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CA Firearms Deadline July 1 !!!?
Member Posts: 4 ✭✭
[black][red]Hello to all , As I am sure most of you are aware, the new mandatory CFLC (California Firearms Licensee Check) process goes into effect on July 1st. All firearms shipped into CA on or after July 1st require a verification approval number from the California Department of Justice (CADOJ) Bureau of Firearms. You can read the full details here......
Too old to live...too young to die...
just let it .
cut them off from the rest of us if that is what the people of California want.
DONT SELL ANYTHING TO California UNTILL they get there crap straight.
How many dealers are there in the PRK? Enough to bring pressure to bear on the hired help and get the law changed? Enough to have an impact on the overall state economy?
One problem I see with no more guns coming in: It would create a similar situation to what the 1986 machine gun ban did, driving prices skyward on the now-finite supply. Once gun values escalated to a certain level, someone outside the PRK would jump through the hoops and comply with the law to make the profit.
As for me, for now anyway, no shipments of firearms to the PRK after July 1.
Finally, who are you really hurting? Do you *really* think that the people trying to buy your firearms are the ones that are advocating these laws? Get real! We are the ones trying to get this mess straightened out.
There is only one real way to fight these stupid laws and that is to go completely against what the government wants.... Jump through the hoops and sell as many firearms as you possibly can to people in California. Why? Because if you don't, you are buying into the whole thing and ultimately making the law a success. Do you really want that? I think not.
Finally, as far as Kalifornia dropping out of the US... Yeah, right. California is the largest single contributor to the GNP of the United States. Without it, a hell of a lot of other states would go downhill fast. So, although I think the politics here stink, you simply cannot ignore the 6th largest economy in the world and tell it to go independent. It is foolish and short-sighted.
Please don't get me wrong... I'm sick of the politics here and I want to change them... I vote religiously and I tell Dianne Fienstein on a regular basis that her voting record stinks. Do I think California splitting off would be good for the US? No way. Would it be good for California to shed the burden of the Federal government and its assistance programs for the rest of the country... probably. But it is a terrible idea for the country.
Just my two cents... But the sales to California is really where the focus should be... You guys should be shipping as much as you possibly can here. Or maybe we should stop buying products built in North Carolina, Texas, Wisconsin, etc....
Or how about this... If my rights are continue eroded and I don't get any support from you, do you think I will give a rat's a** when the federal government starts to take yours away? People have long memories... I know I do. I am going to start looking at who does and who does not sell to California for items OTHER than those requiring an FFL... For instance, I need an upper for an AR15. I HEREBY MAKE A PLEDGE NOT TO BUY IT FROM ANYONE ON GUNBROKER, MY PREFERRED SOURCE, THAT REFUSES TO SELL TO CALIFORNIA. I encourage *all* California gun owners to follow suit. Boycott the boycotters!
That actually sounds pretty good to me.
I've got more than enough - and have for a long time!
quote: I encourage *all* California gun owners to follow suit. Boycott the boycotters!
California gun owners are soon to be an Endangered Species . I don't sell firearms on GB very often , but from now on when I do, in the item discription it WILL SAY " NO SALES TO Ca. " .
Its just not worth the hassle or ones trouble [xx(] A law abiding seller could very well unknowingly , break your goofy laws and end up with soap on a rope [xx(]
The fine folks in all the other states ( You know , the free ones )
make sure the anti's stay out of office and they do their best to keep em out [;)] So instead of pi$$in and moanin to us , why not do something about the people you Ca. folks put in office , and pass those laws. in short , clean up your own back yard , and we'll take care of our's . Once that happens maybe you won't see that little foot note in the item discription thats reads " NO sales to Ca. "
P.S. I think California gun owners were just upgraded to the
" Threatened Species " better get busy , real quick .
Total Posts: 1
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I, as well as all my friends, vote in every election to keep anti-gunners out of office, but we are out numbered. What else do you suggest we do, other than run to another state.
I have noticed some sellers wont ship anything to Calif, oh well, their loss.
Some sellers have not even read the law. One would not sell a C&R gun to calif because of the new law, but C&R transfers are not effected by the law, they are specifically exempt.
Who would have imagined THAT ??
Maybe ya'll are right about the way to proceed. To that end, I have seriously thought about lobbying against the right for police to have near automatic CCW licenses in this state. I know several police and I am quite honestly amazed that even they have told me that a well trained civilian is often better trained than themselves. That dispells quality of training argument. More to the point, however, maybe if police could not get CCW permits (talking off-duty here) they would be pushing to have some of these stupid laws removed... It is kind of the same argument as I hear here and elsewhere on GunBroker... the old "I have mine so I don't care about you." I live close to the chief law enforcement officer in my area. He stated that he has never signed a CCW in his entire career, except for fellow officers. Hmmm, there is a problem here.
I will tell you this.... If I lose my rights entirely in this State, don't expect me to support yours when the feds start changing their laws. If this forum has shown me one thing (and by greater extension, the general populace as I can only gain a feeling for that by looking at the auctions), it has shown me that my fellow US citizens have zero interest in helping me. Therefore, the logical conclusion is that I should have zero interest in helping them when Obama puts in a new Supreme Court justice. We all applaud the Heller decision... Guess what, it was only 5 to 4. Granted, it may be awhile before we see another test case, but then again maybe not. Look at the BS that DC is doing now; that stands a good chance of getting clarified again. But if we have a retiring justice then all of this could change in a heartbeat.
So I will go back to "whining and moaning" in solitude. I will have to silently laugh when those who have little interest in supporting CA citizens get nicked too. I am quite confident it will happen, but clearly nobody cares about Kalifornia folks.
One last parting, and interesting, thought... I really don't know exactly *how* the FFL law got in there. It just sort of "appeared" one day. There was a lot of publicity about some of the other laws (microstamping...Hey! there is one that is starting to move across the country... Yeah!) and ammo bans all got good info on the boards. And, yes, I wrote Arnold (no great friend there) and my other representatives (not much help... I live in the Bay Area so everyone who represents me is *not* someone I have voted for as they are all staunchly anti-gun"). It did no good at all. The laws were still passed. But the FFL thing just sort of appeared. I need to check its lineage.
Anyhow, a few more of these dumb laws and I'll be out of the hobby gun business. At that point I'll vote to have the rest of the guns in the US confiscated. Hopefully that will please everyone here because there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of support amongst my brethren.
P.S. FWIW, gln, I think you are right. Maybe gun manufacturers *should* prohibit sales to any Kalifornia police agencies as a sign of protest. Police are a government agency, of course, so it is one message that goes straight to the heart... Sell to the public but not to the police... And prohibit police from using personal firearms. Pretty soon the message may get across.
May I ask one question ?
Do you support FFLs', or the Nics check ? Do you support Project Exile ?
TWo questions, actually...but they really are one.
quote:Do I think California splitting off would be good for the US?.
Yes I do..
Splitting off about 10" West of the state line allowing the entire state to fall into the Pacific would be a good start.
Honestly, I have no problem with NICS or the current FFL setup, within reason. I think it is poorly implemented in California because one must wait 10 days each and every time you purchase. I can have an arsenal at home and yet still have to wait 10 days. That doesn't make sense. I think you should be able to get a recurrent 2 year window during which time you need not wait to pickup your firearm.
I do not know what "Project Exile" is, although I suspect it is a tongue in cheek comment. Sorry, I don't really get that one.
And I think that CCW permits should probably be issued by the federal government. However, that concerns me because I get the distinct feeling that the federal representatives are even less accountable, and hence are even further disjointed, than the state governments.
If you are thinking I'm an anarchist... No way. I firmly think government is too big and is transgressing on our rights from many many different vantage points, but I don't have a problem with government. I'm not a Montana separatist or anything.
Splitting California... OK, you guys win. Honestly, the country of California would probably be better off without West Virginia or any of the other States except for Texas, Alaska and Mass. Heck, we have more oil, gold and resources than anyone else. Our economy is better than anyone else's. We are not burdened by natural disaster from floods every single year (sure, we'll have a huge quake here someday, but compared to the Mississippi flooding, a "large" quake is nothing). And we have enough aerospace industry and military industry that we can sell our arms to what remains of the United States. All in all, California would probably be much better off fiscally to shed itself of the rest of the Union. Living here, of course, would be another matter!
But I do think all this talk of subsidizing heating fuel costs for the folks in the East is a joke. Who cares if it costs $2000 a month to heat your homes. I mean, I'm in Kalifornia, right? The fact that you all are freezing your tushes off isn't my problem. The fact that you have water up to your top of your houses isn't my problem.
All of this is clearly in jest. Contrary to Les, I do not think splitting the union up is a smart thing. I do believe in the United States as a union of spirit and common interest. It is why I pay taxes and I support my brethren in the East. I am saddened that there is not reciprocity here though. It is disturbing.
Of course, in truth it is probably like the Middle East. Everyone chants about down with the US, this that and the other... But given the chance to move here and they jump (or at least Western Europeans frequently do). Possibly there is some reality to the same type of thing here too? Maybe.
But, getting back to the point, none of you should get into a tizzy if a movement were formed to boycott those dealers that refuse to sell to California residents for all purchases.
P.S. Ironically, I have been trying to validate that all of this FFL stuff isn't really all that hard. I have read that the "letter" is electronically generated so it really is a simple additional step. Do I agree with the step, no. Do this change my feelings about boycotting dealers? Absolutely not.
Thank you for your reply.
That being said...when one supports incursions into the most basic Right we humans have..the Right to defend oneself, family, and Nation...
One shouldn't complain when that incursion becomes so onerous as to force fellow citizens to withdraw from contact with those willing to live under that incursion.
Drive on with your boycott...please.
It would reveal just how deeply into Socialism your state is. Rather then fight for will fight those still attempting to live in freedom.
This brings up another subject I have been considering.
I am becomming convinced that people that support federal and state gun laws...laws directed at honest citizens...OUGHT to be disarmed. I believe them to be a danger to a free state.
Lacking that...perhaps they should be charged...say, TRIPLE...the cost of a we that support the Second Amendment can use that money for defense from their insidious insider attacks.
Since it least from the sampling on this board..that most gun-owning Californians support gun laws...disarming by refusing to sell to you is indeed in order.
I can see your point on the federal laws, but by the same token I do believe we need to at least TRY to keep firearms out of the hands of criminals. They should not be able to buy firearms legally. To that end, I think it takes some form of gun law. Therein lies the quandry.
I will also say that I think that from a purely Constitutional perspective, NFA should have been challenged and overturned.
Incidentally, I did some poking around on how difficult it is to jump through CA's laws. This is a recent post:
I honestly don't know how they get the letter, I would guess that they login to the CFLC system, fill out some sort of form, a window pops up that is the "Ok To Ship" letter, and then the dealer prints it. The dealer that I always use says it took 5 minutes to set up and 2 minutes to get the "Ok To Ship" letter.
It sounds much scarier to out-of-state dealers than it really is. But that is really what the gun grabbers in CA wanted. They knew that whether the system could be enforced or not, out of state dealers would be discouraged from doing business with Californians because they hate jumping threw the "commiefornia hoops".
The proper procedure is NEVER to limit the Rights of honest citizens.and that is what gun laws accomplish.
Not only does that limit the options of a also makes the government safer for tyrants .. exactly what they set out to do.
A free country, with armed citizens going about their daily lives, is the best deterrent there possibly could be.
Sort of like an armed officer on every corner.
Except those citizens are not backed by the armed might of an out-of-control power-hungry Beast...and their actions would be forced to stand the smell test.
Something not much worried about by most of those carrying a badge.
I had a police officer tell me to my a gun show...that he could pull his weapon and shoot me dead on the spot..and justify it to the police inquery. Just a few simple lies will do the trick.....
Support for state controls on firearms plays squarely into the hands of those working tirelessly to disarm the entire populace..and when a gun owner votes for a gun grabber (AKA bush/mccain) he weakens the Constitution even futher.
He also strengthens the hand AGAINST the leading the non-gun owners to feel it is perfectly acceptable to infringe further yet that document.
".. the country of California would probably be better off without West Virginia or any of the other States .."
Glad you feel that way.
You do not see no West Virginian on a message board whining about not being able to buy or owning a gun. For politicians know that even thinking of taking away or messing with our 2nd Amendment rights and a lot of other freedoms will have them on the unemployment line quicker than a California "man" could get a wax job and manicure. It's like Brad Paisley says, "Honey I still got a pair" and that goes for 99% of the men that live in this, the freest state in the US. And we plan to keep it that way.
I will keep enjoying the fact that I can FREELY and LEGALLY carry my Colt .44 Mag on my side on any street of any city or town within the state of West Virginia. You can keep whining and crying to the world (who really could care less) because the people of California do not have the balls to stand up for rights.
So... by not selling to Californians in the first place we don't need to worry about them getting disarmed...right???[:)]
That'll fix them gun grabbers! Then they can go bother some other states for their rights.
I just don't think denying to sell more of what they need more of there is the way to accomplish anything for the good of the whole. The less there is there for the gun grabbers to fear the more emboldened they will be everywhere. I think a bunch of those liberals saw what Hitler accomplished with fear and trepidation and figure if it worked for him; it can work for them. It's a mind game that they think we won't play. The divide and conquer aspect is a huge feather in their cap too.
I timed takes 12 seconds to get the approval letter from Ca DOJ and its free. It asks long gun, handgun, how many of each, invoice number, and verifies the intended FFL's license and address. I can even cut and paste it to my shipping programs which saves me even more time. Thanks Ca DOJ you are very helpful!
I personally will continue to sell to Californians and any other American who legally wants to purchase a firearm from me.
I also think it would be nice if Gunbroker would set up a link for dealers in other states to sign up for the CFLC.
Thank you for your consideration and support... We Californians, whether others here consider us to be citizens of the United States or not, appreciate it. Furthermore, I steadfastly believe your efforts will help ensure the rights for everyone in the rest of the United States, including West Virginia.
I shall have to figure out who you are on GunBroker. I don't have a particular firearm I am looking for now except a trap gun, but I am delighted to hear you will sell to the PRK.
KaliforniaBuyer says
".. the country of California would probably be better off without West Virginia or any of the other States .."
Glad you feel that way.
You do not see no West Virginian on a message board whining about not being able to buy or owning a gun. For politicians know that even thinking of taking away or messing with our 2nd Amendment rights and a lot of other freedoms will have them on the unemployment line quicker than a California "man" could get a wax job and manicure. It's like Brad Paisley says, "Honey I still got a pair" and that goes for 99% of the men that live in this, the freest state in the US. And we plan to keep it that way.
I will keep enjoying the fact that I can FREELY and LEGALLY carry my Colt .44 Mag on my side on any street of any city or town within the state of West Virginia. You can keep whining and crying to the world (who really could care less) because the people of California do not have the balls to stand up for rights.
I timed takes 12 seconds to get the approval letter from Ca DOJ and its free. It asks long gun, handgun, how many of each, invoice number, and verifies the intended FFL's license and address. I can even cut and paste it to my shipping programs which saves me even more time. Thanks Ca DOJ you are very helpful!
I personally will continue to sell to Californians and any other American who legally wants to purchase a firearm from me.
I also think it would be nice if Gunbroker would set up a link for dealers in other states to sign up for the CFLC.
Paula......... Your a sweetheart. Thanks for not being lazy like so many other sellers on GB.
They claim to be pro-gun, and they probably are, but they are falling right into conformity with what the Calif anti-gun crowd wants to happen.
Maybe these "sellers" will come to find out how easy it really is to sell a gun to Calif. WOW, less than 1 min to get the needed documents. I will certainly remember you when Iam shopping here.
I don't understand what this means. Any FFL outside CA who wants to ship a gun to an FFL in the state must do this? Does this mean that a non-FFL cannot ship a gun to a CA FFL?
non-FFL's have not been able to ship to CA for several years.
As to the question of selling to a CA resident I'm not selling any firearms right now but if/when I do, I'll do the same as I did when they passed the law about FFL to FFL transfer only ... pass the associated costs on to the buyer.
The last time I sold anything to a CA buyer it was a Marlin 1893 (lever action .22)
My FFL charged $20 for the transfer (same as he charges me for a transfer) and $10 to box it up ... plus actual shipping.
As long as the CA buyer doesn't have a problem with that, its no skin off my nose.
? otherwise, you'll find an excuse.