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OH: GOA candidate Ron Hood

alledanalledan Member Posts: 19,541
edited February 2004 in General Discussion
Ron Hood: The Political Establishment's Worst Nightmare

Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund E-Mail Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

February 12, 2004

Dear Ohio Gun Rights Voter,

It is rare indeed to identify a candidate for elective office that
we can reasonably predict will be a true pro-gun leader. As you
know, most politicians end up selling out, eventually if not sooner.

Many start selling out as soon as they have their first meeting with
their party's Leadership in the legislature, where they are informed
as to "how things are done around here."

So it is always a good day when we can let you know about a solid
pro-gun candidate. But what is even rarer -- almost unheard of --
is a situation wherein we have PROOF POSITIVE that, if elected, the
candidate can be absolutely counted upon not only to protect our gun
rights, but actively champion them.

A person who would rather lose and go back to a "real" job rather
than give even an inch to the gun-grabbers. One who is more than
willing to buck his own party, when that party is refusing to stand
up for the Constitution.

Ron Hood is such a person. In the 90's he was the Ohio State
Representative for the 57th district, elected as a Republican. You
may recall that it was Rep. Hood who both introduced genuine
(Vermont-style) concealed carry legislation, and fought hard every
single session to force votes on it and keep anti-gun amendments
away from all CCW legislation.

His strong position on true right-to-carry, and his willingness to
force every Member of the House of Representatives to go on record
with recorded votes, earned him the enmity of anti-gun forces and
his own party's Leadership alike.

So year after year that unholy combination sought to remove this
embarrassing pro-gun thorn from their sides. He fought off primary
challenges. He was denied Republican Party-controlled funds. The
gun-grabbers, of course, hated him with a passion.

And finally, the combination succeeded. Hood lost a re-election bid
in 2000.

Now, however, a new opportunity has arisen. Ron Hood is again
seeking a seat in the Ohio House of Representatives, this time in a
new district, the 91st.

This is a Republican district. Whoever gets the Republican
nomination, in all likelihood gets the seat.

And the current incumbent has been term-limited. As a result, Ohio
is looking at a wide-open race in the 91st district. The campaign
will be a short one -- the primary date is right around the corner,
March 2nd.

With your help, we can return a genuine, rarest-of-the-rare, proven
pro-gun CHAMPION to the Ohio legislature.

Ron desperately needs funds and volunteer help. Those in control of
the Republican Party apparatus are all too aware that a guy like Ron
Hood will be holding the feet of their pet politicians to the fire.
They are praying that someone much more "moderate" (i.e., willing to
duck for cover rather than actively work for gun rights) will get
the nomination.

The only help Ron will get in his bid to return to the legislature
will come from citizens who appreciate his hard work on behalf of
their rights.

That's why I am urging you to support Ron Hood, today, by making a
contribution to his campaign. Those who live in the 91st district
are further encouraged to volunteer their time or other resources.

But a quick injection to the campaign war chest is what is vital at
the moment. Ron's opponents aren't limited financially in the way
that he is, and certainly they hope to be able to simply outspend

Please send as generous a contribution as you can. Ohio law allows
for a maximum of $2500 per person. In fact, if you make a $50
contribution ($100 per couple) you can receive the entire amount
back on your Ohio Income Tax -- dollar for dollar! So your first
$50 contribution actually costs you nothing! You would otherwise
pay it in taxes.

Here are just some of the principled pro-gun actions Ron Hood took
while in office:

* Author and multi-year primary sponsor of the Personal
Protection Act. This true right-to-carry bill is modeled after
Vermont's famous CCW law. It includes no fingerprints, no
permits, and no provisions for the bureaucrats to deny an
individual's right to carry a gun, unless that individual is
doing so to commit a crime.

* Correcting amendment to protect gun owners from registration for
utilizing the right to self-defense. In the 90's, Ohio's
Attorney General began compiling a computer database, recording
all sorts of information through means that were of questionable
legality, at best. Part of that was to create a database of
those who had "run afoul" of anti-self-defense laws... even if
the person was found to be innocent!

* Forcing votes. When stifled by the Leadership's refusal to move
his Vermont-carry bill, Rep. Hood used every means available to
force floor votes, usually as amendments that couldn't be
stopped. This often led to heated arguments behind closed
doors, as wishy-washy politicians feared voter outrage if they
voted anti-gun... they would have rather not voted at all. Hood
consistently stood there and took the abuse on your behalf, and
refused to be cowed by Leadership pressure.

When it comes to gun rights, Ron Hood ranks as high as humanly
possible. He is a true champion, seasoned in battle, trustworthy
even when no one's watching.

Ron Hood needs your help, and fast. Please, take a moment today to
mail Ron a check in the largest amount you can afford.

People like Ron Hood are exactly what we need to take back our
Second Amendment rights.

In liberty,

Larry Pratt
Executive Director

P.S.: Former Ohio State Representative Ron Hood is seeking to
return to the legislature in a new district, the 91st. Whoever wins
the March 2nd Republican primary will almost certainly win the seat.
This is an open seat, and represents a fabulous opportunity to send
a pro-gun champion to Columbus. Please send a generous contribution
to Ron Hood today. Residents of the 91st district, please also
consider volunteering your time or other resources to the campaign.

****************** Reply Memo -- Print and Mail *******************

To: Ron Hood
Ron Hood for Ohio
14553 Walnut Creek Pike
Ashville, Ohio 43103







______ Yes, I would like to support your campaign to champion the
Second Amendment in the Ohio House of Representatives.
Enclosed is my check to "Ron Hood for Ohio" in the amount of:

____ $25 ____ $50 ____ $100 $_______ Other

____ Please ___ phone me ___ e-mail me ___ fax me about volunteering
in your campaign.

Not paid for by any candidate or candidate's committee. Authorized
and paid for by Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund.
GOA-PVF is a project of Gun Owners of America


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