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Bitten by a Big Diamondback
allen griggs
Member Posts: 35,692 ✭✭✭✭
88 doses of antivenin
I've been really lucky over the years. Rattlers and other poison ones have always give me a free pass.
I let rattlers go if they are not close to the house. Copper heads and Cotton mouths do not get a free pass.
I've stepped beside and over very large Diamond Backs (* tails) and Velvet tails (timber rattlers) and close to the pygmies but have never been even been struck at. Had a small cotton mouth hanging onto my boot once. Fangs did not penetrate the boot.
I'm not a snake hunter. Just a squirrel, turkey, deer and bee tree hunter. Had some really close calls. I think maybe my guardian Angel has assisted for some unknown reason.
Most people think I'm crazy for giving the rattlers a free pass, even moving them to a safer remote area and releasing them.
I do carry a snake bite kit. I've told guys that I do not carry my snake bite kit for them, it's only for me. (kinda in the same category as, same reason LEO's carry a gun to protect themselves, not you)
I tell them, If you get bit you are on your own and you are probably going to die. (if you do not have a snake bite kit for yourself)
Not nearly as many of them around as their was 20 years ago. Seems maybe feral hogs have reduced the snake population in my neck of the woods.
If you bite it and it makes you ill, it's poisonous. If it bites you and makes you ill, it's venomous. This is how I remember the difference. Although if I eat it or bite it and I get sick, I'm not sure I care.
Here's another account about being bitten that just made the news. The Space family owns a zoo & museum with a snake pit. They actually climb down into it while giving lectures about the snakes.
Hedog would be very proud of you for knowing that.
Where is H-Dog? MIA? Snake bit?
Sharp fellow.
I found him! This is the original HeDog, a buddy of Crazy Horse and a Sioux chief.
But, where is our HeDog? MIA.
Probably gone walkabout ………………..
Seen a old taxidermist guy once when I was a young fellar that had big diamond back rattlers in wire cages and he liked them as friends. He said he almost lost a leg once to a bite to the calf muscles below the knee. It looked like only skin over a bone from the knee down.
He said he got bit on the calf of the leg below the knee few years ago.
He said he is now immune to snake bites. (I'm thinking here is your sign)
I then noticed something brown on his lips after I heard that one. Suspect what I was seeing was Bull sxxt. (and it won't wipe off) I remained respectful as a grasshopper and did not tell him about the BS on his lips.
There was a taxidermist / gundealer in our area who kept one in his shop. He turned the snake loose at night when he closed. Shut him back up in the am. Never had any break- ins
I was expecting that youtube yahoo who goes around getting bit, stung and put into discomfort by critters.
you know how much $$$ each vial cost????
I have heard 3,000.00 plus, depends on type but could go into the thousands.
Read where a 8 dose treatment was around 80,000.00
I'm gonna die…..