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Big Sky RedneckBig Sky Redneck Member Posts: 19,752 ✭✭✭
edited February 2002 in General Discussion
Since the last thread got annihilated the very moment at which things were starting to turn peaceful, I wanted to reiterate my last question.

What sort of punk are you into? I used to be big into West-coast old-school 80's punk myself. Dead Kennedys, Black Flag, The Germs, that sort of nonsense.


  • ADfreeADfree Member Posts: 188 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    what amuses me is if nobody hears some band's song they wont know if they want to buy the album...
  • Big Sky RedneckBig Sky Redneck Member Posts: 19,752 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Timberbeast, I think you need to back up and think before you call somebody a thief!!!!!!!!!! Running LEGAL sharing software is not stealing! Napster is the only outfit to get any hassle and that has as of yet not been resolved! Stealing is going to the store and taking it, or hacking a site and stealing it, not sharing or using peer to peer software! If it was stealing The feds would have closed it up a long time ago! If you have a cd and say here , you want this, and I take it, is that stealing??? That is what this is with Napster, Morpheus and Kazaa. It is sharing, these people allow access to files on their computer thru these programs that are running LEGALY! If you have ever given an album, cassett, 8 track, reel, cd's or anyother kind of store bought music or had the same given to you, then you are doing the same thing I'm doing. If you ever SELL that music, now you are breaking the law. have you ever sold any recordings? thats illegal. You want to call me a thief, go right ahead pal. No court to date has ruled that sharing music is illegal, there has been arguments in the courts but no final ruling. when they attempted to shut down these sights, they failed.
    If you want my guns you will have to kill me first. I was born free and to take that from me you better be ready to fight.
  • Big Sky RedneckBig Sky Redneck Member Posts: 19,752 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Did you get a deer this year ? Is CWD a problem in the area where you hunt ? Here in Northern Illinois one deer has tested possitive (as of 11/01/02) We seemed to have experienced a drop in the number of hunters in the field around where I live. Any changes in numbers up there ?

    Guns only have two enemies: Rust and Liberals....
  • timberbeasttimberbeast Member Posts: 1,738 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    OK, 7mm, so as long as you don't SELL it, it's not stealing, even though you never paid for it? The "not being ruled on by a court" argument is no different than saying you can't own a gun because the current Supreme Court hasn't affirmed the Second Amendment.Let's pursue this topic, thusly:Do you work without getting paid, in your chosen field of endeavor? Do you feel that a stranger is entitled to the fruits of your labor simply because some smart guys figured out a way to take it on the internet?Skipping over the long and tedious subject of learning how to play, and finding other musicians of like minds to perform your music, let's see what a band does before you ever can purchase (or steal) their music, OK?1. Play at every puke-filled dump that will give you fifty bucks or even a meal, just to get a gig.2. Develop a local following, and quit your day job. Set up a tour of, say the 4 states around yours, five guys sleeping in a car, with a U-Haul behind it.3. Get a decent agency to pick you up, who will send you on another tour of the same places, with a little bit better pay. Maybe a buddy with a "normal" job will float you some bucks so you can buy your own trailer and stop paying U-Haul by the month.4. Get interest from a label. If they like you, they will send you on another tour of the same places, at the same pay, and watch you. Pay a studio around 5 grand (all borrowed) to record a demo CD to give out at shows and to try and impress the label.5. Get signed by the label. They will buy you a van and a new trailer, and send you back to the same places, but now you are on "per diem", money for food and traveling expenses. The MAJOR label per diem is about 400 bucks a week.6. Go into a "real" studio and spend 6 months recording your debut release at a cost in the millions, keeping in mind that all of that money, plus the per diem, must be paid back to the record company if you don't sell enough copies to break even. Your share of each CD sold (split between the band) is generally between 8-10%, or say, 10 cents on the dollar.7. Go back on the road to the same places, this time with a road crew, paid by the label (and which you have to pay back if you don't break even on sales).8. Become stars and sell a "gold album". You are still on the same per diem, but now are an opening act for bands who are "big". You haven't seen a penny from sales yet. Studio costs and other expenses are coming off the profits first.9. You've broken even, but now you have to go back into the studio at a cost of millions of dollars (just when you're paid up) to record a follow-up, which usually doesn't sell, but, if you're lucky....10. Congratulations!!! You are now a household word among your target audience and are packing arenas world-wide! You are making about 100 grand a year (split between the band members)!!! You are playing about 300 nights per year to adoring audiences. If you can somehow manage to continue your popularity for 5 more years, you will be rich as hell. If you can't, you'll play county fairs for 2 or 3 grand a pop. Checks will keep coming in from royalties, though, and you'll be able to make a middle-class living.11. Your "fans" will be trading, taping, Napstering and otherwise taking YOUR PRODUCT without paying for it, losing money for the record company, and subjecting you to contract termination if you can't stay up with the top sellers on your label. This is reality. I have walked part of the walk, and feel qualified to comment knowing what I'm talking about. I have friends who are on a major label right now, have had songs in the soundtracks of some movies you've probably seen. They are still on per diem. (even after touring with Queensryche). I also have friends I used to play with who have been on Atlantic, Epic and Capitol. They are still out there playing, and loving it, but might make 30 G's a year if they're lucky (and you've probably heard of them and think they are rich). I buy their releases, 3 copies at a time to help, although if I asked, they'd give me free stuff. I won't take it, and they know it, because I know what it's like.So, my point is, yes, it is taking another person's property if you dub a CD. If you give one as a gift, it's paid for. If it ain't paid for, it's wrong.Stepping down off of the rock 'n' roll soap box.........
  • Big Sky RedneckBig Sky Redneck Member Posts: 19,752 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Ohh man I am a dumb@$$, thank you timber for setting me straight. Talk to you later, I have 5400 mp3'3 I gotta go delete! No charges have ever been brought about because of this. it is legal to share, that is exactly what this is. I do not go to any recoed labels web site and download music. I get it from everday joe's like you. Anybody who installs a music SHARING program opens their music collection to the world. Sharing is not ilegal! This is like many other arguments. Somebody has formed an opinion and they beleive it to be law. Timber, believe what you wish. You show me proof that sharing music is illegal. Show me proof! You can't do it because sharing is not illegal! Show me proof! if it was illegal Metalica would have won the law suit. This has already been tried in court! Sharing is not illegal bud! You sound like a certain other on this board who swears to death and god almighty that a .223 is the most useless and uneffective cartride the military could ever use. You have an opinion and you stated it. But you crossed the line calling me a thief! Timber, have a nice day! I'm done with you and your stinking board! Too many knowitalls here!
    If you want my guns you will have to kill me first. I was born free and to take that from me you better be ready to fight.
  • concealedG36concealedG36 Member Posts: 3,566 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    7mm, why do you feel compelled to insult the rest of the board just because you disagree with Timberbeast? I don't even care to discuss my opinion of this subject, for I fear you'll start crying.Go away if you don't like it here...
    Gun Control Disarms Victims, NOT Criminals
  • jeenyesjeenyes Member Posts: 330 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I have to go with timberbeast on this one, freeware is free, shareware has to be paid for.
  • varmit huntervarmit hunter Member Posts: 1,674 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    7mm nut.I have enjoyed your post.If you are this sensitive, Maybee you should go were they share music, And not opinions.
    A unarmed man is a subject.A armed man is a citizen.
  • RosieRosie Member Posts: 14,525 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I agree with both of them.
  • RUGERNUT3RUGERNUT3 Member Posts: 247 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Hey 7mm...oops, I forgot...your gone.
  • whiteclouderwhiteclouder Member Posts: 10,574 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    That's why I like Timber, he's honest.7MM:Please remember, being legal doesn't make it right. You do what your conscience dictates.Clouder..
  • timberbeasttimberbeast Member Posts: 1,738 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    7mm, don't leave on my account. If you're truly PO'd about this, hell, I'm sorry, I gave you my views and you gave me yours. I don't see any reason to make it a personal vendetta. I'll retract my statement that you are a thief. I won't retract my statement that I feel what you are doing is wrong.
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