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"Gay Gene" Theory debunked

footlongfootlong Member Posts: 8,009
edited May 2009 in General Discussion

APA has revised their earlier stance on the so-called "Gay Gene"

Why am I not surprised on reading this. People act the way they do because they CHOOSE to


  • Colonel PlinkColonel Plink Member Posts: 16,460
    edited November -1
    I disagree.

    Who would choose to be the subject of ridicule, discrimination, hate and violence?

    Many gays stay closeted out of fear. Why woouldn't they simply choose to be straight?

    Psychiatry is not what you'd call an "exact science". They're constantly revising what they know and, more importantly, what they think they know.

    Besides, look at the website you cited.

    Hardly an unbiased source, really.
  • SuaspontaSuasponta Member Posts: 41 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I'd have to agree with the Colonel on this one. Why would anyone choose to put themselves through so much ridicule and revulsion?

    Unless all gays are masochist too, their must be something hardwired in them from the get go. I don't think one just wakes up one morning and chooses to find the same sex attractive in a sexual way.
  • Saxon PigSaxon Pig Member Posts: 754 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I have a gay family member. We knew from about the age of 8.

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but homosexuals are born that way.
  • FatstratFatstrat Member Posts: 9,147
    edited November -1
    +1 w/the others. A guy who lived in our neighborhood and who I've kown all my life turned out to be gay. And I'm convinced he has been all his life. We (Kids) just thought he was a "sissy". But all the signs were there from early childhood. Long before any of us ever thought of having sex or being straight or gay.
  • kimikimi Member Posts: 44,719 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by footlong

    APA has revised their earlier stance on the so-called "Gay Gene"

    Why am I not surprised on reading this. People act the way they do because they CHOOSE to

    There are a lot of variables that figure in here. I have no doubt in my mind that going gay for the vast majority of the people is purely based upon preference. And, the more acceptance homosexuality gains, the more people we will see choose this lifestyle as time goes on. The downside to this is that liberal educators who push this sexually perverted, politically correct, aim of theirs as an acceptable lifestyle will, without question, gain new converts since they control the educational environment of America's children. Couple this with like educated progressives and their lemmings who control the media, politicians, etc., and one can better understand how communist ideas have corrupted our way of life.
    What's next?
  • FatstratFatstrat Member Posts: 9,147
    edited November -1
    I agree w/Kimi as well. It's already taking hold. Particularly w/young girls.
  • slipgateslipgate Member Posts: 12,741
    edited November -1
    "Let me get this straight, your name, is Gay Fokker?"
  • screwobamascrewobama Member Posts: 625
    edited November -1
    IMHO I don't belive anyone was created or born gay because by saying that you would be saying that God is imperfect. I belive people TURN gay because someone played with their "franks and beans" or "clams" when they were young.
  • soopsoop Member Posts: 4,633
    edited November -1
    People are born retarded all the time.Why can`t they be born gay?
  • kimikimi Member Posts: 44,719 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by soopershot
    People are born retarded all the time.Why can`t they be born gay?

    That's a good point, however, to suggest that being a homosexual is akin to being retarded is rejected by the politically correct anti-Americans, who promote sexual perversion as one of their marxist activities.
    What's next?
  • footlongfootlong Member Posts: 8,009
    edited November -1
    I dont think I have ever heard of a retarded person being homosexual
  • MMOMEQ-55MMOMEQ-55 Member Posts: 13,134
    edited November -1
    Being a fag is an option. A person chooses to be a fag. It is a sick perversion that goes against nature. The problem is that the morals of this country has sunken so low that people are accepting a sick perversion as being normal. That being said, as long as they do not try to push their lifestyle on me I could care less what they do, just keep it away from me. I am not homophobic. That would mean that I fear fags. I have no fear of a fag only disgust at their perversions.
  • robbie pennyrobbie penny Member Posts: 179 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Colonel Plink
    I disagree.

    Who would choose to be the subject of ridicule, discrimination, hate and violence?

    Many gays stay closeted out of fear. Why woouldn't they simply choose to be straight?

    Psychiatry is not what you'd call an "exact science". They're constantly revising what they know and, more importantly, what they think they know.

    Hardly an unbiased source, really.

    By that logic, who would CHOOSE to be a pedophile ? The risks are FAR WORSE than being a homosexual.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    Col. Plink wrote -

    "I disagree.

    Who would choose to be the subject of ridicule, discrimination, hate and violence?

    Many gays stay closeted out of fear. Why woouldn't they simply choose to be straight?

    Psychiatry is not what you'd call an "exact science". They're constantly revising what they know and, more importantly, what they think they know.

    Besides, look at the website you cited.

    Hardly an unbiased source, really."

    And I agree. WHY would ANYONE choose a "lifestyle" that brings hate and bigotry down on them? Ask any gay person, and they will probably tell you tht high school was a living hell for them, espicially if they came from a rural area.

    Saxon Pig wrote -

    "I have a gay family member. We knew from about the age of 8.

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but homosexuals are born that way."

    I agree with SP.

    I don't have a gay family member, but we were close with a family who had a gay son. When I was a kid I knew he was different (myself and the other son played Army, this kid played with dolls).

    He came out as a soon to be freshman in college, but it was no shocker.

    And considering the source....geez. Big surprise.
  • WinM70WinM70 Member Posts: 1,667 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Now robbie they were born a pedophile too, so we need to start looking after them and giving them special rights too.[xx(]
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by robbie penny
    quote:Originally posted by Colonel Plink
    I disagree.

    Who would choose to be the subject of ridicule, discrimination, hate and violence?

    Many gays stay closeted out of fear. Why woouldn't they simply choose to be straight?

    Psychiatry is not what you'd call an "exact science". They're constantly revising what they know and, more importantly, what they think they know.

    Hardly an unbiased source, really.

    By that logic, who would CHOOSE to be a pedophile ? The risks are FAR WORSE than being a homosexual.

    can you READ?

    The esteemed Col. Plink is saying that homosexuality is NOT a CHOICE, but a pre-programmed behavior.

    BTW, I think pedophiles should be shot, no matter HOW they aquired their perversion.
  • garanchgaranch Member Posts: 3,681
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by MMOMEQ-55
    The problem is that the morals of this country has sunken so low that people are accepting a sick perversion as being normal.

    I agree 100%. The media is the worst offender of this.

    And yes, homosexuals are retarded by definition.
  • War Pig ActualWar Pig Actual Member Posts: 2,063 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Did you post this to explain why you choose that lifestyle?
  • COLTCOLT Member Posts: 12,637 ******
    edited November -1
    ...I don't give much thought as to why, people are pervs but, if you follow the thought process that being a fag is just too much self persecution and trouble; why do criminals continue to commit rape/murder/theft etc. after suffering thru the Justice system and prison time after time...I think that being a noodler is by choice...[;)]

  • NOSLEEPNOSLEEP Member Posts: 4,526
    edited November -1
    The liberal agenda has been at the forefront of education for decades.

    In the 60's & 70's teachers were coming out as gay or bisexual regularly like clock work. It is hip to be bisexual in 2009 just ask more than
    one or two high school girls. The feminizing of males in a liberaly
    educated society has contributed to an increase and acceptability among
    their piers. It doesn't happen overnight, but it is an easier choice
    today than ever. The gay boom will continue.
  • Saxon PigSaxon Pig Member Posts: 754 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The level of ignorance that is displayed when the topic of homosexuality comes up is truly astounding.

    I'm out of here. This will be deleted soon, anyway.
  • Aspen79seAspen79se Member Posts: 4,707
    edited November -1
    Oh come on, Saxon, it applies to a lot more topics than just this one. [:D]
  • dongilldongill Member Posts: 2,640
    edited November -1
    Homosexuality was a diagnosable mental illness before political correctness hit the medical scene. Homosexuality is a choice. Young men typically have an emotionally detached father or have grown up with only a mother who manipulated the boy with love. At this early age they do not know about the life of an adult homosexual. They are already programmed by their upbringing. Homosexual scientists have tried to prove it is genetic but have failed miserably.
  • FatstratFatstrat Member Posts: 9,147
    edited November -1
    The religius damnation of gays troubles me as well.
    Since I believe that at least SOME gays are born that way. I find it difficult to accept that a just God would allow the creation of people who are damned from the get-go.
    But having known a gay person since childhood, I know that this person is not gay by choice. He was born that way.
    He has a straight brother. Was raised in a neighborhood w/straight boys. And indeed tried to fit in. But this boy was a girl inside, and that's all there is to it.
  • Sav99Sav99 Member Posts: 16,037 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I believe that it is a symptom of a deeper psychological condition. Not a choice in the truest sense any more than alcoholism is.
  • moonshinemoonshine Member Posts: 8,471
    edited November -1
    quote:God is imperfect.

    it is man that is imperfect
    we have free will.
  • soopsoop Member Posts: 4,633
    edited November -1
    Being gay is no more a choice than being born retarded,deaf,blind or with an extra toe. It`s not a liberal agenda.If it was,how do you explain republican Larry Craig`s airport restroom incident? And there`s also republican Mark Foley who resigned in disgrace for soliciting male interns. Did they fall for the liberal agenda?
  • NOSLEEPNOSLEEP Member Posts: 4,526
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by soopershot
    Being gay is no more a choice than being born retarded,deaf,blind or with an extra toe. It`s not a liberal agenda.If it was,how do you explain republican Larry Craig`s airport restroom incident? And there`s also republican Mark Foley who resigned in disgrace for soliciting male interns. Did they fall for the liberal agenda?

    No... Liberals didn't invent it. They just put it on a pedestal.
  • Queen of SwordsQueen of Swords Member Posts: 14,355
    edited November -1
    Here's the deal.

    There are two types of gay, "real gay," and "cool gay." My oldest friend, who I have known since we were 4 years old, was "real gay." She was always gay, only as children growing up in the late 60's early 70's, we didn't have the word for it, we knew she was just "different", we called her a "tomboy" and left it at that.

    Then there are "cool gay" girls. This is acting gay/bisexual purely for self-exploitation, in the name of celebrating their sexuality. Please. You aren't sexually liberated, if anything, you are only reinforcing the same tired, male stereotypes of "woman as sex object purely for the satifaction of men" that the first wave of feminism revolted against. I call them "female chauvanist pigs."

    So, here's the deal. You guys stop wanting to see some "woman on woman" action, then you can legitimately express your abhorration at homosexuality.
  • bigtirebigtire Member Posts: 24,800
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Colonel Plink
    I disagree.

    Who would choose to be the subject of ridicule, discrimination, hate and violence?

    Many gays stay closeted out of fear. Why woouldn't they simply choose to be straight?

    Psychiatry is not what you'd call an "exact science". They're constantly revising what they know and, more importantly, what they think they know.

    Besides, look at the website you cited.

    Hardly an unbiased source, really.

    I also disagree.

    Many gays report feeling "different" from an early age, before puberty. You've probably gone to gradeschool with some of them. Eveyone knew they were gay before they themselves figured it out. Many have even tried to stifle the feelings and attempted to live out a heterosexual lifestyle. Some eventually give in to who they feel they really are.

    I don't condone the behavior. I do not think homosexuality is normal. I suspect most homosexuality is caused by a defect in brain chemistry, structure, etc. It might not be a genetic defect, but some kind of biological defect.
  • rwald51rwald51 Member Posts: 39 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Maybe a crazy analogy, but I am a rancher and have been around cattle, hogs, sheep all my life have yet to see a gay one. You put the bull, boar, or ram with the girls and bam. People are no different except they have the intellect to choose and I think gays choose that lifestyle.
  • KSUmarksmanKSUmarksman Member Posts: 10,705 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I don't really think being gay is a choice...

    I don't know about being gay, but I can say that I never sat there consciously thinking "ok, I will like girls, girls are hot, like girls" just happened one day when I reached the appropriate age...
    never thought about guys, consciously or otherwise
  • Survivalist86Survivalist86 Member Posts: 3,105
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by footlong

    APA has revised their earlier stance on the so-called "Gay Gene"

    Why am I not surprised on reading this. People act the way they do because they CHOOSE to

    In college, back many moons ago the DSM listed homosexuality as a mental disorder and it was treated as such.
  • nunnnunn Forums Admins, Member, Moderator Posts: 36,062 ******
    edited November -1
    I didn't read every post, but so far, this seems to be an agreeable disagreement. It won't stay that way, so the lock goes on.
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