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Got a Turkish Mauser and would like to rebarrel it don't know if it is large ring or small ring, how do you tell? Like to stay with 8mm cal but can change it need to. So any info out there would be helpful. Thanks[:)]
What is the best method by which to correct?
Grind down the front site?
Other means?
Clean out the bolt and barrel of any dirt/cosmoline. Ideally let a smith look it over and headspace it; though I've never had an issue with any of mine. Some of these are real tack drivers if the bore is in good shape; some aren't able to hit the broad side of the barn if the bore is ratty. In any case, though not a real investment piece, well worth giving a try at the range.
Value, depending on condition, would be somewhere in the $125-$200 range.
The model 93 cocks on closing, the 03 cocks on opening.
Open the bolt and pull it back. Is the rifle uncocked?
Watch the back of the bolt while you close it. If the rifle cocks just as you close and turn the bolt, you have a model 93.
The model 93 is a great rifle, it is made in Germany. The action is strong, the main advantage of the 03 [which is a model 98 Mauser] is that it has a shield on the bolt to protect your eyes from hot gases if a primer should blow. So a prudent shooter of a model 93 will wear shooting glasses.
As jonk said, if reworked, which it probably is, it is the 8mm. Winchester and Remington 8mm ammo is some of the lowest powered 8mm ammo in the world, you will have no problem shooting it. Guys shoot the model 93 Mausers all the time with no problems.
This Romanian ammo has a funky smell and is rather dirty, smoky, but it is fairly accurate. This ammo is not as hot as other 8mm ammo and is popular among model 93 shooters.
Like other military surplus it is corrosive so clean accordingly.,-in-500-round-cases-/cPath/12_45/products_id/1675