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Anyones Dog have epilepsy

select-fireselect-fire Member Posts: 69,491 ✭✭✭✭
edited March 2013 in General Discussion
I have watched my Lab get cramps in her back leg. Took her into the vet at the start of them and she gave us a prescription of some sorta muscle relaxer. I read up on it and it would cause more damage than good. So we took it back. The cramps would come about every six to eight weeks. Well last night it was different. She was outside with me and running, retrieving and just having fun. Came in ate supper and about 8 oclock she came up to me, licked my hand and layed down. I have never seen anything like it.. she went in and out of reality, got up once and ran a circle layed down, went blind and couldn't hear us, then started wagging her tail. She even got up, and I let her outside , did her business , came inside and went thru it again for about another 20 min. All in all it was 1 hour 15 min. Then she stood up, shook her head and went in and ate some food. She goes to another vet tomorrow. Something isn't right and I think it could have epilepsy. Damn first vet should have known that.


  • retroxler58retroxler58 Member Posts: 32,693 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Crap... Hope you get a viable diagnosis. PDQ...

    My Bea-Jay had mild seizures (of some kind) where he would just start jerking all over..
    They would last a few minutes or more.

    He had one the morning before Ozma took him to the vet...
    Where he 'arrested' and believed to be from a severe seizure at the vet.

    We don't know if it was neurological, food related, or some sort of poisoning.
  • LaidbackDanLaidbackDan Member Posts: 13,142 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    When I was a kid my most favorite companion was diagnosed with epilepsy, it was somewhat controllable by medication.
    We did eventually have to put her down after she had a seizure and became partially paralyzed after falling down a set of stairs.
    That was almost 40 years ago, I'm sure advances have been made since then.
  • LesWVaLesWVa Member Posts: 10,490 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    It is not uncommon for Labs and Rottweilers to have Seizures. My 12 year old Rottweiler started having them last Fall. The vet said that it is something that certain breeds experience from time to time especially once they reach an older age.
  • nordnord Member Posts: 6,106
    edited November -1
    My lab Jennifer would have seizures similar to what you describe. We were careful when she was near water but never had a problem. Frequency was unpredictable. Sometimes weeks or months between. Other times maybe twice in one day. Hard exertion seemed to set things off on occasion.

    Seizures usually sort of started at the tip of her tail and worked forward, then ended just the opposite. She was sometimes frightened by what was happening and the best treatment we could give was to be by her side gently holding her and telling her that everything would be OK in a few minutes.

    The worst episodes were in the twenty minute range. Usually she emerged just a bit tired. I wish we could have said the same. We did notice that as she advanced in age the seizures became less severe and more infrequent.

    I lost Jennifer in 1989. She was thirteen and suffered from kidney failure. And now I must quit as the tears begin and I can no longer see the keyboard.
  • BikerBobBikerBob Member Posts: 2,745 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Boxer had a couple seizures right after Christmas. Vet didn't even want to see him, the description of the seizures were enough, he put him on phenobarbital and he's been fine since. The side effect we've noticed is weight gain. That and he can now hear a velvet a box open in his sleep from 30 feet!

    Good luck.
  • BikerBobBikerBob Member Posts: 2,745 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Velveeta cheese box. Not velvet a. Autocorrect is a communist plot!
  • SawzSawz Member Posts: 6,049
    edited November -1
    I had a small dog that had seizures all the time, the older she got the less she had and they weren't as severe, she lived to be 16
  • Sam06Sam06 Member Posts: 21,244 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    My Golden started having seizures when she was about 10. She did not last long after that. My 2 younger Golden's would come get me when she was getting ready to seize. It was weird they knew, they would lead me to the older dog and stand there with a look on their face, do something Dad..............It was heart breaking. Even to a Ranger with 6 combat tours.[V] I just held her and put a toy in her mouth so she would not bite her toung. When it was over we would both be smoked.

    I hope it turns out well for you.............You will know when its time. Prayers sent your way.

    They will probably put her on phenobarbital or some other anti-seizure meds and it will make her a zombie.

  • 8000fthi8000fthi Member Posts: 864 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    She needs a thorough physical and neurological exam with blood work. They can be caused by many things. good luck
  • SawzSawz Member Posts: 6,049
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Sam06
    My Golden started having seizures when she was about 10. She did not last long after that. My 2 younger Golden's would come get me when she was getting ready to seize. It was weird they knew, they would lead me to the older dog and stand there with a look on their face, do something Dad..............It was heart breaking. Even to a Ranger with 6 combat tours.[V] I just held her and put a toy in her mouth so she would not bite her toung. When it was over we would both be smoked.

    I hope it turns out well for you.............You will know when its time. Prayers sent your way.

    They will probably put her on phenobarbital or some other anti-seizure meds and it will make her a zombie.

    I have a friend that gets seizures all the time She has a golden as a service dog to alert her when its going to happen
  • MMOMEQ-55MMOMEQ-55 Member Posts: 13,134
    edited November -1
    My wiener dog has it. He is on Phenobarbital twice a day and another medication that I can't remember the name of. If he didn't have these meds he would go into a seizure and he would die.Cost over $100.00 a month but what can you do? It either let him die or pay for the meds.

    When PeeWee has a seizure he will fall down and stiffen up. If they last more than a few seconds we have to shoot him up with Valum.
  • select-fireselect-fire Member Posts: 69,491 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by 8000fthi
    She needs a thorough physical and neurological exam with blood work. They can be caused by many things. good luck

    From what I have read online you are right on.
  • perry shooterperry shooter Member Posts: 17,105 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Yes I had Rottweiler had them Had to take meds once a day for the 2 years he lasted . I have had 4 of them first one never had health problems That was 50 years ago the ones I have had after I got married all cams from different blood lines butall have had BIG$$$ health problems . I have one now that I dug a grave for last summer . but he is still hanging on eats good and not in pain but Big tumor first two started 3 years ago but I had them operated on This tumor Vet said to let it run it's course. [:(] At 70 years old I think when I put him to rest I will not replace. too hard losing a pet.
  • CaptFunCaptFun Member Posts: 16,678 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    No, but my friend Stu does....
  • MudderChuckMudderChuck Member Posts: 4,105
    edited November -1
    Could be a bunch of things. My Rottweiler/Beagle was epileptic. He'd have seizures twice in one month, then not again for half year to a couple of years, pretty much his whole life. He made it to 12 years old and eventually had a seizure that never stopped. His looked kind of like he was throwing up, it would come in waves, it would go on for an hour or so. He'd be confused for hours afterwards. Never seemed to do any permanent damage, until the last one.

    I've had three dogs that would get periodic seizures, I call them stiff seizures, they go rigid and freeze. They'd kind of remind me of stuffed toys when it happened. The cause for all three was eating Walnut husks and one from eating a whole bunch of grapes. Their body chemistry gets messed up and the Kidneys can't keep up with it. Only once did it get bad and lasted for hours with one dog. Some intravenous fluids and he was good quick.

    A neighbors dog had Borreliosis, she would seize mildly, had trouble with her back and was wobbly in her rear hind quarters. I'm guessing nerve damage inher spin someplace from the infection.

    Had one female Shepard with hip dysplasia, I think her back was also involved. She'd get bad nerve pain and get shocky from it. Dogs can take a lot more pain than people can, but they can go into shock if it gets really bad.
  • footlongfootlong Member Posts: 8,009
    edited November -1
    Had a miniature daschund die of siezures some years ago [:(]
  • BGHillbillyBGHillbilly Member Posts: 1,927 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    My sister had one if not two German Shnauzers(whatever) that had epilepsy. Had same scrip as humans and was filled at Super D monthly.
  • countryfarmercountryfarmer Member Posts: 4,552
    edited November -1
    Had a couple of them over the years including right now,our littlest guy Reese. He is on Phenobarbital liquid that we put over his food twice a day. His latest episodes have been triggered from getting too hot under the covers. He is around 6yo and unsure if he was born with it or not, we just got him about a year ago.
    Our previous one was Buster and he would just get glassy eyed and stiffen up for a few minutes then come out of it, the whole thing may only last 20 minutes. He died from liver failure which is a complication from seizures.
  • cranky2cranky2 Member Posts: 3,236 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Our black lab Toby has seizures. Heat seems to set them off. Inside he has his own fan summer and winter. Is an outside dog so in summer we keep a kids pool full of water for him. Our vet said the meds. would be harder on him than the seizures. Been going on for about 4 years now. they can last an hour or more. After the bad ones his head is down and pulled to the left.
  • JorgeJorge Member Posts: 10,656 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Look for metastatic brain tumor from lungs.
  • Sooeyman2035Sooeyman2035 Member Posts: 3,226
    edited November -1
    SelectFire--Please look at!
  • PTHEIMPTHEIM Member Posts: 3,374
    edited November -1
    Had a friend who had a dog, Jasper, that was half Doberman and half German Shepard.

    After Tour of Duty one Sat.night we got to rough housin' w/Jasper in the house. When he got a little too rough we'd send him off to cool down and all of a sudden he just dropped and spazzed out on the floor.
    They got him to the vet within the week and Jasper was Diagnosed w/ epilepsy.
    LOved that dog and he'd only let me give him his meds.
    His owners would try to mix them in wet and dry foods, hotdogs, hamburger, cheeses, etc and that Jasper would always eat around the meds or not touch the snack at all.

    I heard Jasper was put down several years back as finances and costs exceded the owners abilty to keep up his care.

    RIP Jasper.
  • p3skykingp3skyking Member Posts: 23,916 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    My Gretel, a Dachshund/Chihuahua mix had seizures every once in awhile, no rhyme or reason I saw. She would fall on her side and get stiff as a board. I would just hold her close to me until they passed, usually about 5 minutes. She died on New Years Eve 2001 at age 19.
    Her descendants live with me still but none will ever take her place in my world. I still grieve over her when I visit her grave or think about her.
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