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Question for CHL holders

JnRockwallJnRockwall Member Posts: 16,350 ✭✭✭
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
Has anyone ever had to produce their weapon to stop a threat of any sort? I want to know if it was instictive or did you have to get over the shock something was actually going down and you might need it?

I have had my CHL for years, but I have just begun actually carrying the weapon. I use to just keep it in the truck or car. So I was just curious how things went down. I don't fear my ability to produce or use the gun, nor do I fear the ability to shoot it. But I just keep thinking man, when it goes down, whats the body's reaction?

Thx for your input.


  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by thermonuclear
    Has anyone ever had to produce their weapon to stop a threat of any sort? I want to know if it was instictive or did you have to get over the shock something was actually going down and you might need it?

    I have had my CHL for years, but I have just begun actually carrying the weapon. I use to just keep it in the truck or car. So I was just curious how things went down. I don't fear my ability to produce or use the gun, nor do I fear the ability to shoot it. But I just keep thinking man, when it goes down, whats the body's reaction?

    Thx for your input.
    "IF" I had ever had to produce my firearm to stop a threat I would not post such details on a national forum. I just think the legal implications would be too great.
  • hk-91hk-91 Member Posts: 10,050
    edited November -1
    this question has been asked alot on here. Just use the search and you can read about it.
  • JnRockwallJnRockwall Member Posts: 16,350 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by thermonuclear
    Has anyone ever had to produce their weapon to stop a threat of any sort? I want to know if it was instictive or did you have to get over the shock something was actually going down and you might need it?

    I have had my CHL for years, but I have just begun actually carrying the weapon. I use to just keep it in the truck or car. So I was just curious how things went down. I don't fear my ability to produce or use the gun, nor do I fear the ability to shoot it. But I just keep thinking man, when it goes down, whats the body's reaction?

    Thx for your input.
    "IF" I had ever had to produce my firearm to stop a threat I would not post such details on a national forum. I just think the legal implications would be too great.

    How so?

    If you produce your weapon and they run away you still have to notify the cops. They still come out, take a report, look your gun over. What other legal issues could there be? You think the bad guy might sue you for telling on him?
  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    If you produce your weapon and they run away you still have to notify the cops. They still come out, take a report, look your gun over. What other legal issues could there be? You think the bad guy might sue you for telling on him?

    You really think so?
  • JnRockwallJnRockwall Member Posts: 16,350 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Well, let's say some dude pulls a knife on you and you pull your gun. He runs off and you go home. Then let's say he decides to call the cops, someone pulled a gun on him, license plate # sonso. Next day you awake to a cop knocking on your door and you are arrested for assult with a deadly weapon. turns out the dude claims you pulled a gun over an argument.

    What you gonna do? You are going to spend money, get an attorney, and you will lose your chl, and its a felony, so you will lose your guns as well. And you will do some time in jail.

    But if you had notified the cops, and they make a report, then there is no confusion on what happened. Far as cops are concerned, the bad guy is the one who leaves or doesn't call the cops.
  • Colt SuperColt Super Member Posts: 31,007
    edited November -1
    Do the search thing.

    Over the years there have been some good stories.

    And, your question is asked maybe once a month.

  • ontherocksontherocks Member Posts: 58 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    never had to.

    I have an authentic jennings arms hat, I think that keeps the thugs at bay.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    Print yourself a T-shirt "I carry a gun 2 days a week, Is this one of those days"?

    If you ever have to pull a gun, I would think it would be better to call the law afterwards and get a report. There had to be an attempt to commit a crime before you pulled it, therefor a crime should be reported..
  • retroxler58retroxler58 Member Posts: 32,693 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Classic095
    Print yourself a T-shirt "I carry a gun 2 days a week, Is this one of those days"?

    Not that I necessarily disagree with your logic here, and as a matter of fact, I probably would be the first to wear the shirt., but I can see the gun control lot going nuts over this... All any one of them would have to do is cry, "HE has a gun..." and you get blasted for "Carrying a gun in fear of the public", regardless of whether you were carrying or not... not good. Similar to crying "Fire" in a crowded public place...
    Best to keep your gun concealed and ready. The whole reason for concealed carry.
    Having to pull for a valid reason (for personal defense or in defense of another in response to a like aggressive act) it is looked upon much differently than pulling it for any other reason.
    I've never had to pull mine, but I would venture to bet that when the time comes and I do pull it for a reason, I'll be ready to answer the questions that will ensue....... I only hope that pulling is all I have to do. Although I have no qualms about using one either...
  • select-fireselect-fire Member Posts: 69,446 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    There is no "Other" reason to pull a gun unless it is to prevent * harm to yourself or another person or to protect your personal property.. to "Pull" Flash" or otherwise make it known you are carrying concealed is against the law here
  • retroxler58retroxler58 Member Posts: 32,693 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Classic095
    There is no "Other" reason to pull a gun unless it is to prevent * harm to yourself or another person or to protect your personal property.. to "Pull" Flash" or otherwise make it known you are carrying concealed is against the law here

    +10 Ditto Concealed is just that CONCEALED.
    While it's actually not against the law to carry openly in public here where I live,
    Open Carry or even hinting that you have a gun, is an invite to a Q&A session with the law.
    If you ever pull it from the holster, you'd better have an excellent and very reasonable answer as to the WHY...
  • txlawdogtxlawdog Member Posts: 10,039 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Once, I talked with a person about a story they told about how they were at a rest area, I think it was in Florida. They were carrying concealed in a shoulder holster I think. They walked up to a couple of Law Enforcement Officers and they patted their concealed gun in the shoulder holster and said something like, "You boys can leave, we got this handled." Nothing was going on, the person was just wanting to be cool or something I guess, but they wanted to announce to LE that they were carrying. I thought it was very foolish to let everyone know. Of course, it was the internet, so he could have been telling a story I guess.

    Obviously, most folks are not like that, but I know there are some loose cannons out there. Both in civilian and LE ranks! I feel that sometimes, surprise is the best advantage I have.
  • retroxler58retroxler58 Member Posts: 32,693 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by txlawdog
    Once, I talked with a person about a story they told about how they were at a rest area, I think it was in Florida. They were carrying concealed in a shoulder holster I think. They walked up to a couple of Law Enforcement Officers and they patted their concealed gun in the shoulder holster and said something like, "You boys can leave, we got this handled." Nothing was going on, the person was just wanting to be cool or something I guess, but they wanted to announce to LE that they were carrying. I thought it was very foolish to let everyone know. Of course, it was the internet, so he could have been telling a story I guess.

    Obviously, most folks are not like that, but I know there are some loose cannons out there. Both in civilian and LE ranks! I feel that sometimes, surprise is the best advantage I have.

    With all the discussion groups talking about gun rights vs. gun control, you'd think that someone wanting to carry would use the gray matter God placed between his ears to think a little better than that...
    I'm sure that if this happened, the guy meant no insult, harm, or otherwise... but, there's not too many law officers that I know that would have let that situation go...
    While I'm a definite proponent to gun rights, I also have seen several at the range that should be under gun control... Especially, since Obama went into office. People who never would have bought a gun, let alone carry one, are now armed without the essential knowledge of its use.
    You never know what is on a person's mind at most any time. That's why concealed carry is the way to go. It definitely gives you the benefit of surprise... it is certainly the advantage by far and something that only you control.
  • txlawdogtxlawdog Member Posts: 10,039 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I do think also that that is just giving Law Enforcement a reason to stop and question them.
  • hotshoothotshoot Member Posts: 4,227
    edited November -1
    jsut open carry.

    then the bad guy wouldn't try his funny stuff[;)]
  • txlawdogtxlawdog Member Posts: 10,039 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Hey, thats an idea! No question either, everyone can carry! I really don't think it would be too bad of an idea. I think the positives would out weigh the negatives.
  • retroxler58retroxler58 Member Posts: 32,693 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    If open carry was the standard, I agree that the offshoot would be less committed crime by the bad guys.
    Obviously, the bad guys would think twice about confronting a citizen with an open carry gun.
    Problem is there are enough gun control nuts to keep this from becoming the standard.
    Hence, the solution of concealed-carry and the element of surprise it affords the gun-toter...
    Better for the citizen with less hassle and not so good for the criminal who "thinks" he has the upper hand...[:)]
  • Colt SuperColt Super Member Posts: 31,007
    edited November -1
    I believe it was Heinlein that wrote a book with that as a basic premise.

    Wish I could rekemember the title.

  • retroxler58retroxler58 Member Posts: 32,693 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Doug Wilson
    I believe it was Heinlein that wrote a book with that as a basic premise.

    Wish I could rekemember the title.


    Doug, You're exactly right. [^]
    I found the following info on Wikipedia...

    "Beyond This Horizon" is a science fiction novel by Robert A. Heinlein. It was originally published as a two-part serial in Astounding Science Fiction (April, May 1942, as by Anson MacDonald) and then eventually as a single volume by Fantasy Press in 1948.

    A defining quote from the book which is repeated throughout Heinlein's work is, "An armed society is a polite society", is very popular with those who support the personal right to keep and bear arms.

    I think I'll be getting this book for some reading...
  • JnRockwallJnRockwall Member Posts: 16,350 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Doug Wilson
    Do the search thing.

    Over the years there have been some good stories.

    And, your question is asked maybe once a month.


    Thx DOug, didn't realize it was a common question. I will search it.

    I was behind a guy in line at one of bank they put inside the grocery story and his shirt got caught behind his gun and it was in plain sight.

    I mentioned something about it and he coverd it. Accidents happen.

    I will say this, I don't want ANYONE knowing what I have or dont have. SO much so that I keep my license in the deepest darkest part of my wallet. so it doesn't "flash" whenI opening for a credit card or something.
  • JnRockwallJnRockwall Member Posts: 16,350 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by hotshoot
    jsut open carry.

    then the bad guy wouldn't try his funny stuff[;)]

    I think they are trying to make Texas open carry, problem is, I am hearing that if open carry passes, CHL will be disposed of. Not sure I wanna give up one for the other. Open conceal may sound like a good idea, but I belive it is a double edge knife that will cut both ways.
  • mogley98mogley98 Member Posts: 18,291 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Nope but one day with my daughter in NO I simply put my hand near my pocket and stared a creep down, he knew I could defend myself I tink by my demeanor. Either way I did not even have to pull it out, the confidence it gave me being there did the trick
    Why don't we go to school and work on the weekends and take the week off!
  • retroxler58retroxler58 Member Posts: 32,693 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by thermonuclear
    quote:Originally posted by hotshoot
    jsut open carry.

    then the bad guy wouldn't try his funny stuff[;)]

    I think they are trying to make Texas open carry, problem is, I am hearing that if open carry passes, CHL will be disposed of. Not sure I wanna give up one for the other. Open conceal may sound like a good idea, but I belive it is a double edge knife that will cut both ways.

    While open carry might seem like a good idea to some, I'd rather carry concealed for the simple reason that I'd prefer knowing what the bad guy is only guessing... If you keep 'em guessing, they're less apt to try something stupid.
    If and when the bad guys know what you've got, they've already formed a plan of action that you can bet and lose your life over that it certainly isn't good for you or yours.
    I keep everything concealed. Gun, clips, carry card, backup, etc. The more you keep concealed info to yourself, the better you're gonna be.
  • retroxler58retroxler58 Member Posts: 32,693 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by mogley98
    Nope but one day with my daughter in NO I simply put my hand near my pocket and stared a creep down, he knew I could defend myself I tink by my demeanor. Either way I did not even have to pull it out, the confidence it gave me being there did the trick

    [^][^][^] Good job! Never had to pull... just knowing what you had was all you needed. Not knowing what you had is all the bad guy needed... I commend you for your actions.

    There's only one other element to this equation, it's KNOWING you CAN use it when it becomes necessary.
    Practice as often as is feasible.
    Practice and KNOW that the bad guy would not win is truly KNOWING!
    I'm sure that with the confidence you explained you had... you were truly KNOWING...[:D]
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