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400 yd Plinker

austinbb3austinbb3 Member Posts: 4 ✭✭
edited February 2009 in Ask the Experts
I am looking for a reliable piece to target and varmint shoot. Accurate out to 400 yds and won't cost me a small fortune to shoot. I was thinking in the lines of 223. Opinions and suggestions are needed. Also i am trying to stay around $500.


  • dppatroldppatrol Member Posts: 173 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    for around 500 i would look at savage.i picked up a no frills savage 110 in 243 a few years ago for 350(used) with a cheaper high power scope on it,it was so accurate i didnt change a thing.Honest,anyday groups 3" at 200 yrds with factory ammo.they make some of the most accurate out of the box rifles anywhere,at good prices.
  • ern98ern98 Member Posts: 1,725 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Welcome to the forum. Have you tried going out to the auction side of this site? If you go to the home page and click on rifles, then bolt action and then do a search there for .223 you will get three pages of rifles being offered and their prices. The prices for rifles at auction are often somewhat less then they sell for at you local gunshop so don't expect to see those prices anywhere else. But what the list will show you is the relative value of the different makes and models available on the market today, both new and used. Good luck finding something in your budget.....
  • JustCJustC Member Posts: 16,056 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    your budget of $500 really limits your choices. You would be lucky to find an old rem 700 varmint special with the wood stock and 24" barrel for that price. Then you still need glass and you have no idea how many rounds have gone down the tube unless you have access to a bore scope.

    You may be able to find a heavy barreled savage with the junk injection molded, black plastic stock, for that price, but the stock will be your weak point.

    However, your accuracy requirements for 400yds will dictate how much you spend. If MOA (4" at 400yds) is OK with you, many cheaper guns will deliver that, but probably not consistently. UNLESS you handload.

  • austinbb3austinbb3 Member Posts: 4 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I spent some time in a local shop today.I was really impressed with a rem700 sps tac in 223.It had the hogue(sp)overmolded stock.Wow did that feel good. $579 and tax.
    Also I inquired about an HOWA in 223 and a hogue w/nikko sterling 3x10 for $519. "Which one to get" ? Any ideas ?
  • sandwarriorsandwarrior Member Posts: 5,453 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1

    The Savage 12FV that JustC described is less than either. Actually the Remington and Howa you described sound a little high. Take a look on the auction side here and you may well find them for less.

    Also, the .223 will get you to 400 yds. no problem. But, the .243 will do it a lot better. It depends on how many rounds you want to shoot and how much shooting you do when you go out. A .243 isn't really considered a barrel burner unless you are taking 70 shots an hour out there at varmints. It has been documented that it will burn barrels if you don't let it cool. But, for normal shooting it's a better cartridge for reaching out and dinging a varmint than a .223. Another round to consider is the .22-250. Savage makes it as does Rem and most any other manufacturer. The problem with them is most of them still have the 1-12" twist that only allows up to 60 gr. bullets @ .22-250 velocities. Very good for getting out to 500 yds. but beyond that they like to die off fast. You would actually be ahead with a .223 and a tight twist if you wanted to go beyond 500 yds. You can get .223's in 1-7" twists that stabilize up to 80 gr. bullets. 2800 out of a long barrel gives some pretty good range with one.

    -hope that helps
  • dfletcherdfletcher Member Posts: 8,179 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    FWIW, I just picked up an older (no AccuTrigger) Savage 112 single shot in 25.06. Spent a grand total of $295.00, it came with a walnut target type stock - checkered "Wundhammer" grip and wide forend. Took it to the range today and it did great with Hornady 75 grain HP and VMax, H4895 powder. I figure with +100 grain bullets it will hit 400 yds OK.
  • austinbb3austinbb3 Member Posts: 4 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I searched both the rem and howa on the auction side. The prices i got at the local shop are within $5 of most the auctions. I am going to get the howa.I've read good reviews and i can have a decent piece ready to shoot with glass for less than the naked rem.
    I appreciate the suggestions.
  • mbagby62mbagby62 Member Posts: 4 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    204 ruger , 220 swift ,fast strait fall off after 500 yrds, pretty bad but out to 400 dead on to those far out critters. savage makes a pretty good cheaper model but with scope be hard to get in the 500$ range.
  • one2hutnone2hutn Member Posts: 261 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Hey Austin. Welcome to the forums. I bought a Howa in 243 at a local pawn shop for less than $300. I purchased a Savage with the accutrigger in 223 before that for around $350. I know you run the risk of getting a gun that was not broken in and cared for properly but both of these guns looked(and shoot) like they were new. I just picked up another Howa in 25-06 but haven't put it through it's paces yet, but they and Savage both make fine guns, maybe not heirloom guns but good,accurate shooting guns.
    By the way, I agree fully with Sandwarrior about the 243 over the 223. Search and read and you will see it. The 243 is a much better cartridge than the 223 for alot of reasons. Good luck
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