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U.S. Senate vote S.659..when is it?

jsergovicjsergovic Member Posts: 5,526
edited February 2004 in General Discussion
"The U.S. Senate will soon vote on S.659..."
This Sticky has been up for a while,
but what's really going on right now ?



  • adminadmin Member, Administrator Posts: 1,079 admin
    edited November -1
    From the NSSF: "With U.S. Senate debate scheduled in early March on S. 659--legislation that would stop abusive lawsuits against the firearms industry--NSSF plans to aggressively promote support of the bill with a highly visible "March to Victory" campaign at SHOT Show. Since every industry professional has a personal stake in seeing this bill pass, you are urged to fill out postcards advocating support of S. 659 by both your senators. Postcards can be found at S. 659 Action Centers throughout the Show."

    S.659 is one of the most important pieces of legislation the industry has ever seen. Basically, it will end all of those pointless politically motivated lawsuits against gun manufacturers, dealers, etc. S.659 is not trying to protect any manufacturer who makes and sells faulty products. It is designed to stop those idiotic 'guns are a public nuisance' lawsuits.

    S.659 is very important not only to the gun industry, but to other industries as well. That is why the bill has support from manufacturer's associations in other industries. If the gun industry starts losing these lawsuits, pretty soon it will be the beer/wine/liquor industry, the car industry (speeding, accidents, etc), and many others. All this litigation will further increase the cost of living and deprive you of many legitimate products.

    Tell everyone you know about S.659 and get them to contact their senators today. The bill has 55 sponsors, will another 10 senators undecided. 60 votes are needed to override the filibuster that will almost certainly be attempted by your typical loser antis: Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), Ted Kennedy (D-MA), Charles Schumer (D-NY), Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA).

    More from NSSF:

    With the SHOT Show fast approaching, we want to make you aware of NSSF's plans to aggressively promote support of Senate Bill 659 at the Show. Before doing that, however, let us bring you up to date on where the bill stands in the Senate.

    The Republican Senate leadership has confirmed their plans to bring up S. 659, The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, during the legislative week of March 2. While there is a chance that this date might slip due to several other issues taking more time than expected on the Senate floor (such as the highway bill or class action reform), the great news is that it is not IF, only WHEN, our bill will be debated and voted upon.

    As it stands now we have 55 senators, including Majority Leader Bill Frist (TN) and his counterpart Minority Leader Tom Daschle (SD), and Majority Whip Mitch McConnell (KY) and his counterpart Minority Whip Harry Reid (NV), who have lent their names to sponsoring the legislation and this is more than enough to pass the bill. However, we need to reach 60 members to beat back a filibuster attempt by anti-gun Senators Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), Ted Kennedy (D-MA), Charles Schumer (D-NY), Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA). A recent "whip" count of votes had us at 59 with about ten uncommitted members, and every day we are working with our friends in the Senate to make the arguments and build the case for final passage. Make no mistake about it, this will be a bitter political fight and we can expect the anti's to use every parliamentary tactic in the book and force votes on gun control amendments to try and poison the bill.

    We need your help. Call your senators' offices and urge them to support S. 659. To help in our final push towards the finish we are planning an aggressive outreach program at SHOT Show-a "March" To Victory campaign!

    We will encourage every person attending the SHOT Show - more than 30,000 industry professionals with a personal stake in the successful passage of this legislation - to register their support for S. 659 by signing pre-printed postcards to both of their senators. The cards will be located at highly visible S. 659 Action Centers throughout the Show. Support also will be encouraged by S. 659 "ambassadors" at key locations such as on hotel shuttle buses, the Space Draw room, NSSF Member Lounge, NSSF Booth in the Main Lobby, State of the Industry event and other high-traffic locations. NSSF will take care of collecting the cards and posting them to the senators.

    There is no more critical issue facing our industry than the passage of S. 659, and what better place for our industry to demonstrate its unified purpose than at the 2004 SHOT Show in Las Vegas .

    We ask you all to participate in whatever way possible to help ensure our March to Victory.
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