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Catastrophic failure Glock 37
Has anyone here heard about Winchester having ammunition problems with the new GAP 230 gr FMJ? An Officer from the Agency I work at had a Glock 37 blow apart in her hand yesterday. We have experienced an unsually high number of problems with the casings being to long, not going into battery with light primer strikes. This time the primer detonated while the slide was not in full battery causing the rear extractor side of the casing to explode out the trigger guard and magazine well. Split the frame at the trigger guard and magazine. I have pics of both the brass and damaged Glock if I can figure out how to attach them.
EDIT if the ammo was too long then a properly designed disconnector WOULD PREVENT the hammer from falling this is one of the purposes of a DISCONNECTOR. I would hate to say that it is NOT the pistols fault if because of dirt in chamber or long ammo the gun will fire without the slide and barrel being locked in battery[?][xx(][V][:(!][^]
Edit Take 2 Can I ask you if you have to use the 45GAP as a duty gun or just a Glock ? If just a glock I would pick anything but a 45Gap IMHO this cartridge is trouble waiting to happen it remines me of my early days and modifying cars you build up the top end of an engine and then the bottom end fails you fix that and then the Trans fails ETC ETC The gap can NOT be made out of trimmed 45ACP cases because the web head area has too much stress this translates into failure unless every thing else is perfect . I like a safety margin in my firearms.