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Colt SuperColt Super Member Posts: 31,007
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
listening to XM/Sirius satellite radio - "'50s on 5" - when I heard a song from about 1959 that sort of unleashed my so-called mind. I hadn't heard this song in years, but I remembered every word.

The song is called: "Sailor (Your Home is the Sea)" by an artist named *. It is a haunting ballad sung in German, with an English voice-over starting about half way through.

Does anyone else remember it ??

In any event, it got me thinking of our Nation's current spiral into oblivion, and the parallels between the U.S. today, and Germany after the Treaty of Versailles and the subsequent onset of The Great Depression. It occurred to me that as a people, the majority of Americans are still of Western European descent and, language aside, we have a lot in common with those Germans - as do the people of the British Isles and the rest of Western Europe.

Most young folks here have been the victim of Revisionist History, as taught in our public school system for the last 30+ years, so they likely can't picture what it was like, then.

Germany was a nation humiliated by their defeat in WWI, and the onerous Treaty which stripped them of their pride - perhaps much like us after our politicians got our * handed to us in Vietnam.

The country was directionless and in the same sort of chaos we have been living in (but worse). Politically, they were splintered into many factions, as we are/have been.

From nowhere came a charismatic leader (Fuhrer) who inspired the people with a dream of a return to greatness, promising change and economic salvation. The Germans rallied to the dream and set the stage for the horrors of WWII.

Can you see into our future ??

Am I making any sense ??

God Save our Republic !!


NOTE: I'm gonna start looking around for some more German martial/military songs.

I am not a Nazi, nor do I embrace anything about Nazism.


  • Colt SuperColt Super Member Posts: 31,007
    edited November -1
    No comment or response from ANYONE ???

    I thought it was a better post than that.

  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    On the same order as my post (makes you think) I also posted that on your thread on 1776 x 2. I guess no one whats to talk about it.
  • burn1bobburn1bob Member Posts: 603 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    People are sick of talking about it. People want action, and the only action in this country that makes ANY change is the vote. and, there isn't one until next year. i believe the sleeping giant has been awakened.

    register to vote, vote. vote them all out. repeat as necessary.
  • Colt SuperColt Super Member Posts: 31,007
    edited November -1

    It's a really good song ??

  • HandLoadHandLoad Member Posts: 15,998
    edited November -1
    Yep,I know the song. Like it.

    And Yes, I see the parallels clearly.

    It was just about SIX Years between the election of Hitler, and when they were rounding up Millions for the Gas Chambers.

    This path looks vaguely familiar...
  • Queen of SwordsQueen of Swords Member Posts: 14,355
    edited November -1
    Never heard of the song, but I've posted on the same subject regarding the parallels with the current admin and Nazi Germany, as well as with Iran when "Anyone but the Shah" was the prevailing national sentiment that put the Ayatolla Khomeini in power.
  • allen griggsallen griggs Member Posts: 35,509 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
  • Colt SuperColt Super Member Posts: 31,007
    edited November -1
    Thank you, Allen.

    I think it's just a great song.

  • p3skykingp3skyking Member Posts: 23,916 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Doug, the reason most people don't respond is because they don't know history. For this to be like Weimar, a common foe must be named for the masses to rally against. I can't imagine Obama ever designating a particular group to blame for the ills of America.

    Who is much more likely to generate anger toward queers, Mexicans, Liberals, ragheads, or mulatto presidents?

    Remember the Beer Hall Putsch? It wasn't the government that orchesrated that, it was the groundswell of popular support that Adolf had.

    I, too, see parallels with Germany in the 1930's. If Fascism comes to the United States, it will be wrapped in an American flag. The book burnings will soon follow. The re-education camps after that.
    The Neo-Nazis will also have to wait until Obama withdraws the Army from the Middle East if history is any guide. From that, they can banter the "Stabbed in the back" by politicians cry that Hitler used.
    Yes, the parallels are there, but only for the people that study them.
  • Colt SuperColt Super Member Posts: 31,007
    edited November -1
    A promoted external threat is an element that's missing at the moment.

    The Germans created there own internally with the Jews, then the Polish and Rooshians, externally.

    I can envision o being manipulated by his handlers to demonize mexicans, maybe the Chinese.

    If this is what he/they are after, another 9/11 event will be orchestrated, and coming soon, I think. It may not be violent as the Twin Towers were. It could be economic, or biological, like the mexican flu.

    We are living in uneasy times.

    To even consider some of the things we have spoken about in the last few months, would have been unthinkable five years ago.'s a good song.

  • RtWngExtrmstRtWngExtrmst Member Posts: 7,456
    edited November -1
    Black Liberation Theology. It's not God Bless America - It's God Damn America!!

    The enemy is not mexicans or Chinese. The enemy is Whitie. The hate is being directed at successful white people. Uni-bama believes the only way you can be successful is to deprive someone else. Whitie first got rich on the backs of black slaves and lately by repressing black people.

    This is payback time.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by burn1bob
    People are sick of talking about it. People want action, and the only action in this country that makes ANY change is the vote. and, there isn't one until next year. i believe the sleeping giant has been awakened.

    register to vote, vote. vote them all out. repeat as necessary.
    As a good citizen, i'll vote, just as I do every election, local, state and national.

    What then, do we as a people do when that vote is meaningless, as it surely will be in the next election cycle, just as it has been for many years?

    We are among the most carefully managed and controlled people on earth and we don't even realize it.

    Your "election choices" are pretty much spoon fed to you by the globalist-collectivist party. The menu has only one meal, that being "schit". It may come in different sized portions and different flavors, but nonetheless, it is still fresh, steaming, stinking "schit", brought to you by the One-World cabal at the Globalist-Collectivist Party.

    You know, the single party which merely has two wings, the Democrat left-wing and the Republican right-wing. Marching toward the same global utopia.

    All it would take to break away from this one-course menu, would be for people to open their eyes; yet, all we can do is perpetually fall for the "back-and-forth" see-saw game of "yeah, well our turd is better than your turd". The tired ol' game of "left vs. right", "Democrat vs. Republican" and on and on and on.......

    We expect a different outcome, but play the exact same game as we do each and every time.

    It is simply incredible that the answer is the Constitution and its strict limitations on government and in the crystal-clear principals of "individualism" that this once-Republic were founded upon, but we fail to act according to the Supreme Law of The Land.

    All is there to see, right before our eyes, yet, we fail to "see", or are afraid of what it is that we do see, or are hesitant to admit what it is that we see, because one would be called a "wearer of a tin-foil hat" to ever admit that this is a planned outcome and the Republic is being deliberately slain, openly, right in the open.

    I just don't get the failure to grasp what is an obvious methodology.

    Go figure....
  • RtWngExtrmstRtWngExtrmst Member Posts: 7,456
    edited November -1

    Everything you said is true. And scary.

    A person voting has very little power. People arranging the election and counting the votes have a great deal of power.

    So now what do we do?
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by RtWngExtrmst

    Everything you said is true. And scary.

    A person voting has very little power. People arranging the election and counting the votes have a great deal of power.

    So now what do we do?
    Well, given that most people are never going to recognize, or acknowledge the reality before us, we will continue to slide toward the one-world.

    As for me, I watch with open eyes....

    I make my attempts to change things through the use of mediums such as this forum and by vocal and open confrontation of every example of globalist-collectivism that presents itself......

    I attempt to effect change through the processes afforded us by peaceful assembly, letter-writing and voting, albeit with little hope of real results......

    I wait with trepidation for that dreaded day, when things may reach a tipping point.....

    I prepare for that dreaded day, which I pray never comes, but which I, as a free American, MUST prepare for.....

    I hope, pray and work for the best.....yet I prepare and train for the worst.

    Not much more that one can do to reach a peaceful resolution of the illness that sickens the Republic.

    The more people that awaken and who ring the alarm bell of looming totalitarianism and tyranny, the better our chances of a peaceful return to the principals of the Republic.

    I am ringing the bell, loudly and consistently......
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Barzillia
    quote:Originally posted by p3skyking
    Doug, the reason most people don't respond is because they don't know history. For this to be like Weimar, a common foe must be named for the masses to rally against. I can't imagine Obama ever designating a particular group to blame for the ills of America.

    Who is much more likely to generate anger toward queers, Mexicans, Liberals, ragheads, or mulatto presidents?

    Remember the Beer Hall Putsch? It wasn't the government that orchesrated that, it was the groundswell of popular support that Adolf had.

    I, too, see parallels with Germany in the 1930's. If Fascism comes to the United States, it will be wrapped in an American flag. The book burnings will soon follow. The re-education camps after that.
    The Neo-Nazis will also have to wait until Obama withdraws the Army from the Middle East if history is any guide. From that, they can banter the "Stabbed in the back" by politicians cry that Hitler used.
    Yes, the parallels are there, but only for the people that study them.

    Who are the supporters of the current regime likely to demonize ?

    Look around in these forums and you will see.

    "Torpedoes Los" and "Ein Camaraden" were two German martial songs that I always thought were stirring, in another vein.
    Freedom loving individualists and those who believe in governance ala the Constitution.
  • p3skykingp3skyking Member Posts: 23,916 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Barzillia
    quote:Originally posted by p3skyking
    Doug, the reason most people don't respond is because they don't know history. For this to be like Weimar, a common foe must be named for the masses to rally against. I can't imagine Obama ever designating a particular group to blame for the ills of America.

    Who is much more likely to generate anger toward queers, Mexicans, Liberals, ragheads, or mulatto presidents?

    Remember the Beer Hall Putsch? It wasn't the government that orchesrated that, it was the groundswell of popular support that Adolf had.

    I, too, see parallels with Germany in the 1930's. If Fascism comes to the United States, it will be wrapped in an American flag. The book burnings will soon follow. The re-education camps after that.
    The Neo-Nazis will also have to wait until Obama withdraws the Army from the Middle East if history is any guide. From that, they can banter the "Stabbed in the back" by politicians cry that Hitler used.
    Yes, the parallels are there, but only for the people that study them.

    Who are the supporters of the current regime likely to demonize ?

    Look around in these forums and you will see.

    "Torpedoes Los" and "Ein Camaraden" were two German martial songs that I always thought were stirring, in another vein.

    That's the point, mutts don't care about different breeds. Fascist are not in power right now, Socialist are. They connive and make secret agreements to get their way.
    The Fascist are the god and country types that want to crap on the Constitution just like Hitler crapped on the Weimar Republic. Hitler had his * handed to him for open rebellion though he later got smart and used the ballot box.

    This administration is pretty toothless and I don't see them being particularly effective, leaving plenty of ammo for the Fascists in three or four years. I don't really believe they will wait however. Even now, with Obama saying he won't screw with the guns or trying to pass any sweeping social reform, the reactionaries are grumbling and bitchin'. I look for some groomed psycho that "hears" god to attempt to assassinate somebody, thus touching off a "holy war". This might bring draconian measures from the government (which is just what the Fascist want). Look around and see who wants anarchy and those are our true enemies.

    Of course, all bets are off if folks start being detained without due process. [:p]
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