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What the H is going on?

SXSMANSXSMAN Member Posts: 2,616 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited February 2002 in General Discussion
I rib Dano sometimes but I think he knows that I respect him and all LEOs(I'd even go as far to say I like Dano and Dtoo).I have never felt the need to carry a gun other than when I closed a shop late in the evening and carried the money out w/me,then it was in my hand in plain sight,more of a visual determent,hoping to never have to use it.In the last 2 weeks in my area of central Ohio we have had 6 Police officers HIT by other drivers,some deliberatly.One POS ran a red light only to make a u-turn (Not legal unless posted in Ohio) to come back and run the light the other way to make another u-turn,same again but this time driving his car at two officiers,hitting both.Then fleeing.No broken bones this time.2 weeks ago another POS slammed his car into an officer shattering both legs,will take years if he ever walks again.This morning 2 sheriffs had a DUI suspect pulled over when another driver tried to run them down,1 dove free,the other hit and is in critical condtion.He fled only to be arrested at his house.What the H is going on?I'm seeing less and less respect for Police and I'm sick and tired of it.I still do not feel the need to carry a firearm for my own protection,but almost feel a need to carry one for the protection of others.I'm not a hot headed vigilante and wish no one harm,but God help someone that I see assaulting a police officer.Where has the respect gone?None of these POS's were young,all knew what they were doing,making it more troubling.I wish I had an answser.I am truly bothered by this.Thanks for letting me rant.Stay save.SxS On a good note,an officer that was shot and lost an eye,recently went back to work and was also married.He is much more troubled by his partners death than his own troubles.May God look over all that serve.


  • RUGERNUT3RUGERNUT3 Member Posts: 247 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Sxsman..I have watched over the years as respect for EVREYONE, from one human to another even, has slipped away. Have several LEO friends as I have said in the past and I know what they go through. I whole heartedly agree, and question, WHAT is going on. Latchkey kids,"parents" not parenting, TV, movies,...all or none of the said? Who knows. What I do know is if these scumbags that perpatrate (spell??) these deeds against LEO's..have so little respect for the little respect do they have for civies? BEYOND NONE.A no brainer..for most anyone but the liberal idiots that (1) pass stricter regs. for law inforcement perssonel to follow (2)And are some of the first people to jump up and scream about crime being rampant and why arent these crimes prevented or solved quicker. Idiots one and all. Back 20 or so years ago I managed a boot,western wear store...and kept a (dont recall the brand) 12g. pump under the front register, along with a .357 s&w revolver, both belonged to the owner. At least here in Texas even 20 years ago..robbing a western store wasn't & isn't the norm..I guess maybe these punks knew and know there are easier(safer) places for them to rob. There were 6 well known fast food places in the same block,even a franchise eyewear store, ALL had been robbed at gun point,never an attempt at my store..though we prob. had more cash around. One afternoon I had 3 clearly drunk guys come in, within 3-4 min. I had them out the door. A few min. later a frightned women came running in, I recognized her as a regular customer. She yelled for someone to call 911, she and her husband had walked up on a guy urinating on the wall of the store. Broad daylight,major shopping area, in plain sight.Her husband was off uniform, no gun. When he made a comment to the guy doingthe peeing...all h#$# broke loose. As I said, I "knew" these people from them being reg. customers...during previous times in the store we (husband,she and I) had talked quite a bit..good customer relations..but they were nice people mainly. She ran back out of the store. Before I could get through to the police, as this prob. transpired in about a min. maybe,...she ran back in yelling "He doesn't have his gun and their trying to kill him"! Obviously the situation had went from bad to worse, quickly. I knew the lady bird hunted, and shot silhouette from previous I threw her the pump, in a blink she checked it..chambered a round, and ran back out. I grabbed the .357, cleared the counter and hit the door too. As I didnt know exactly where all this was taking place...I made my way to the end of the building and carefully peeked around the corner...there in the parking area was her husband on top of one guy,sitting on and holding him with one hand...while this other punk had TWO hands on the shotgun the cop was holding in ONE hand. Looked bad to me. I ran over planted a boot in the face of the guy trying to get my shotgun away from the cop and he went sprawling...then got up and began to come after me! Being drunk and meanhe still must have understood I meant when I yelled something to the effect (dont remember exactly what I said,but close)that I was going to cover the parking lot with his brains if he came any closer,thankfully for both fo us he stopped. By then the cop had the other guy under control,and I was screaming for the idiot I was looking at to get on the ground. All happened real quick, REAL quick. Well, the cop was rather bruised and cut but ok, then reinforcements arrived...prob. 10 squad cars,2-3 unmarked..busy place. Some of the first LEO's there recognized him right off,Mesquitehad a lot smaller force then, so all of us werent "thrown down" on like the movies the bad guys were handcuffed, the cop gave me back the stores shotgun,and thanked me. Being humble as I am (just asked my friends!)...I told him I did nothing any other citizen would not have done...given the circumstances. He looked at me and said "look around", I guess I had been too busy to have noticed there were no less than 20-25 people who had stood there and watched the whole THING! And had done NOTHING! The next morning when I arrived early to open the store there was a squad car there in the parking lot, it was the cop that had been in the fight the day before, he came to thank me again. I asked him what had happened to the guys, the answer I got was that HE had been pulled to the carpet by his superiors for letting the situation escalate as it did and for not having his weapon,though off duty. My, you guessed it, the two guys were the same two I had removed from my store for being drunk...just no respect.......
    "ANY" EXCUSE IS A GOOD REASON TO BUY "JUST 1 MORE".& VICIE-VERSIE![This message has been edited by RUGERNUT3 (edited 02-15-2002).]
  • gap1916gap1916 Member Posts: 4,977
    edited November -1
    and they dont do it for the money. Its all about the job. Go Figure but thank God for them.
  • mudgemudge Member Posts: 4,225 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I think it's lack of respect for themselves that causes these scum-bags to do this stuff.They're losers who can't manage their own lives.Mudge the confident
    I can't come to work today. The voices said, STAY HOME AND CLEAN THE GUNS!
  • offerorofferor Member Posts: 8,625 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    For a lot of the ones that aren't flat out crazy, I think it's all about the game they think they can play with the "system," knowing that police are governed by rules and they're not allowed to retaliate in certain ways. The way they whine when they're caught you'd think the cops broke the rules of the game by catching them at all. When they get their hands cuffed behind them they scream like girls (and some of the women holler like men). Trash is trash. What's trash, you ask? Trash breaks the law for kicks.
    "The 2nd Amendment is about defense, not hunting. Long live the gun shows, and reasonable access to FFLs. Join the NRA -- I'm a Life Member."
  • Gordian BladeGordian Blade Member Posts: 1,202 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The way I look at it, when a LEO puts on the uniform, he (or she) is just about painting a target on himself. They have to put up with crap that I wouldn't dream of tolerating and deal with the dregs of society that I wouldn't voluntarily go near. That earns an assumption of respect on my part whenever I deal with one. If their actions proved otherwise, I would revise that assumption in that instance, but I've never had to yet. I also feel that if I treat them with respect, it's reciprocated even in an unpleasant situation, of which I've been in a couple. I got the impression that once they found out they were dealing with someone who was reasonable, things went a lot better. I'm preaching to the choir on this board, I suppose.
  • treedawgtreedawg Member Posts: 321 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    don't have a problem with leo's. my fater served on the force for 30 years. as as child i was taught to respect my elders and authority figures, but as i got older i was taught that if i wanted respect i would have to earn it. this same principle also applies to leo's. if they want respect from the public then they need to show a little themself. i'm not going to lump all of them into one catagory, but more than 80% of my encounters with leo's was anything but respectful. i find this is usualy more a problem with the 20 something officers, but with all of the veterans retireing the 20 something officers make up the largest percentage of the force. atleast that's the case around here. i would never condone hurting an officer and i stand behind them 100%, but they have to take some of the blame with all the current problems that they face.respectfulytodd
  • ADfreeADfree Member Posts: 188 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Well my father was a smart-mouth with some 5 years ago. My mom was pretty much dead at the time from a severe heart attack and the police were asking him questions like her name and other BS while the paramedics were trying to get info from him about her allergies to medications. His comment was hilarious: "I am not making coffee, so you can just leave!"Hmm maybe I should clarify that my mother recovered and is doing OK now.[This message has been edited by ADfree (edited 02-15-2002).]
  • SXSMANSXSMAN Member Posts: 2,616 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    This is from this morning. Suspected Drunken Driver Hits Sheriff's Deputies CHILLICOTHE, Ohio, 6:04 p.m. EST February 15, 2002 - A pickup truck struck two Ross County sheriff's deputies while they were making a traffic stop Friday morning. The incident occurred shortly before 2 a.m., NewsChannel 4, with help from the Chillicothe Gazette, reported. The deputies had just made an arrest off of Pleasant Valley Road, just west of Chillicothe, and placed the person, suspected of drunken driving, in the rear of their cruiser when they were hit by another suspected drunken driver in a pickup truck, NewsChannel 4's Larry Roberts reported. Police said that the pickup truck sped up the street and directly hit Deputy Jason Gallagher, a 2-year veteran. Gallaugher underwent surgery Friday morning for leg injuries at Adena Regional Medical Center. He is listed in satisfactory condition, Roberts reported. Deputy Daniel Young jumped on the trunk of his cruiser to avoid being hit by the truck. He was treated at a hospital and released. Roberts reported that Young was hit so hard, the window of his cruiser shattered when he hit it. The driver of the truck, John G. Brown, left the scene of the accident and was later arrested at his home, police said. Police said that some type of liquid, which they believe leaked from Brown's vehicle, and debris led them to his house. He faces charges of aggravated assault and leaving the scene of an accident. More charges are pending, police said. Roberts reported that the man deputies originally stopped had to be let go after the collision because the two-hour time limit for a blood-alcohol content test expired. This clown had just left a bar.Surprise surprise..........
  • timberbeasttimberbeast Member Posts: 1,738 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I think Mudge hit the X-ring with a five-shot group.
  • RUGERNUT3RUGERNUT3 Member Posts: 247 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1 said it! I too think LEO's put a target on everytime they get ready for work. I rode with several detectives my senior year in high school, sort of a recruitment program they had going. Well, some of these "rides" got pretty serious,where I WAS asked to participate In some this was way back in the old days, 1969...I'm sure the rules for riders have changed now. The rides changed my thoughts on police work in two major ways...I gained a new,healthy respect for cops and what their "everyday" routine is...I also decide to major in Law and Biz.......being a cop, firefighter is a calling..not a job...and I did not feel the calling....
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