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Rules of Engagement: The Real American Reality Check

Josey1Josey1 Member Posts: 9,598 ✭✭
edited September 2001 in General Discussion
Rules of Engagement: The Real American Reality Check by J.J. Johnson - Editor & Chief of Sierra Times 09.20.01
Frankly, I'm well past the mourning stage. Now, it's about anger, but not the anger we're expected to produce in the coming weeks and the ships sail to war. I'm beginning to get real ticked off at my fellow Americans. Request permission to speak freely.I have had it with all the finger pointing, conspiracies, peace petitions and nay-saying, along with all the hopes and dreams of this being a cruise missile, nuke-em-if you got'em, film at 11 war. America needs to wake up. You wanted Reality TV? Well, we got it live and in color on Black Tuesday.The candles, the flags, the parades, and the donations to the rescue workers won't bring those people back in New York, Washington, or Pittsburgh. Neither will bombing someone into the stone-age. In most cases, we can say after the smoke clears that justice was done. But there is more to this, America, and is probably the reason so many people are still scared.This is WAR, people - brought to U.S. mainland soil for the first time since 1865. We were attacked. People died - lots of them, and most of us watched it live. We had our guts ripped out for the world to see. We were all but traumatized, many still suffering from post traumatic stress syndrome. We all know something must be done to prevent further actions like this in the future. So what do I see across America?There was a report that thousands of Jewish World Trade Center employees stayed home. The U.S. Government had prior knowledge. This is all because of our relationship with Israel. We're only going to war for Big Oil. There were bombs inside the World Trade Center. This is a big Globalist Scheme. Nostradamus predicted this. The Banksters are behind this. Ranting against the Red Cross. This is the coming of the New World Order. Yadda, yadda, yadda.Frankly, America - I don't give a damn.This - all this, while the ships are leaving, the planes are flying, and men are being called up. Perhaps we haven't had enough 'Reality TV' yet. This finger pointing game and armchair war is going to do nothing except get more people killed. The real issue that is not part of today's 'Reality TV' is probably why so many people are frightened.Well, it better start soon. No matter 'who' did this, someone has the capability to do more damaged. And if the players blamed are attacked, they promise more death and destruction - period. And as for me, I'm fresh out of candles. Like it or not, we are going to war against someone or something. Why is there no one talking of self-defense preparations on the home front - even in a general sense?For the same reason we may lose our freedoms. The government won't take them away - we'll just give it all to them. The FAA will protect us. Our military will get revenge. We can count on the expanded power of federal, state, and local law enforcement to save us. The next time some person wants to meet Allah (with thousands of infidels in tow), we'll just dial 911.Regrettably, this is the mindset of too many in law enforcement today, and this is the mindset of too many Americans. People who could and should be made into soldiers for the defense of the homeland, are instead being led like sheep out to pasture, and too many that could help set up that defense are pointing fingers, while government still seeks to protect it's own rear first - and you're on your own.And I'm fed up with it.Fortunately, many people are getting the hint. Gun & Ammo sales are up. Gas Masks sales are skyrocketing. Greyhound and Amtrak haven't seen better days. People are making contingency plans for their families. A friend who works at a gun store in Las Vegas told me, "Even the liberals are buying guns now."Millions of Americans are preparing for what may come - on American soil. But what are they really preparing for? Who knows, because those in the know won 't tell them."We don't want to panic anyone."What the hell do you think Americans did after hearing the Pentagon was attacked? That's right, we panicked, and we are still dealing with the fallout from that. But still, stuck in the same old mindset that left the airlines, New York (and even the Pentagon) vulnerable, important information is sent down the chain of command - with the potential victims being the last to know. With all due respect to the Commander-in-Chief, here was the first question fired off at the Presidential Press Conference Wednesday. Notice the question and the answer:QUESTION: Mr. President, will you be able to tell Americans tomorrow whether they're going to be safe while you prepare retaliate? What if the terrorists struck again while we prepared for war?BUSH: Ron, I think America needs to know that - that we in government are on alert, that we recognize life around the White House or around the Congress is not - is not normal, is - or is not the way it used to be, because we're very aware that people have conducted an act of war on our country.George W, you didn't answer the question - a question that is on the minds of millions of Americans today. Security precautions have been taken in Washington to protect the government, and all the ships at sea. Nothing about the people who already took a direct hit.This has to change.Let's face it, America. There has been a growing rift between the government and its citizens. And the bastards took advantage of it on Black Tuesday. And if there is not a meeting of the minds, instead of the continuing elitist attitude in government, and powerlessness attitude among the citizenry, there will be more Black Tuesdays before this is over.The Liberty that has made America great must not be extinguished for security, or we'll have neither. Our forefathers laid a foundation for us to enforce our Liberty when the time came. Government must empower the citizens for defense and awareness at home, and quit treating the public as just another terrorist threat. The American People must prepare. Save the money you would have spend supporting some Hollywood actor, and buy the things you need. Get informed. Demand openness from your local, state and federal officials about what is facing us, and how to prepare. If we continue in the stand offish, we-don't-trust them/they-don't trust us attitude, the enemy will take advantage of it again. Like it or not government officials, we are all in this together. We must hang together, or we will most assuredly hang separately.Government, there have been those who have warned that preparations must be made for contingencies like this for years, and you threw some them in jail for it, killed some, and legislated many of those rights away. And for that reason, those same people may look at you with contempt. You don't trust them, and they don't trust you. Yet both sides say 'we are not the enemy'. It's time to prove it. It's time for a Reality Check.Now is the time to let the people prepare. Now is the time to allow them to travel undisturbed with self-protection. These people - everyday Americans - are the eyes and ears you need to keep this country safe more than you ever will. These everyday Americans are the last line of defense. The government simply does not have the manpower to get the job done. We as a people must step in and help, and the government must reach out to its people.Goverment: Get your heads on straight. Because if we're attacked in the same or worse fashion again, the citizens of this country - and the world will lose all faith and respect in you.America: Get your heads on straight. Because if you don't, you will get the kind of government you deserve - whatever's left of it.I know this will take a major mindset change of both sides of the concrete barriers, and after all that has happened over the last 10 years in America, it may be the hardest thing we've ever had to do - put it aside, and work together. Maybe it can happen. After all, we all got a good taste of humble pie on Black Tuesday, showing us what can happen when we don't have a government Of the People, For the People, and By the People. Come together, My People - and become One Nation Under God again.


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