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Is this legal?

BullzeyeBullzeye Member Posts: 3,560
edited February 2002 in General Discussion
in state buyer wants to buy a handgun for his son for christmas, his son lives in hawaii. he plans on flying out there and giving it to him. i told him i think the easiest thing to do is send it to a ffl out there to be transferred to him. just have to pay shipping and transfer fees. it is a springfield xd, dad says the son cant find a dealer to order him one. i know you can buy a gun as a gift for someone, but can you fly to another state and give it to him still, does hawaii have any stupid laws against ftf transfers?

just never had this come up in the last 6 years in the shop. i think it would probaly be ok, i just thought it would save alot of headache if we mailed it to a transfer dealer out there.


  • BullzeyeBullzeye Member Posts: 3,560
    edited November -1
  • BullzeyeBullzeye Member Posts: 3,560
    edited November -1
    Ruger Rehawk in a .45LC, Stainless Steel, 4" barrel, Double Action, Black Grip, 6 shot..Payment and Shipping: Please do not bid if you do not agree to the terms below!!!!! Auction may end early do to item being sold in the store even if the reserve has been met.

    Once the reserve is met with a bid, you can't just tell the high bidder, tough luck, I sold it in the store, right?
  • BullzeyeBullzeye Member Posts: 3,560
    edited November -1
    My best friend worked for a small subcontracted company that works for a larger company. Its kinda like a manpower service because the larger company owns all the equipment and the facility and the subcontractor supplies the labor.
    Last month the contract with the larger company expired and they allowed other subcontractors to bid on the contract. The small company he worked for lost their contract with the larger company to another subcontractor. The new company kept all the employees of the previous subcontractor and is now running the facility which belongs to the larger company.
    My friend and all his co-workers are now given a decision as to how to manage their 401k's from their previous employer. They can (A.) Do a complete rollover of all their funds and keep making payments on loans they may have against their 401k's. or (B.) Take the cashout and pay penalties on their money pay off their loans if they have any and do as they wish basically.
    My question is this, can they be forced as a (group) to choose how to manage their previous 401k funds or does each individual reserve the right to make his own decision? I told my friend it sounded fishy to make them choose as a group, A or B.
    The former employer terminated their position, the day they no longer worked for that company their retirement fund ceased to be a group retirement fund and they as individuals should be given a choice as to what they wished to do with their money.
    Am I wrong?

    When Clinton left office they gave him a 21 gun salute. Its a damn shame they all missed....
  • BullzeyeBullzeye Member Posts: 3,560
    edited November -1
    By a vote of 50-18, the California Assembly approved a bill on Thursday April 19, 2018 telling churches and others with traditional beliefs about gender and sexual orientation that advocating their views could get them sued. AB 2943 declares ?advertising, offering to engage in, or engaging in sexual orientation change efforts with an individual? is illegal under state?s consumer fraud law.
  • BullzeyeBullzeye Member Posts: 3,560
    edited November -1
    I have never seen one like this before. Are they legal to own with no tax stamp? The price is not bad.
  • BullzeyeBullzeye Member Posts: 3,560
    edited November -1

    Gun itself is over 19 inches long. Seller claims he asked his police officer and the officer said it was legal. 20 Gauge in case that matters.

    "The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long..."
  • BullzeyeBullzeye Member Posts: 3,560
    edited November -1
    Auction #3236114I'm not asking because I want to bother the guy or be a jerk.I'm asking because I own a detachable-mag SKS and I've got a vested interest in the peculiar legalities of SKS rifles.Boeboe's an expert on this, maybe he'll speak up.
  • BullzeyeBullzeye Member Posts: 3,560
    edited November -1
    I was under the impression this would be a nono if put together?
  • BullzeyeBullzeye Member Posts: 3,560
    edited November -1
    OK, I have kinda dumb question:

    Since I am not an American resident(I am from the UK....), am I allowed to resell guns by using this way:

    1. I am posting an auction.
    2. Buyer buys and sends me the money.
    3. I keep my commission - sell the rest money to the FFL store...and they ship the item to the end buyer.

    The problem is that I don't have FFL permission according to the USA laws. But I don't see anythin bad or illegal since the items ships from a FFL to another guy having FFL. I am just the middleman.

    Thank you.
  • BullzeyeBullzeye Member Posts: 3,560
    edited November -1
  • BullzeyeBullzeye Member Posts: 3,560
    edited November -1
  • BullzeyeBullzeye Member Posts: 3,560
    edited November -1

    My friend "George" just got done telling me that a friend of a friend of his had just called on the phone to offer a handgun for sale. He was in a hurry, and just needed the money fast "to buy some gas".

    The gun in question is a Kel Tec PLR-16 pistol in .223 caliber, and was described as "sporting a front end peg".

    A front end peg? I asked.

    A "front end peg" turns out to be a sideways facing grip attachment to the front end. I asked him wether or not it turned such gun into a pistol with a front end grip, thus illegal. His reply was "not around here it ain't".

    Price was not set, yet my intuition tells me something is not right.


  • BullzeyeBullzeye Member Posts: 3,560
    edited November -1
    Got an email today from an India based Company saying I could buy prescription drugs without an prescription. They claim this is legal and more people are doing this because the cost of a Dr visit is so high and the inconvenience. My Doctor says he won't fill my Ambien anymore..
  • BullzeyeBullzeye Member Posts: 3,560
    edited November -1
    Can I legally send a rifle to someone in my same state (Texas) without going though an FFL Dealer.
  • BullzeyeBullzeye Member Posts: 3,560
    edited November -1

    I thought a pistol having a detachable buttstock made it a SBR?

    Though I could be wrong, it has happened once or twice before.. [:D]
  • lrarmsxlrarmsx Member Posts: 791 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Yes it is legal. This is one of the pre-ban SKS's that took an AK mag from the factory. These were cut off from import back in 1989 along with the pre-ban AK's. They are in fact rare and should be desirable. There were a lot less of those than there were pre-ban AK's.
  • boeboeboeboe Member Posts: 3,331
    edited November -1
    lrarmsx is correct. By the way, thanks for the complement but I really don't think of myself that way.An interesting side note, I saw one of these listed about a year ago here on gunbroker I had my eye on for a while. It was different, however, in that it was a Russian SKS that took the AK mags, with the bayonet as well. From all I could tell it was some type of experimental Russian model that slipped in the country with a load of standard Russain SKSs. It had some interesting characteristic, such as the lack of Russian armory markings. The owner said he use to work for Navy Arms and spotted it in a shipment of rifles, and held it back for himself. He listed it two or three times before anyone bid on it. I was watching it and planning on making an offer, but it finally sold. It was a very good deal on a very interesting piece.The one you spotted would be a heck of a rifle, in my opinion. It would have the many of the features that make the SKS better than the AK, plus the ability to take AK mags. It's probably a better battle rifle than the AK. But I'll probably catch some flak for saying that.
  • boeboeboeboe Member Posts: 3,331
    edited November -1
    PS. I don't think I'd consider putting a folding stock on it as being legal, as tempting as it may be. It doesn't have the necessary features to actually classify as a pre-ban assault rifle.Also, the laws regarding putting bayonets on a Chinese SKS are very screwy. In 1989 (as I recall) it became illegal to actually install the bayonet that came in the box with the Chinese SKS. I'm really not sure, if the rifle already had the bayonet on it prior to that law, would it be legal? That's one of those laws that was so screwy it was stupid (but then again, most gun laws are). Mainly because you could buy a Russian SKS with the much more dangerous blade bayonet installed, no problem. Even today they are selling Yugos with bayonets and grenade launchers. So putting a bayonet on a Chinses SKS is illegal? Don't ask me to explain stupid gun laws.Every gun show I go to I am really surprised at the number of illegally modified SKSs there are walking around and on tables. And those that are walking around are checked in through a Sherriff's Officer at the door. While I certainly wouldn't suggest anyone break the law, the number of people who display the product of doing it in public is incredible. I really don't think the ATF is concerned about it so much. I think it's just something they will add on to the rap sheet if a person is caught in another crime, something that can be bargained away in the plea bargaining process.If i remember correctly, as recently as a couple of years ago, there had never been an arrest and conviction for violating Section 922(r) or (v). I still haven't heard of any. I really wonder why they even have the law if they are not going to uphold it, considering the number of obvious violations. Is it just something to make the anti-gun forces feel better? Probably.Again, I'm including a link to a site that delves into such silly things, for anyone interested. It's rather interesting reading, called "Modifying Your Gun and the Law" or "What Can I Do To My SKS". [This message has been edited by boeboe (edited 02-25-2002).]
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