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Opinions on Walmart Open Carrier - Charges Warranted?



  • select-fireselect-fire Member Posts: 69,446 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Mobuck wrote:
    " He would be charged. And I hope they take all of his firearms away forever. He is a time bomb waiting to happen."

    With that in mind, p[picture this: Your next door neighbor has some beef with you and one day he sees you handling a gun in public view. He calls the fuzz claiming you have "terrorized" him. You then become a criminal by the same judgement as you applied to this idiot.

    Common sense and good judgement can't be legislated.

    Really. I don't think he was hunting deer with the long gun in Walmart. Dressed as he was folks realize what he could do. No badge, No FBI labeling or Swat.. And to top it off the Police upon response sure as hell didn't give him a box of donuts. Morons who do stupid stuff get treated appropriately with silver bracelets. And by the way... I do not handle firearms in Public view. As another example... one person has a drivers license.. drives normal. Another person uses that drivers license to drive reckless. Which one do you think is at fault ?? This is a test and some will actually miss the test.
  • nmyersnmyers Member Posts: 16,879 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I think select-fire makes a reasonable case.

    Dolts are out there, they have the right to vote, they drive vehicles, & they have guns, & sometimes they do stupid things with all of them.

    I'm reminded of Pizza Gate, 2 1/2 years ago. A similar dolt shot up Comet Pizza in Washington DC, in an effort to rescue the child sex slaves that Infowars told him were in the basement. Well meaning, but misguided, he is now working on his 4 year stay in federal prison. The Walmart carrier didn't fire his gun, so it seems to me that he should get a sentence of at least 366 days to keep him from ever again possessing a firearm. (I don't care how much time he actually serves.)

  • shilowarshilowar Member Posts: 38,811 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Mobuck wrote:
    "What if the licensed, gun-toting firefighter had just shot this yahoo in the back of the head rather than confront him?

    Justifiable or not?"

    The idiot was not violating any MO state laws. The over-reaction of the public led to charges of disturbing the peace/creating a panic which is not a capital offense. From the reports I've seen, the idiot did not "threaten" anyone. The "sheeple" stampeded at the cry of wolf w/o real cause.

    Apparently he did violate MO law, or atleast at present the Probable Cause exists to charge him with violating RS MO 574.120, a felony...but that will be a juries job to decide unless he takes a plea deal...
  • WearyTravelerWearyTraveler Member Posts: 2,015 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    He may have been ?Justified.?
    He may have been doing nothing illegal.
    He may not have broken any laws.

    But - he did not help our cause. Why, if he?s a 2A advocate would he even think this was a good idea?
    ”People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."
  • serfserf Member Posts: 9,217 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    serf wrote:
    Nope is bad publicity when politicians go to vote on your 2nd amendment rights. And it's coming!

    They can argue and vote on it until they turn blue but the 2nd amendment is not going to get repealed until 3/4 of ALL the states ratify it. These idiot politicians don't even know how an amendment gets repealed.

    You forgot about The supreme court which changes opinions handed down with the political wind at the time. Just look at abortion on demand,The Federal Reserve, sexual identity rights with possible pronouns abolishment.

    President Trump will pass a background bill that says if you are charged for a felony then you must give up your gun rights until found innocent! Just watch your Rhino Republicans sell us out! Lock stock and barrel! He has already said it publicly! Wake up!

  • 11b6r11b6r Member Posts: 16,584 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    An appropriate charge would be Felony Stupid in a Smart Zone. Probably plea bargain down to misdemeanor * in Public.
  • diver-rigdiver-rig Member Posts: 6,338 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Felony Stupid in a Smart Zone.

    Pretty laughable.

    You have to pretty much be a moron to walk into a Walmart to begin with.
  • Edspdog1Edspdog1 Member Posts: 225
    edited November -1
    Not sure if it is still an issue but at a time there was rule that stated that if you carried legally in public and some snowflake got offended you could be charged with "terror to the public".
    And yes toting a long gun around most any where is asking for a run in with the law, legal or not.
  • mag00mag00 Member Posts: 4,719 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    And if I strap a six shooter on my hip and take a motorcycle ride am I guilty too?

    Over sensitive people. And you wish to justify the snowflake mentality?

    All the poor dummy has to say is that since the last shooting, he did not feel safe entering walmart without adequate protection. END OF STORY.

    You have the right to defend yourself in some states yet. Equal or greater force my friends.

    It's OK for the perverts to march around and incite, why you so down on firearms?

    Quit running from the lib agenda and stand up for what is right.

    We must challenge or slowly but surely lose your rights.
  • select-fireselect-fire Member Posts: 69,446 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Some of you folks remind me of the mob in this clip... Just about defending all of your rights. Well brave men walk in a Walmart tomorrow like he did. Enjoy...
  • Missouri Mule K30Missouri Mule K30 Member Posts: 2,092 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    The State of Missouri is a, and has been an "open carry" State by what ever definition you choose for 198 years plus another 18 years as a Territory of the United States. You can not "open carry" if you have a CCW Permit in the State of Missouri.

    The media has become a propaganda machine of the few, very few, with the money to sway public "opinion". Laws that have been promulgated have to adhere to the Constitution and Amendments of the United States.

    There is east coast, west coast, and the land in between. 2/3rds of what I have read would give in, compromise the Constitution at the sake of feelings. And I see where the True Constitution is still practiced in this Country, between the coast. Sad state on a gun forum that an example of driving a vehicle gets entangled by who drives "normal or reckless" to exercising the Constitution. By who's definition is normal or reckless. Feelings, again by the instrument of the Law, Law enforcement or Peace Officer. Then processed by and adjudicated in a "Court of Law".

    No one here knows what transpired. But it is obvious who has feelings about what they are "Told" by the controlled media. Shameful that Constitutional thinking Men and Women would use feelings to guide them when Law of Patriots and Blood of Sacrifice has forged this Great Nation.

    The ONE statement that hit Home was that the man should have exercised his 5th Amendment Right. After all that is allegedly what he was doing in the first place, practicing his Rights.

    So the media will try him on feelings, and the sheeple will blindly follow.
    The Law will have to make up some kind of "infraction" because He did not practice His 5th Amendment Right, to let the media tell the sheeple that the Law will not tolerate this behavior, feelings.

  • serfserf Member Posts: 9,217 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Sometimes is how you do it and not why you could do it. History is still debating if Nuclear bombs were the right way to go in warfare especially when it was used with The Total war concept.

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