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The Impending Financial Collapse

ComengetitComengetit Member Posts: 1,170 ✭✭✭✭✭
I've read enough of your posts here to realize that this is a better than average intelligence group. That being said, sink your teeth into this and tell me if you like how it tastes.

PREDICTION: Total collapse of American economy within three years, this is going to make the great depression look like a Sunday walk in the park.

RECOMMENDATION: Buy gold, lots and lots of gold. If they try and pull an FDR and outlaw gold ownership f'em don't tell them about it. Don't hold paper in gold , hold the actual metal, the paper gold will be snatched out of investors hands by the feds.

One doesn't have to be a financial analyst to see that we are on a collision course with total financial ruin. Our National Debt has reached a point where it is not possible to pay back. We are accumulating more interest, on a daily basis, than we can possibly sustain. The more we spend the deeper we go (obviously) however, does anyone find it odd that you don't hear anything about this in the media? It shouldn't surprise you by now, we all know we have the best media money can buy here in the United States. The government is going to let the whole thing unfold without any attempt to stop it.

Congress doesn't have the political stomach to make the hard choices, they are simply going to let the whole mess get dumped right into our laps to deal with, but most won't be prepared. It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark, but the massive, deadly storm is already beginning to rain on America. Your government will say nothing, they will blame Katrina, Rita, Wilma, the War in Iraq, the War in Afghanistan, the war on terror, the war on drugs, and the likes if they happen to comment at all. You see, this is all as a result of our wonderful Congress being smarter than the system. When they run low on money they just borrow it or print it, no biggie, unless you are an American citizen who used to own property. I say used to because you haven't owned your property since 1913, no American has save the Elite.

The Federal Reserve and many commercial banks have been sucking all of the wealth out of US for decades in the form of interest payments. While all of this interest payment does not go to commercial banks, an overwhelmingly large part of it does. The $17.36 billion turned over to the U.S. Treasury is thus much less than 2% of the total carrying charge on the total debt..which they created out of thin air. Now can you appreciate what is happening?" When we pay our unconstitutional and illegal income taxes every april 15th, that money does not pass "go" and it does not "collect $200", it goes straight to interest. The war in Iraq is costing $7,000,000,000 per month and we still give foreign aid. This is coming at us like an .50BMG in a vacuum, it is already too late to stop it. We passed that milestone back at around $6,000,000,000,000 in debt we are now at $7,995,462,387,011.49 a truly insurmountable amount and it is growing. Our total indebtedness as a country? $23,000,000,000,000.

I hate being the bearer of bad news but this is inevitable, while oil prices are soaring, the Stock Market is nearing all time highs. This is creating a very dangerous mirage of stable growth. It is anything but, our savings were at a 50 year low last quarter at -.062%, yes that is a negative in front of that number. This means that the average American was forced to dip into savings in order to supplement the cost of living. This is the epitome of sheeple, they always claim to be so wise in the financial arena, where were you on this juggernaut? To be continued...

...Why would our government allow this to happen? They haven't allowed it to happen, they have made it happen. You see this government, through the aid of first, the freemasons and later the Trilaterals, have seen their way to destroying this country in the name of globalization. We have been guarding the wrong door, as we all look towards the first and second amendments, they just cruise right by unnoticed. We talk continuosly about tripwires and what we would or wouldn't do when that time arises. Yet right under our noses the wire has been tripped and it is all but too late. We have seen exactly what happens when there is chaos, NOLA was a hurricane by chance, however, the inactions that followed were anything but chance. It was a well orchestrated plan and the more I see what it truly was, the more I believe the folks that said the levees were blown. I never even gave that possibility a thought until I realized why they would have done it. Test market.

That's right, a test market, the best way to recreate what will happen in a total financial collapse is to create the chaos that will insue. This was accomplished with relative ease by blowing the levees. I know, this is all to far fetched for me to believe, well we better all get out our tin foil hats because it's as real as it gets.

The World Trade Center building number 7 collapsed just as the twin towers did in a perfectly executed demolition-like fashion, have you any idea what the odds of those three buildings coming down perfectly straight are? I don't either but it's got to be in the billions to one area. Number seven was hit by nothing and was likewise made of steel, so why did this building collapse. I'd like to see a list of all those that leased space out of that building. Why did the feds remove all of the steel before any of it could be tested and analyzed? How come we have not been shown any photos of the pentagon before it collapsed? There were a good 25 minutes in which a picture could have been taken and there were pictures. How did the FBI end up on site at the World Trade Center moments before they were hit and then again after the collapse? How is it possible to identify 19 terrorists before the fire is even put out? Do you believe that Muhammad Atta's passport was blown out of his possession, even though he would have been vaporized, and landed softly in the street below for the Feds to conveniently find? If a plane hit the Pentagon, how is it that only the first two floors were affected, until it collapsed? How does a Boeing 767 fly 3 feet above the ground after making a bank turn over a freeway through a parking lot and into a building at the first floor without hitting the ground before impact? One way, an expert pilot and a lot of luck. They had neither. What happened to the video tapes from the businesses that had film of the freeway where the plane would have had to have come into view? How did the feds know to get them within 20 minutes of impact? If it was a plane that hit the Pentagon, why not show the tapes? I mean hell, it's not like we're going to see anything shocking. Plain and simple, because the building was hit with a guided missile fired by one of our naval vessels in the Atlantic. How did the debris get spread out over 12 miles on flight 93 if it flew into the ground? Where in the hell was the Air Force, there were 87 minutes between the time the first plane went off course till the time the missile hit the Pentagon. They were in a stand down, that's why no defense over the most heavily guarded 50 sq. miles of airspace in the world.

Why would the government do such a thing? MONEY & POWER! You see with the country in complete shock and being that we are, a very loyal people, the government used this catastrophe to go to war with Afghanistan, Iraq, and terrorists all over the world, oh and a little bill called the Patriot Act went through without a hitch. Tie the Patriot Act and the wars together and you see why. The iron fist is being raised.

So what do we have and how does all this come down to money? Fasten your seat belts.

In 1913 something terrible happened and not just one but two, first there was the Federal Reserve being established and what makes all of this possible and next, we have the 16th amendment to our constitution, never ratified I might add, this was the income tax amendment. So in 1913 we get the 'Fed' and personal income taxes, no big deal, right? Wrong, the fed was put into place as an avenue for the government to control every facet of finance in the country including our tax dollars, like a money laundering scheme if you will. So, the government gets our tax dollars and they have the fed, what does this do to you. It brings you to today. While all of us were out busting our back to make a living, the fed was feeding our dough to commercial banks in the name of interest payments, these payments were necessary because our government would not have a balanced budget and would operate with a deficit, this deficit earns interest.

We pay taxes, the fed pays the commercial banks and we are left with debt. Pretty comfy scheme for the government and the patience they've shown???? No they haven't, they've been milking this cash cow for nearly 100 years. They have nothing to answer for as this was all done in a legitimate fashion save the payments they received for their efforts, this would be difficult to prove because politicians are invested in the stock market and basically control it's rise and fall. The Great Depression, another test market. Don't forget the new deal and Pearl Harbor. So, we've shown how the taxeds enrich the politicians and what role the fed plays, well almost. See the fed also prints money at the request of Congree through the Treasury department and print money they have done. Where do you think the money comes from to spend when their bank account is at -$8,000,000,000,000? I don't know about you but I might find it a little difficult to float that much until payday (April 15th). They have been spending us into bankruptcy, so what we've been bankrupt for 87 years. Our money has been diluted to the point of having near zero value, we're standing on the flimsiest economy in the world and nobody is doing anything. Why in God's name not? Simple, this is what they have to have in order to put the final nail in the coffin of what was once the United States of America.

There is a way out but it will never happen, actually two ways, first there is an armed revolt whereby the capitol is overtaken and a new government installed and our debt disolved. The only problem here is that the money is not being backed by gold anymore, it is backed by our land. And those who hold the notes are foreign corporate banks, they do not wish to carry this debt any longer and thus any kind of insurrection would only delay the inevitable. Now secondly, if every state were to cecede from the union the only thing left would be Washington D.C. They would be responsible for the debt as there would be no sub-corporations. This as I see it is the ONLY way out of this tremendous disaster, albeit man made, but never-the-less a disaster. Once the Federal government were out of the picture the states would run themselves and income tax would be abolished. We would again merge into the United States of America but under new charter thus denying any claims to assets a bank may have. After this we install our original form of government and have strict constitutionalist members of the Supreme Court uphold the laws of the land as all laws would be revisited and either abolished or reaffirmed. Sounds like a tremendous undertaking and it is but sure beats the alternative. The Presidency will be decided by hand written ballot, no electronics, the Congress will be made up as in the constitution and revisited every two years, the Presidency every four however the term limit will have a provision whereby a President could be elected to another term should certain prerequisites be met and the people vote for HIM. The White House is no place for a lady. The ABC clubs will be abolished or reorganized with the entire heirarchy being dismissed, a special committee made up of common citizens for the purpose of determining crimes against the republic, the constitution and the people by the former government shall be put into place. This committee will be named and each time it is called upon it shall be repopulated, much like the jury system.

This could happen as early as Monday, there is just no way of knowing. The Elites have it figured that the threat of terrorism, also manufactured by our government, will allow for many different scenarios to unfold without questions. If you were one of the Elites and you wanted to form a PERFECT country, what would you do. You'd have to get rid of a ton of citizens save some servants, but the world would not allow a genocide of the American people, no but who say it has to be that difficult? The perfect weapon, a biological agent deployed over a few cities such as Smallpox in it's genetically engineered strain ought to do the trick and the beauty is they all get the proper vaccine and blame the whole thing on terrorists. With the bottom falling out of the economy and such things as food being scarce we would hardly be in any condition to fight such a disease and 70-90% of the population would retire. Now you've got a country in which to move all of your Elite buddies from around the world into. From this country the world is under one government and one military power, hence the reason Dubya is currently pushing for the repeal of Posse Comitatus. If he can get it repealed he can protect his troups from disease under the guise of instilling quarantines. Of course their vaccine would be the correct one as well.

Not a very pretty picture is it? But you see how it can be done without a shot fired. By the way the entire Senate is illegal as well. The 17th amendment was never ratified either. This government has been doing as it pleases when it pleases for 93 years and beyond. At first government was the strictist of constitutionalist, but greed and power ruined all of that. Whomever does not die in the pandemic will become slaves to the elites, whites owning whites, IN AMERICA, that my friend is POWER!

Many people have scoffed at the idea that the government is on some POWER TRIP and that any of this is possible. Ask the Ugandans and the Cambodians how it can happen. It's happened in England, sure it was a long time ago but no one would have believed it possible. The Elites are counting on years and years of mental conditioning we have been subjected to having the ultimate effect on us that being complacency. If we are blinded just long enough...lights out the parties over! Are you willing to take that chance? What if it's Marburg or Ebola that is unleashed upon the public? Not that Smallpox is any pic-nic, as a matter of fact it is quite insidious, no, Marburg and Ebola cause a person to 'crash and bleed out'. That is...a person will finally succumb to the disease at the final stage of the disease is bleeding all of your blood out of all of your orifices. Pleasant, huh? Picture your neighborhood, the stock market is at zero, the government has leveraged all of our land, there are no pensions or Social Security, you are in the middle of an Ebola pandemic, and food and water are extremely scarce. How does your neighborhood look? Kinda' like a scene from 'Mad Max' is it not?

Ebola, Marburg, and Smallpox all spread very rapidly as they are airborne and minimal contact with an infected is necessary toward contraction. I figure if they were to infect five people in ten cities the pandemic would reach full blown epidemia within six weeks. Every man, woman, and child being vulnerable in it's assault on civilation. All airports will be closed, all highways blocked, patrols in the open fields, and helicopters in the air, this is what we would be facing, there is no escape. One would have to wait for it to get him because it would only be a matter of time. If the government can keep fighter planes on the ground during an aerial assault on Washington, they can certainly see to it that a disease is allowed to spread before stepping in and giving a token effort to help. All the while the Elites sit in their penthouses perfectly aware of everything going on but yet not a fear in the world for they have been vaccinated, I'll bet they even smile.[V]

There are two kinds of people in this World....Those who lead....and those who get the hell out of the way...GUT CHECK!...Which one are you?


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    KYfatboyKYfatboy Member Posts: 859 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    nail on the head. that along with american jobs going off shore, there is no other way to head. instead of buying gold, i recomend buying up guns, ammo, knives, cannned food, things like that can be easily traded, and consumed. might not hurt to invest in a good horse or two as well.[:(]

    parabellem molone lahveh
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    HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
    edited November -1
    Gold works well when the great object is to escape a troubled land. Buys your way to safety.

    Given the conditions you espouse..a more then likely scnerio...precious metals will be lead, brass and guilding metals...along with food and a way to make clean water.

    I have no intension of going to some other snithole..this is my country. What a chance to drive off the corrupt, slimy elites.
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    Red223Red223 Member Posts: 7,946
    edited November -1
    I am happy to see like minded individuals that are not sheeple.

    Currency in the 21st century....bullets and guns.
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    codenamepaulcodenamepaul Member Posts: 2,931
    edited November -1
    I would agree. I'm not going anywhere. I have prepared to stay. I have little by way of gold/silver (some) but feel that food/water/ammo and relacement gun parts are more important. One very,very,very,very important commodity you should have pounds of is tobacco and seed. This will be the new gold, mark my words. I also feel that knowledge is the key to survival-knowledge in books written long ago when things were the way we envision them becoming. Books on blacksmithing, tanning, canning/food preservation. Three sisters farming, husbandry, snaring/trapping,tracking,etc.

    When the meekest of men raise their fist at you in defiance, you have lost. It is just a matter then of admitting it to yourself.
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    11b6r11b6r Member Posts: 16,588 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I have all of my free money invested in precious metals- mainly stainless steel and blued steel. Tobacco SEED would be worth its weight in gold (and it darned near is now) but if you wanted to stockpile something inexpensive and legal, may I suggest copper tubing- and a copy of the Foxfire guide to moonshining?

    Around our house, for y2k prep- we bought a new calendar. Had everything else.

    Really worried? Stockpile toilet paper, matches, and salt. Yeah, you can do without 2 of the three, but they make life much easier.

    And for the folks that are stocking up on 7.62 x 39 and .223, you may want to consider adding something like a Sheridan Blue Streak 5mm pellet rifle to the gun case- extremely quiet, effective on small game to about 45 meters. 100 rounds fits in a matchbox. If they can't find you, they can't catch you.[:D]

    "I have good news and bad. Make it through, you don't have to prove anything to anyone the rest of your life. Bad news- you have to prove it to me first." CSM, US Army Ranger School.
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    flat8flat8 Member Posts: 887 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    That was a freeking X-Ring Comengetit. I wish I could tell you that you're crazy, paranoid, or just some damn fool. But I can't.[:(!][V]

    JPFO Life Member
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    jaflowersjaflowers Member Posts: 698 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I've said on several different threads that buying precious metals was a smart move. There are so many indicators out there right now that show the economy is in for a rough ride in the next 12-36 months. Gold and others will only continue to increase in value while the paper dollar becomes worthless, just like in Nazi Germany at the end of WW2. Buy silver if you can't afford gold or platinum but take possesion of the metal, DON'T BUY ON PAPER!!!
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    shootstrightshootstright Member Posts: 342 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Once they outlaw lead you can make bullets
    out of gold and silver.
    I prefer to spend useless paper money on lead
    and guns. When it all comes apart I will sell
    the guns to the ones with gold.
    Guns and lead will be worth there weight in gold. [8D]
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    pickenuppickenup Member Posts: 22,844 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Ahhh, I see you have gotten around to the financials. (and pandemics)

    Every day when I wake up, and find that this country has NOT declared bankruptcy , I am surprised. Have you seen who we are borrowing exorbitant amounts of money from, loaning money to? Did you see how many T.C. members are top officials in the larger financial institutions?

    Look back at 2000. Even I (who is certainly not a financial wizard) saw that Greenspan was raising the interest rates far beyond what the market would bear. Granted, there was a bubble, with stocks above their true value. There are ways of lowering the value, then there are ways to CRASH the market. Did Greenspan know what he was doing? Remember, he is a member of the T.C.

    How many people lost everything (or most everything) in that crash? How many retirees had to go back to work? How many pension funds were devalued, to the point of not worth having. Within a few months, stocks that were selling for 6-7-800 dollars, were now selling for pennies per share.

    Now consider, the market is crashing. The worst economic times in recent history. People are putting off retirement because their portfolio is only worth a small percentage of what it was worth, just a short time ago. The plans of buying a new car, home, remodeling, dashed........because of the economic downfall. (The effects of which are still being felt today) All of a sudden, 9-11. Coincidence? It got the UN-patriot act passed. You decide.

    About pandemics. Look up "Chemtrails."
    What an easy way to............

    Commodities, the basics of living (food, water, cloths, medicine, seeds, ammo, CHOCOLATE [;)]) along with knowledge, will be worth far more than gold or silver in the short term. You can't eat gold or silver. Then again, who is to say that gold or silver will, or will not have any value in the days after? Would not hurt to get some now, if you are able. But don't forget the basics.

    The gene pool needs chlorine.
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    shootstrightshootstright Member Posts: 342 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    YES absolutly CHOCOLATE [:p]
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    ComengetitComengetit Member Posts: 1,170 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by pickenup
    Ahhh, I see you have gotten around to the financials. (and pandemics)

    Every day when I wake up, and find that this country has NOT declared bankruptcy , I am surprised. Have you seen who we are borrowing exorbitant amounts of money from, loaning money to? Did you see how many T.C. members are top officials in the larger financial institutions?

    Look back at 2000. Even I (who is certainly not a financial wizard) saw that Greenspan was raising the interest rates far beyond what the market would bear. Granted, there was a bubble, with stocks above their true value. There are ways of lowering the value, then there are ways to CRASH the market. Did Greenspan know what he was doing? Remember, he is a member of the T.C.

    How many people lost everything (or most everything) in that crash? How many retirees had to go back to work? How many pension funds were devalued, to the point of not worth having. Within a few months, stocks that were selling for 6-7-800 dollars, were now selling for pennies per share.

    Now consider, the market is crashing. The worst economic times in recent history. People are putting off retirement because their portfolio is only worth a small percentage of what it was worth, just a short time ago. The plans of buying a new car, home, remodeling, dashed........because of the economic downfall. (The effects of which are still being felt today) All of a sudden, 9-11. Coincidence? It got the UN-patriot act passed. You decide.

    About pandemics. Look up "Chemtrails."
    What an easy way to............

    Commodities, the basics of living (food, water, cloths, medicine, seeds, ammo, CHOCOLATE [;)]) along with knowledge, will be worth far more than gold or silver in the short term. You can't eat gold or silver. Then again, who is to say that gold or silver will, or will not have any value in the days after? Would not hurt to get some now, if you are able. But don't forget the basics.

    The gene pool needs chlorine.

    You've got to be kidding me? I checked out "chemtrails", what a crock. Who are these people? Yeah, I'm believing every word of this stuff, I don't think so. I hope you were just playing a little joke on me, surely you don't........

    There are two kinds of people in this World....Those who lead....and those who get the hell out of the way...GUT CHECK!...Which one are you?
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    Wagon WheelWagon Wheel Member Posts: 633 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1

    Why don't you paste these sources to the sticky (it's being viewed as the number reflects) and then YOU can up-date that post as you find more info.

    Proud to be an American!
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    HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
    edited November -1
    Comngetit, my friend..recognize these words..?
    quote:The perfect weapon, a biological agent deployed over a few cities such as Smallpox in it's genetically engineered strain ought to do the trick and the beauty is they all get the proper vaccine and blame the whole thing on terrorists.

    Chemtrails ? The jury is out on this. I do know some small things. The ability of common people to do simple actually comprehend events is becoming rarer every day. I believe there is more at play here then gov propaganda camps...i.e, the public schools.
    There is laws in place that the government must inform local official before performing biological experiments on populations...ONE OFFICIAL..he has NO DUTY to inform ANYONE ELSE....

    This government HAS performed biological, radiation, and mind control techniques repeatidly on unspecting citizens....
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    Wagon WheelWagon Wheel Member Posts: 633 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1

    Had to come back in for this one. Disagree with your following statement: (in like para.15)

    "You'd have to get rid of a ton of citizens save some servants, but the world would not allow a genocide of the American people, no but who say it has to be that difficult?"

    I refer you to:

    Proud to be an American!
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    ComengetitComengetit Member Posts: 1,170 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    They've been using mind control every day since I've been alive. As far as the chemtrails go...I don't know, sounds too stupid to me. I mean think about it, the one thing the government does not want is an armed resistance and what better way to get one than to advertise the evils you are doing. I think it is a bit of a stretch to think them quite that stupid...what am I saying...of course they're that stupid. My jury is still out on the chemtrails thing.

    Do you really think they would deploy such an insidious weapon so haphazzardly? I am having a hard time with that one, besides the fact that they could end up infecting themselves if the chemical were to drift a long way. I think they are probably testing for it with some kind of miniscule bioweapon. But not over our cities, that would be suicide for them.

    What would the Secret Service do if the whole White House were surrounded by armed, pissed off Americans. I'll tell yah what they'd do, they'd die.

    There are two kinds of people in this World....Those who lead....and those who get the hell out of the way...GUT CHECK!...Which one are you?
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    Wagon WheelWagon Wheel Member Posts: 633 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1

    Quote from Para 9 above. "{Where in the hell was the Air Force, there were 87 minutes between the time the first plane went off course till the time the missile hit the Pentagon. They were in a stand down, that's why no defense over the most heavily guarded 50 sq. miles of airspace in the world.")

    There are too many safe guards built into our weapons systems to even assume the military launched the attack on the Pentagon. If you want to launch a conspiracy theory try this on:

    A ChiCom military base in the US? Doesn't always work but can be accessed at

    NOTE he CLAIMS this venture is with Taiwan, NOT China. Easier to sell the sellout.
    Rockefeller Announces Sino Swearingen to Begin Hiring in August
    ... that Sino Swearingen Aircraft will begin hiring employees as early as August,
    ... Corporation of Taiwan and Swearingen Aircraft of San Antonio, Texas. ... - 4k - Cached - Similar pages

    The airport in Martinsburg is a key component of those efforts and today we've
    removed barriers that impede growth. As the airport is undergoing a major ... - 4k - Cached - Similar pages

    You will have to cut and paste for this info. (censored?)
    Proud to be an American!
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    Wagon WheelWagon Wheel Member Posts: 633 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Boycott China:

    Read and follow the links.

    Proud to be an American!
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    ComengetitComengetit Member Posts: 1,170 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Wagon Wheel

    Had to come back in for this one. Disagree with your following statement: (in like para.15)

    "You'd have to get rid of a ton of citizens save some servants, but the world would not allow a genocide of the American people, no but who say it has to be that difficult?"

    I refer you to:

    Proud to be an American!

    After reading her article, I read four more. Good stuff. Alex seems to be a real asset to her and to the American public. We can't get true news at home maybe we can get it elsewhere.

    I'm not sure I follow the connection between my statement that you quoted and this article unless you are talking about Muslim's wanting us all dead, that I know. I was referring to our own government. I guess I see somewhat of a bit of correlation in that Alex speaks of our governments stupidity, but he appears to be blinded also as to the intent.

    There are two kinds of people in this World....Those who lead....and those who get the hell out of the way...GUT CHECK!...Which one are you?
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    Wagon WheelWagon Wheel Member Posts: 633 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1

    Take the opportunity to inject information whereever the oportunity arises. As long as you got something from it: mission complete.

    Proud to be an American!
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    ComengetitComengetit Member Posts: 1,170 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Good enough! Now, I have spent the better part of the day reading. Reading about things that are either a gross collection of fabrications and flat out lies or the media in this country has been bought and paid for. I vote for the latter, it would seem to me that suggesting four Chinese-Americans have been caught in an ongoing Chinese espionage plot against America is a little more than a story that can only be found on obscure websites. When you take into account the Aegis defense system having been compromised, as well as our Virginia class submarines, this takes on a whole new level of newsworthiness. If this story is true we are in grave danger.

    I'm affraid the United States is in such turmoil that it is impossible to predict or assess the situation unfolding. There are the allegations that this government murdered 2,980 of it's own citizens on 9/11 in an unprecedented act of domestic aggression, we have the ever impending fear of the next terrorist attack, a growing angst in regards to our financial solidity, and we can now add to that the Chinese posturing as if war plans were on the table.

    I don't know about the rest of you but this is getting a bit confusing. First we were guarding the second amendment with our very lives on a future urban battlefield, then we were discussing how we may have been guarding the wrong door as far as tripwires go, of course we have the ubiquitous financial threats of ruin and third world relegation to look forward to and now looming larger than the Blue Moon on a hot summer's eve, one point two billion Chinese are aiming their weapons in our direction with the intention of driving us into oblivion. As I said, I don't know about you but this is getting a little ominous. It's one thing when we're talking about the dirty low down gun grabbers, gut this is all coming into perspective, we are in deep snit.

    Never fear, as always, I will not just post the problem, I will, in fact, offer an escape from this smothering sea of red. It may not be the answer but it's better than JUST bittling. Every nation and religion that hates us, hates our government, not the people. The government dishes out the "they want to kill us all" and "they hate our way of life." Although this may be true it is not their primary objective to kill all the Americans as much as it is to trounce this government and it's foreign policies. As I see it the only thing that will save us it to hand them those in power on a silver platter, change the entire government structure, revisit our foreign policy and foster change, stop apologizing for being Americans, and work out a mutually beneficial trade agreement with China.

    If something is not done this powder keg is going to blow and our world will be turned inside out. All of the sudden we'll find ourselves standing in the street looking out over our ruined metropolis holding our gun wondering what in the hell just happened to, my nice, peaceful, tranquil life? Take a deep breath, clear your thoughts and picture everywhere you look, the red army. Tanks rumbling in the distance, the sound of rounds exploding twenty miles away, MIG fighter jets racing accross the sky, and armed personel carriers careening off of parked cars as they make their way through neighborhoods looking for survivors. It's nearing 4:00PM in November and their is a glowing rust-like haze hanging over everywhere you look. This is scenario one of five.

    The next your sitting at the breakfast table having coffee reading the paper when a headline catches your eye Three Persons With Smallpox-Like Symptoms Found Wandering Central Park. You scan right past it at first, then it hits you! We have been attacked with biological weapons, "oh God, we're going to die, and it's going to be horrific". You then look over at your family before daring to read the story, as you do memories of much happier times flood you psyche. While you can hardly stomach what you are about to read, you press on. Your worst fears are confirmed and Smallpox is going national. You immediately panic, grab one of the kids, tell them to go pack a bag, your wife is clearly confused and frazzled. She asks you "what is wrong with you, you're scaring the children. Hell, your scaring me." Suddenly it dawns on you, "where are you going to go?"

    I think you get the picture, pretty much same ends to any of the five means. I suggest we figure this out and pronto or those unimaginable scenarios will be playing their way out fighting to see which one will get us first. I'm banking on our own government being so caught up in this Elitist Globalization that they never see it coming. China does not give a rats * about any of us and quite frankly, they are running out of real estate. I guess at worst, we may be able to choose the lesser of five evils but I'm affraid there's not much consolation in that.

    I don't know how many of you know this but, the Chinese have a type of 'star wars' space arsenal. This includes EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) weapons designed to neutralize our satellites. Without our satellites and the Chinese knowing our Aegis and Virginia class submarine defenses, we are sitting ducks. We won't be able to defend ourselves. If I know the Chinese like I think I do (remember, I played softball in Southeast Asia on an regular basis against the Chinese), they are not going to give even the slightest bit of warning, they have been discovered (the four spies recently caught) and for the Chinese this is considered 'losing face'. They will want to quickly change their embarrassment into revelry. If I were Washington, I would be very very concerned about this. I might even try an obsequious approach, we can't win a war with the Chinese. Not at this point we can't. This is one time I hope the government lied to us and they kept all of our cold war weaponry in tact and on the ready. I trade a bright shiny buffalo nickel for a Patriot Missile Battery for my back yard. Godspeed

    There are two kinds of people in this World....Those who lead....and those who get the hell out of the way...GUT CHECK!...Which one are you?
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    HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
    edited November -1
    Remember, its dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.

    Most of what you have posted above require exactly the same matter little what color helmet is shooting at you...merely that it is so. Our job is to make it too costly to continue on the path of occupation.

    Appeasing barbarians by turning over American citizens goes against the grain..better to try them right here at home. Punishment would be meted out according to the old days...when we as a society still had moral courage...a sense of right vs wrong...and dealt with perpetrators accordingly.

    The pandemic problem IS indeed a problem...and impossible to guard against if introduced via duster plane or other aerial attack...However....given a ground transmission,,person to person...STAY HOME...even in the city, chances of surviving go down in inverse poportion to the number of people you allow into your personal sphere ....
    Never despair...WE are AMERICANS. When the last man is standing it needs to be an American. Nowhere else in the world is there ANY comprehension of what FREEDOM is...and even here in this country, the idea of freedom is confined to a very few people..those intelligent enough to reject out of hand propaganda...from WHATEVER source.
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    WoundedWolfWoundedWolf Member Posts: 1,658 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I told you people I only have a 200 word attention span, now you are spouting about economics!!![;)]

    I skimmed, and I'm not losing any sleep over this stuff. Oil has come down almost $20 a barrel in the past couple of weeks. Forecast is for a mild winter, so energy availability should be OK. Inflation is only present in the energy and food markets, which are basically tied to each other. I say the Fed will not raise the interest rates any more this year which will sutain the housing market through the winter. I predict by next spring we will be in a boom economy and by summer things will be roaring.

    Sit back, relax, and enjoy your moonshine.[:D]



    The Second Amendment begins when the First Amendment ends.
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    Red223Red223 Member Posts: 7,946
    edited November -1
    America's Stealth aircraft are smothered with a radioactive 'butter' before every flight to help make them stealth.

    That stuff is in YOUR air,dirt, ground water. Anyone ever seen odd large spider webs falling from the sky with no idea where it came from? They've been seen worldwide.....By product of burning a jet fuel with an antifreeze agent in the U2 at high altitudes. Ain't good for you either.

    These things are easily found on the net...I can't mention the other contamination everyone gets exposed to.
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    ComengetitComengetit Member Posts: 1,170 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    About two weeks ago I was driving out of my community when The sky caught my eye. There were probably six or seven weird looking "contrails." I see these all the time but these were different, so much so that the guy behind me had to honk to get my attention back on the road. As I drove off there continued to be something that bothered me about these trails, but what? I really don't know much about jets and their characteristics but I know a "contrail" when I see one and these were not "contrails." So what were they? They had a bit of a greenish-blue tinge to them and five vertical to me were crossed by two to my horizon. I guess this would be the "X" they referred to.

    So, by these articles am I to assume that the government is poisoning us? One thing to note, when I saw these trails there was something else quite eerie. There were no planes in the sky, that I could see. This is odd because they were in the stratosphere above the approach pattern for Phoenix's Sky Harbor Airport, one of the heaviest traffick airports in the world. At any given time there are as many as 50 planes in and around Phoenix air space. Not on this day. So were they re-routed or told to land from the West? I don't know but shortly there after I arrived at my destination and as I got out of my vehicle, I looked back up. They were now five times as wide and much lower to the ground, they were dissipating yet seemed to be holding form. It was almost as if it were growing. I've felt just fine ever since but it was an ominous feeling with no planes in the sky and these huge lines overhead that seemed to be alive.

    There are two kinds of people in this World....Those who lead....and those who get the hell out of the way...GUT CHECK!...Which one are you?
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    ComengetitComengetit Member Posts: 1,170 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Wagon Wheel

    Quote from Para 9 above. "{Where in the hell was the Air Force, there were 87 minutes between the time the first plane went off course till the time the missile hit the Pentagon. They were in a stand down, that's why no defense over the most heavily guarded 50 sq. miles of airspace in the world.")

    There are too many safe guards built into our weapons systems to even assume the military launched the attack on the Pentagon. If you want to launch a conspiracy theory try this on:

    A ChiCom military base in the US? Doesn't always work but can be accessed at

    NOTE he CLAIMS this venture is with Taiwan, NOT China. Easier to sell the sellout.
    Rockefeller Announces Sino Swearingen to Begin Hiring in August
    ... that Sino Swearingen Aircraft will begin hiring employees as early as August,
    ... Corporation of Taiwan and Swearingen Aircraft of San Antonio, Texas. ... - 4k - Cached - Similar pages

    The airport in Martinsburg is a key component of those efforts and today we've
    removed barriers that impede growth. As the airport is undergoing a major ... - 4k - Cached - Similar pages

    You will have to cut and paste for this info. (censored?)
    Proud to be an American!

    I totally disagree, they can have a bird in the air at 29,000 feet doing 1850 mph in 2.5 minutes from scramble. They never got the call because there was no call. The only call made was way too late and they had to blow flight 93 out of the sky because they thought the good guys had overtaken the plane and did you know...there was a qualified pilot among the passengers on that flight. He could have safely brought that plane down if the pilots were dead. They didn't want to chance it so they shot it down. It wasn't another plane that shot them down it was a SAM. If they would have put any birds in the sky they would have blown their "war games" cover. They stood down!

    There are two kinds of people in this World....Those who lead....and those who get the hell out of the way...GUT CHECK!...Which one are you?
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    Wagon WheelWagon Wheel Member Posts: 633 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1

    Not buttin' heads with you on this subject. I disagree and rather believe that jamming was responsible for the delayed response of our military jets.

    Proud to be an American!
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    ComengetitComengetit Member Posts: 1,170 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I was reading a report where they said that "you'd have a better chance of walking your dog through the doors of Ft. Knox than flying a 100 ton bird through Washington D.C. at 30 feet." The main reason I disagree is because of your reasoning, quote:There are too many safe guards built into our weapons systems to even assume the military launched the attack on the Pentagon. Those weapons can be launched by a Lt. Colonel or above there are even three civilians that have that power and I'm not referring to the oval office. Since we probably will never know the truth...I'll agree to disagree.[:D]

    There are two kinds of people in this World....Those who lead....and those who get the hell out of the way...GUT CHECK!...Which one are you?
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    Wagon WheelWagon Wheel Member Posts: 633 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1

    Proud to be an American!
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    amsptcdsamsptcds Member Posts: 679
    edited November -1
    It's coming, I swear it is.

    The duty to preserve one's self ought never be denied.

    Neo-Jedi Order
    What? ME worry?
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    ComengetitComengetit Member Posts: 1,170 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by amsptcds
    It's coming, I swear it is.

    The duty to preserve one's self ought never be denied.

    Neo-Jedi Order
    What? ME worry?

    There have been quite a few directions that we have taken in this thread so forgive me but WHICH is coming?

    There are two kinds of people in this World....Those who lead....and those who get the hell out of the way...GUT CHECK!...Which one are you?
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    pickenuppickenup Member Posts: 22,844 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I just threw chemtrails out there for something else to chew on. [;)]

    The gene pool needs chlorine.
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    HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
    edited November -1
    Civilizations last a couple hundred years or so....ours will likely be no different.
    The founders left us a blueprint to make an ageless society.....we just forgot how to read the print.

    "Whats coming"...We merely guess as to the final curtain..what form it may take. The IMPORTANT thing is to recognise the possibility..and to take the steps to protect you and yours..then your community.
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    amsptcdsamsptcds Member Posts: 679
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Comengetit
    quote:Originally posted by amsptcds
    It's coming, I swear it is.

    The duty to preserve one's self ought never be denied.

    Neo-Jedi Order
    What? ME worry?

    There have been quite a few directions that we have taken in this thread so forgive me but WHICH is coming?

    There are two kinds of people in this World....Those who lead....and those who get the hell out of the way...GUT CHECK!...Which one are you?

    The financial collapse.

    The duty to preserve one's self ought never be denied.

    Neo-Jedi Order
    What? ME worry?
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    ComengetitComengetit Member Posts: 1,170 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by select-fire
    Look skyward.. the sky isn't falling

    While you're over here do you read the posts? Have you checked out the sticky? Look closer, the sky is falling and it will be too late to stop it soon. The sheeple out there will be led right to slaughter either literally or metaphorically, but they are being led without resistance. Some people do not have the mental capacity, the majority of them, to deal with or conceptualize reality as it is. No, they'd rather sit in their happy place and pretend nothing is going on. Denial is a nasty feature of the human psyche, it has a tendency to defeat the undefeatable.

    There are two kinds of people in this World....Those who lead....and those who get the hell out of the way...GUT CHECK!...Which one are you?
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    ComengetitComengetit Member Posts: 1,170 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by select-fire
    I believe you predicted the end of the world and put a specific date. That time come and went..[:D]

    Oh how right you are, that was to fire up the dead around here. You can only talk about how your being screwed so much. I learned my lesson and I shant be placing dates on these things. Perhaps a time frame but no more specific dates. Have you read any of the links in the sticky?

    There are two kinds of people in this World....Those who lead....and those who get the hell out of the way...GUT CHECK!...Which one are you?
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    HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
    edited November -1
    Remember Y2K ? lOTS of predictions about the end of the world.

    The information I gathered said somewheres around 40 MILLION Americans prepared extensively down to "somewhat" for this non-event.

    Mnay of them, thoughtful people..realized that it their DUTY to remain prepared for the lights going out.

    "Feeding Stations"....have you guys heard of them...places where the government sets up to feed people ? To me...sounds like when I used to feed cattle...and the subjects are just about the same intellect.
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    WoundedWolfWoundedWolf Member Posts: 1,658 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Preparation trumps paranoia every time. [;)]


    The Second Amendment begins when the First Amendment ends.
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    shootstrightshootstright Member Posts: 342 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    As for chem trails you need to tune in to ART Bell's Late night radio show , After Dark and coast to coast. This is the place to get your info on that kind of stuff.[8D]
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    WoundedWolfWoundedWolf Member Posts: 1,658 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I rest my case. [:D]


    The Second Amendment begins when the First Amendment ends.
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    HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
    edited November -1
    You guys expect the truth to be given from fedgov sources...or CNN ?

    Tuskegee experiments, the USS LIBERTY,radiation experiments on pregnant women, the blue dress...
    All this and way yonder more come via alternate news some cases whispered about for MANY YEARS before it became common knowledge...

    Tne fedgov/major news sources lie about 70-75 % of the time.They HAVE the facts...
    The alternates get it wrong about 40-50 % of the time...they have to try and dig out the facts from innuendo's,cover-ups, and lies...
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