Does Henry Make a Musket??
A friend of mine was in a local store buying a Henry lever 22 yesterday. As he was looking it over, he looked at the muzzle and notices he couldn't see any rifling termination. He looked closer, and still couldn't see any rifling. He handed the gun back to the counter guy, and said "Am I blind, or is there no rifling in the barrel. The counter guy looked, then shined a light, or used a bore scope or something and looked again. He said "yep, there's no rifling in there. My friend says WTH is up with that? The counter guy said they had one more in back, and he would go check that one. He came back and said there was no rifling in that one either.
So....Does Henry sell a 22 musket?
Is Henry sending out mis manufactured guns?
Are these two guys looney tunes?
They make a .22 Smoothbore called the Garden Gun.
Well lo and behold they do! Thank you for the response. I looked at Henry's web site and apparently I missed that.
Hitman Special? Be funny if that isn't threaded for a can.