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Let us Cease the Defensive Posture



  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by FrancF
    Patriots Vs Radicals.[:)]
    So, you believe that taking a philosophical stance on the tenants of this Constitutional Republic is, what, "radical"?

    I see........
  • BlairweescotBlairweescot Member Posts: 2,014 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by lt496
    quote:Originally posted by Blairweescot
    ...about as organized as flies on poop

    No mealy mouthed compromises right? Hard men, right? Good. So I can speak freely

    What are you going to do, each make your own little Alamo? This is precisely why most folks are able to be taught that the gun nuts are to be feared- half-cocked knee-jerk reactions. You guys would argue about the color of your resistance hats, but you're going to march to victory? And I ain't making fun. You're describing a Mob, not a Movement.

    Be smarter than that[xx(]
    You sir, express an idiotic opinion. A man taking a firm vocal, opinionated stand on the principals on which this nation was founded is proper. Some 'smart-guy', such as yourself, then attempting to turn this simple verbal stance on principal into some "insurrectionist" plot is simply stupid and it speaks volumes about reading comprehension and grasp of simple concept.

    Go figure....

    Wrong again buddy, but what the hell, you can feel important for a while. After all the times I asked for somebody to cement what's being discussed, it's laughable to say that I made this into an "insurrectionist plot". No compromise, blah blah. Big talk. By now I'm sick of asking you to describe what you mean to do. I already said that talk is cheap, show me your actions but so far, I still get hot air.

    Stick to lincoln logs or whatever it is that's you're good at, because you're being childish. And cram the sir nonsense, your fake respect earns you no points with me. You're another big talker, but when you're asked to describe what you really mean, you fall as flat as highball. Once the bare description of ideals has been tossed around and it's time to describe actions instead of thoughts, you can't manage to take a stand on the issue even though you make a big show of being ready to take that stand
  • codenamepaulcodenamepaul Member Posts: 2,931
    edited November -1
    I no longer believe there to be a political solution to this particular problem.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Wrong again buddy, but what the hell, you can feel important for a while. After all the times I asked for somebody to cement what's being discussed, it's laughable to say that I made this into an "insurrectionist plot". No compromise, blah blah. Big talk. By now I'm sick of asking you to describe what you mean to do. I already said that talk is cheap, show me your actions but so far, I still get hot air.

    Stick to lincoln logs or whatever it is that's you're good at, because you're being childish. And cram the sir nonsense, your fake respect earns you no points with me. You're another big talker, but when you're asked to describe what you really mean, you fall as flat as highball. Once the bare description of ideals has been tossed around and it's time to describe actions instead of thoughts, you can't manage to take a stand on the issue even though you make a big show of being ready to take that stand

    Yet again, you abjectly fail in the comprehension area. You continue to project YOUR summation/ideas onto MY statements.

    Not happening, buddy and it doesn't change my points one bit.

    What part of stating a philosophical position and/or a stance on certain principals, do you not grasp? What part of one taking an issue revolving around government in some manner and contrasting that issue with constitutional principals, are you having a problem with, buddy? In your world, does their have to be some master plan, or can simple philosophical ideas be debated in the context of ideas?

    It may be that you disagree with my interpretation of what is a constitutional principal which gets your panties in a wad, but that is were the discussion and debate of the 'issue' is properly undertaken.

    What a concept.

    This discussion of philosophy and ideas IS what I "plan to do". I simply state my opinions, stances and beliefs, in response to certain 'topics' of 'discussion' on this 'discussion board'. Now I know that this is a complex concept, but try real hard to grasp it, okay ol' buddy?

    If you want to read into those 'opinion', 'stances', or 'beliefs', or even attempt to turn my opining about what is the proper role of government into some larger 'must have a plan to carry out the radical thoughts expressed' scenario, well buddy, that simply makes it a blairweescot problem, not a lt496 problem, now doesn't it?

    Your oft repeated questions, your demands for an explanation of 'the plan' and the various and sundry other claptrap dribbling out of your keyboard, mean exactly squat to me.

    If your problem is a Highball obsession, so be it. He doesn't speak for me, not do I speak for him.

    Final points.....

    Any actions that I take, intend, or contemplate, are certainly not germane to my discussion of the ideals, the principals and the philosophy of "individualism" and limited government. Any such discussion would find someone like you making a record of the postings and twisting them into an "insurrectionist plot" before running to tattle to daddy government like a good boy.

    Read your post, which I quoted, and then repeat "childish". I am most happy to give as I get though, thus this response to you as the fine example of an "adult figure" that you are.[;)]

    On the point of the "fake sir" issue, you again fail at reading comprehension. My use of the word "sir", related to you, has never been out of respect, nor was it intended to come across that way. Quite the opposite.

    Go ahead and keep attempting to set up a strawman out of me, Highball, the canary *', or others. You will find that I will divert only long enough to burn it down, then return directly to consistently posting my thoughts, opinions and philosophy related to the things that I choose to do so on.

    You, well you are merely a minor and occasional annoyance.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Flying Clay Disk
    You guys all write pretty well!

    I'm liking this thread if for no other reason just the debate of sorts.
    Yeah, I kinda enjoy the banter also.

    It keeps the skills honed and when it comes down to it, it means nothing in the larger picture.[:)]
  • zinkzink Member Posts: 6,456 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The long term goal I have in mind is the restoration/preservation of our country as set forth in the Constitution of the United States of America by our forefathers! If they could see the condition of OUR country they would surely be disappointed. It is not what they dreamed of for their generations to come.

    One voice cannot be heard in a wind storm, but many in unison can. The short term goal is to get these voices of America to unite to be heard. How? Haven't figured that one out yet, but I am still trying. Once that is done we move on to getting the right ears to listen to ONE VOICE spoke by MILLIONS. Let our "leaders" know of the feelings and concerns of their constituents. Not as a dribble here and there, but a waterfall.

  • BlairweescotBlairweescot Member Posts: 2,014 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1

    A strawman? I have made up an argument and attributed it to somebody?

    Please point out where I have done that. Do it now please.

    While you search for that proof, I will show you where you've done that very thing to me:

    "Go ahead and keep attempting to set up a strawman out of me, Highball, the canary *', or others"

    I have replied exactly to whom I wish to reply to. You are now trying to tell people I have made these comments about people in the "canary *'" group, which I have demonstrably not done. That is the definition of exactly what you accuse me of

    And you sure's hell DO speak for Highball. You have replied to me in his stead before this. What do you two do, read my replies and then PM each other? I wouldn't be surprised

    As for a minor annoyance, you sure do spend an awful lot of time defending and probing and speaking for others and accusing and arguing with me. Those numbers don't add up, do they, old hoss? No, they don't.

    I've been pretty clear with what I've said. Your responses to me have been answers, but not to the questions I've asked. It's as if I asked what two times two is, and you answered "Topeka"

    Yeah, you answered all right. Why should I not be satisfied with the answer? Gee, I dunno...maybe becuse Topeka wasn't what I asked about?

    Do you read what I post, or do you just get pissed about it? I've very clearly asked what it is that is the intention, and even given a list of examples. To read your posts, now you tell me you're gonna think and ponder and consider. You said you "wouldn't compromise" before, right? That you're a "Hard Man". So to you, a "Hard Man" day dreams?

    How does that help my rights or yours?
  • BlairweescotBlairweescot Member Posts: 2,014 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by zink
    The long term goal I have in mind is the restoration/preservation of our country as set forth in the Constitution of the United States of America by our forefathers! If they could see the condition of OUR country they would surely be disappointed. It is not what they dreamed of for their generations to come.

    One voice cannot be heard in a wind storm, but many in unison can. The short term goal is to get these voices of America to unite to be heard. How? Haven't figured that one out yet, but I am still trying. Once that is done we move on to getting the right ears to listen to ONE VOICE spoke by MILLIONS. Let our "leaders" know of the feelings and concerns of their constituents. Not as a dribble here and there, but a waterfall.


    Now this is something more like it. Well said
  • BlairweescotBlairweescot Member Posts: 2,014 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Good point about excluding the media.

    FCD and zink have something here besides daydreams and prose. If nothing else, Highball's thread got those two very good things out here and that's worth something
  • iceracerxiceracerx Member Posts: 8,860 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Blairweescot, I think, for the most part, that 'we' have the answers to questions raised about what HB and his followers intend to do; They intend to continue to post the same hot air while waiting for SOMEONE else to step up to the plate and lead 'us' to the promised land.

    It seems having their own Forum (GR & CL) is no longer sufficient.
    Perhaps the joke is on us for seeking answers/information.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:A strawman? I have made up an argument and attributed it to somebody? Please point out where I have done that. Do it now please.
    Okay, here you go.....quote:Originally posted by Blairweescot

    ...about as organized as flies on poop

    No mealy mouthed compromises right? Hard men, right? Good. So I can speak freely

    What are you going to do, each make your own little Alamo? This is precisely why most folks are able to be taught that the gun nuts are to be feared- half-cocked knee-jerk reactions. You guys would argue about the color of your resistance hats, but you're going to march to victory? And I ain't making fun. You're describing a Mob, not a Movement.This appeared to have been in reply to the quote of my original post, since you parroted the "hard men" and "mealy-mouthed" verbiage, contained only in my post, which, by the way, was a stand alone post of my own views based on a small excerpt of that which Highball posted.....

    quote:My original statement to this thread......."My decision has been made, years ago also.

    There is no slack, no quarter, no mealy-mouthing, no compromising, no agreement with restriction, no compassion, no cooperation, nothing, as it relates to Amendment II and those who act, advocate and/or cooperate in its weakening and erosion, none at all from this hard man, period." quote:Which was in response to this excerpt from Highballs post........."Gentlemen, it is past time to make your decision.
    Vow, from this day forward, to cut the gun grabbers ABSOLUTELY NO SLACK; Let us go on the offensive."
    "A straw man argument is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position.
    [1] To "set up a straw man," one describes a position that superficially resembles an opponent's actual view, yet is easier to refute. Then, one attributes that position to the opponent."

    May not be a classic definition of what you did and have done before, but it's close enough to be called a duck, since it quacks, schits and has feathers like one.

    quote:And you sure's hell DO speak for Highball. You have replied to me in his stead before this. Again with the reading comprehension problem. I replied to your above quoted commentary, based on what I had written, not what was written by Highball.

    It was simply that you lumped Highball and I together, seemingly, just as you have seemingly done before. Thus my comment on setting up the 'strawman' of misrepresented positions, Highball, me, and the canary *'.

    Maybe I am misunderstanding your repeated thinly veiled references, but I doubt it.

    Not a big deal either way. I simply call them as I see them. That's how I see you.

    Anything else?
  • zinkzink Member Posts: 6,456 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Flying Clay Disk
    The Internet also facilitates that one to one connection over vast distances as well which heretofore would not have been possible. This in effect creates a one to many relationship serving as an increasingly effective method to achieve the same results as the media.

    That is why I chimed in here. I am tired of setting on the back burner "listening" to everybody and saying nothing. I plan on my voice to be heard, be by it one or many. The more that chime in, the louder the voice! The Internet is a great to convey our thoughts to all. I have started by sending many e-mails to all of the government officials I can think of, sending them to ALL on my contact list and on places like this. If we let our second amendment right to falter, it is only the beginning of the fall of the rest of them. Raise your voices now before this happens and you can do it no longer.

  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Blairweescot
    quote:Originally posted by zink
    The long term goal I have in mind is the restoration/preservation of our country as set forth in the Constitution of the United States of America by our forefathers! If they could see the condition of OUR country they would surely be disappointed. It is not what they dreamed of for their generations to come.

    One voice cannot be heard in a wind storm, but many in unison can. The short term goal is to get these voices of America to unite to be heard. How? Haven't figured that one out yet, but I am still trying. Once that is done we move on to getting the right ears to listen to ONE VOICE spoke by MILLIONS. Let our "leaders" know of the feelings and concerns of their constituents. Not as a dribble here and there, but a waterfall.


    Now this is something more like it. Well said
    Well said indeed.

    However, much the same has been oft stated by myself in many past postings. Bringing such concepts and ideals to the forefront of America's consciousness is a worthy goal and is the only realistic hope of a meaningful change in the direction of government.

    Speaking for myself, I have never felt inclined to repeat such simple concepts, particularly when based on your repeated demands of "show me now" and other such gauntlets.
  • BlairweescotBlairweescot Member Posts: 2,014 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Lt, re: your reply-

    Bullspit. You know as well as I do that you're spoken for highball to me in the past. Don't play as if you're dumb.

    And what you've posted is not me making a strawman argument. I can only assume you don't know what it means. I never said that's what you intend to do

    Since your standpoint is to sit and look out the window and think, maybe you can wait for somebody in this thread to suggest an action you might take. I never pretended to offer any solutions, but it seems like you might listen to zink or FCD. I'm not gonna stress you out anymore. Enjoy the superbowl
  • BlairweescotBlairweescot Member Posts: 2,014 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Flying Clay Disk

    I'm likin' you more and more each post!

    You don't mince words, and I like that! For better or worse, you call it, and call it clear. No misunderstanding where you're coming from, no sir.


    Well, I get in a lot of trouble for it, but thanks!
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by iceracerx
    Blairweescot, I think, for the most part, that 'we' have the answers to questions raised about what HB and his followers intend to do; They intend to continue to post the same hot air while waiting for SOMEONE else to step up to the plate and lead 'us' to the promised land.

    It seems having their own Forum (GR & CL) is no longer sufficient.
    Perhaps the joke is on us for seeking answers/information.

    Hmmm. Another attempt to "kill the messenger(s)" I suspect.

    I am sure that you know this, but the "Canary * Brethren" is nothing more than a loose knit, tongue-in-cheek group of individuals, who all have one thing in common; that being an open advocacy of basic constitutional principals, the principals of individualism and of individual liberty.

    We have agreed to illustrate examples of government action that seemingly run contrary to those principals, this in an attempt to prompt thought/discussion on these principals and concepts and to shine light on such government actions. The end result intended, is to have an aware populace who may subsequently bring about change.

    Beyond that, we speak our own minds and do so in our own manner/methods, attempts by some to portray it as otherwise notwithstanding.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Blairweescot

    Lt, re: your reply-

    Bullspit. You know as well as I do that you're spoken for highball to me in the past. Don't play as if you're dumb.

    And what you've posted is not me making a strawman argument. I can only assume you don't know what it means. I never said that's what you intend to do

    Since your standpoint is to sit and look out the window and think, maybe you can wait for somebody in this thread to suggest an action you might take. I never pretended to offer any solutions, but it seems like you might listen to zink or FCD. I'm not gonna stress you out anymore. Enjoy the superbowl
    Seemed pretty much as if you erected a 'strawman' out of my post, and then linked it to Highball. You see no misrepresentation of my simple post I guess.

    Oh well, since you fail to address that pesky issue, which, by the way, was pretty clearly illustrated in my response to your demand of "show me now", I will set it aside and carry on.

    I won't be watching the Superbowl, going to do some reloading and then read a good book.

    If you watch it, I hope you enjoy it though. It has been good bantering with you, seriously.
  • iceracerxiceracerx Member Posts: 8,860 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by lt496
    quote:Originally posted by iceracerx
    Blairweescot, I think, for the most part, that 'we' have the answers to questions raised about what HB and his followers intend to do; They intend to continue to post the same hot air while waiting for SOMEONE else to step up to the plate and lead 'us' to the promised land.

    It seems having their own Forum (GR & CL) is no longer sufficient.
    Perhaps the joke is on us for seeking answers/information.

    Hmmm. Another attempt to "kill the messenger(s)" I suspect.

    I am sure that you know this, but the "Canary * Brethren" is nothing more than a loose knit, tongue-in-cheek group of individuals, who all have one thing in common; that being an open advocacy of basic constitutional principals, the principals of individualism and of individual liberty.

    We have agreed to illustrate examples of government action that seemingly run contrary to those principals, this in an attempt to prompt thought/discussion on these principals and concepts and to shine light on such government actions. The end result intended, is to have an aware populace who may subsequently bring about change.

    Beyond that, we speak our own minds and do so in our own manner/methods, attempts by some to portray it as otherwise notwithstanding.

    I have yet to see "an illustration of examples of government action that seemingly run contrary to those principals." All 'we' seem to be presented with is the same rhetoric.
  • BlairweescotBlairweescot Member Posts: 2,014 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1


    Won't watch it myself, actually. I had planned to go to the local place, have some steak and eggs and a scotch, and hope like hell the game didn't get turned on, but there's no chance of that! Plus I want to pull out some of my stuff and get photos- I just finished getting all the things for my WWII pistol belt and I want to document the stuff in case there's a fire or it gets stolen or something

    I like debating with you, too. It's nice to meet some folks who can dish it out and take it too. Have a good one
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by iceracerx
    quote:Originally posted by lt496
    quote:Originally posted by iceracerx
    Blairweescot, I think, for the most part, that 'we' have the answers to questions raised about what HB and his followers intend to do; They intend to continue to post the same hot air while waiting for SOMEONE else to step up to the plate and lead 'us' to the promised land.

    It seems having their own Forum (GR & CL) is no longer sufficient.
    Perhaps the joke is on us for seeking answers/information.

    Hmmm. Another attempt to "kill the messenger(s)" I suspect.

    I am sure that you know this, but the "Canary * Brethren" is nothing more than a loose knit, tongue-in-cheek group of individuals, who all have one thing in common; that being an open advocacy of basic constitutional principals, the principals of individualism and of individual liberty.

    We have agreed to illustrate examples of government action that seemingly run contrary to those principals, this in an attempt to prompt thought/discussion on these principals and concepts and to shine light on such government actions. The end result intended, is to have an aware populace who may subsequently bring about change.

    Beyond that, we speak our own minds and do so in our own manner/methods, attempts by some to portray it as otherwise notwithstanding.

    I have yet to see "an illustration of examples of government action that seemingly run contrary to those principals." All 'we' seem to be presented with is the same rhetoric.

    Then you seemingly have a reading comprehension problem and an "iceracerx" problem.

    Neither are my issue, they belong to you.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Blairweescot


    Won't watch it myself, actually. I had planned to go to the local place, have some steak and eggs and a scotch, and hope like hell the game didn't get turned on, but there's no chance of that! Plus I want to pull out some of my stuff and get photos- I just finished getting all the things for my WWII pistol belt and I want to document the stuff in case there's a fire or it gets stolen or something

    I like debating with you, too. It's nice to meet some folks who can dish it out and take it too. Have a good one

    Same to you blair.

    Enjoy your Scotch. I am partial to it myself and plan on a nice tumbler on the rocks later this evening, probably with a fine cigar.

    Take care.
  • iceracerxiceracerx Member Posts: 8,860 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by lt496

    Then you seemingly have a reading comprehension problem and an "iceracerx" problem.

    Neither are my issue, they belong to you.

    And herein lies the problem. Instead of directing me to examples, you choose to insult my intelligence. And THAT is YOUR problem, you pompas *.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by iceracerx
    quote:Originally posted by lt496

    Then you seemingly have a reading comprehension problem and an "iceracerx" problem.

    Neither are my issue, they belong to you.

    And herein lies the problem. Instead of directing me to examples, you choose to insult my intelligence. And THAT is YOUR problem, you pompas *.

    First, reading comprehension is not directly tied to intelligence. Many, including yourself it seems, do not always comprehend what they read, often due to a preconceived notion of what the content of a specific example of writing is, rather than what it in actuality is. Therefore, I did not insult your intelligence, merely your reading comprehension.

    Once again, this merely reinforces and indicates a reading comprehension problem that you have.

    If you are concerned enough about what I have posted in the past, then the onus is on you to research, not for me to spoon feed you examples.

    I already know what I say and the things that I have said and the things that I stand for. "YOU" are the one who called them into question. Once again, this is indicative of an iceracerx problem, and I have neither the interest, nor the obligation to assist you in educating yourself about positions which you have called into question.

    In closing, I actually think "arrogant *" (born of the extreme confidence in my positions) is more appropriate than "pompous *" (note the correct spelling of pompous please), but hey, it "is" your characterization, not mine.[;)]

    Anything else?
  • Marc1301Marc1301 Member Posts: 31,895 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    "Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here." - William Shatner
  • RockatanskyRockatansky Member Posts: 11,175
    edited November -1
    I admire your patience, Lt.
  • HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
    edited November -1
    quote:have yet to see "an illustration of examples of government action that seemingly run contrary to those principals." All 'we' seem to be presented with is the same rhetoric.

    Talk about a pompous * ..really.

    How does 20,000+++++ gun laws strike you.

    As for the rest....amazing how far this country has fallen. A man talking about the Constitution is rendered into a `cult leader' by the ignorant and slovenly `citizens' of the Republic.

    A couple dozen such men is a terrorist organization...and further, has become a `church'. Those men repeating the same message...."Shall Not Be Infringed'...become clones of each other.

    ONE of those men..ME .... HAS MENTIONED MY `Master Plan' over and over and over and OVER;
    Withdraw from the political process;
    Withdraw from the begging of politicians, the letters to the editors, the calling of talk shows.
    Give only the silence of the grave to the big media, bigger government, and their fellow travelers.

    PREPARE yourself and your loved ones for hard times ahead.... and be prepared to step into the breech when the corrupt leadership of this Country make their final grab for power.

    This is MY idea...and shared by no other Canary *, to my knowledge.
    This, however, lacks the details that certain people need...there are no plans to raid federal buildings, no people shot down in the streets, no midnight explosions, no machine guns built.
    None of the juicy details that make juicier reports. Therefore, the endless pressing for `plans. Details, ideas.'

    Only the waiting for widespread attacks AKA Waco by out-of-control madmen in power.
    Nothing glamorous about waiting. Just the endless drudge of preparing yourself for what is coming.
    My way, it comes sooner then later.

    Most of you guys comes in your childrens' time...and America is lost forever, for most of America has failed in the raising of their children and the teaching of what should be basic American values.
  • RockatanskyRockatansky Member Posts: 11,175
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Highball

    As for the rest....amazing how far this country has fallen. A man talking about the Constitution is rendered into a `cult leader' by the ignorant and slovenly `citizens' of the Republic.

    A couple dozen such men is a terrorist organization...and further, has become a `church'. Those men repeating the same message...."Shall Not Be Infringed'...become clones of each other.

    Did you notice they use the argument against any concept they don't agree with? They are just unable to come up with anything better. Hopefully more people see these it clearly and dismiss them as simple minds incapable of intelligent thought.
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1
    Once again, Bert has hit the nail on the head. This should make all of us sad as we see out rights slowly depleted under the false belief that the new laws are returning a right that is promised to us in the 2nd amendemnt.[V]
  • RockatanskyRockatansky Member Posts: 11,175
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Blairweescot

    Now this is something more like it.

    And couldn't you be more condescending... [xx(]
  • Horse Plains DrifterHorse Plains Drifter Forums Admins, Member, Moderator Posts: 39,827 ***** Forums Admin
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Rockatansky
    I admire your patience, Lt.
    Me too Cap'n, I will not waste the time myself.
  • BlairweescotBlairweescot Member Posts: 2,014 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Rockatansky
    quote:Originally posted by Blairweescot

    Now this is something more like it.

    And couldn't you be more condescending... [xx(]

    Pardon me, but it is completely up to me if I wish to commend a member here for what they post. Just as I make an effort to point out the things that I do not agree with, I also take the time to point out the things I do agree with, and your quote is an example of me doing just that. I don't feel I need your permission to do it, either

    Why don't you leave other people out of it, if you have something to say to me next time. That is, I should think, the way to address a person you have a problem with.

    I am sorry that you're not thick skinned enough to deal with a debate of this nature, but it's hardly my fault; if you want to play rough with big boys, you need to expect a lump now and again Max.

    And what's the purpose of trying to dig up something like this, anyway? To put it in the head of another forum member that I wasn't being genuine to him? That's a little insulting to his intelligence in my opinion. Seems to me he can think for himself, based on what he posts.
  • RockatanskyRockatansky Member Posts: 11,175
    edited November -1
    once again, went right over your head, didn't, Blairwee... just like the projection bit.
  • BlairweescotBlairweescot Member Posts: 2,014 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    You say so partner, so it must be true.
  • BlairweescotBlairweescot Member Posts: 2,014 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1

    lousy attempt to piss me off. Take another cut if you like
  • nunnnunn Forums Admins, Member, Moderator Posts: 36,057 ******
    edited November -1
    Take silly arguments somewhere else, please.
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