer Member Posts: 4,552
    edited November -1
    Is there a fine for dumping them out?

    12ga #6 shot in their vehicle
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