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prayers please

PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
My neighbor's daughter lost her fiance in a motorcycle accident on Thursday last week. She is 21 and, as you can imagine, is completely devastated. Her name is Charlotte.

edit: I forgot to add that she has had a lot of health issues and her fiance was very supportive of her. She refers to him as being her nurse. I can only imagine her health is going to go down hill now. She is so terribly heart broken. I only met him a few times but he seemed like a really nice guy. They were living in my neighbor's place (her parents) for a couple months while they got an apartment, and had just started to move into it. Her fiance just got out of the navy. Anyone know if the military gives out ceremonial flags to fiance's? This is so, so sad. The accident happened just down the street from where I go to church.


  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    We sure could use a few. My 4 year old daughter and wife have been up all night throwing up. Daughter has been so sick all she can do now is dry heave. Now my 10 month old son is starting. I feel pretty helpless as a dad and husband. Not much I can do besides take care of them. Painful to see the ones you love so sick.
  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    my mother passed away on monday she had a bad heart she passed in her sleep on monday morning atleast she isent suffering anymore rest in peace mom
  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I have lust torn my rotator cuffs in both arms. Not work realted so things will get tight but we will be ok. Just thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery, please.[B)]


    PS might be listing some penny auction in the near future
  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    My wife goes in for disc replacement and titanium rods in her back Jan. 3rd. It is discs L4/5 and L5/S1.

    Lord, Please see my wife through this time and let her be better after all is done and without pain again.

    In your name I pray.

  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    In October 2006, my FIL had surgery for pancreatic cancer. Removed most of his stomach, half his pancreas, and about half of his intestines. Went through months of chemo and radiation, and got to feeling much better. The last two weeks he has been really not feeling well, and has been losing weight. Went in for a full scan Monday. Went to the doc today and the cancer has returned in his liver. 2 big tumors. Inoperable. He will have surgery next Monday to re-insert a port so he can take more chemo. Will start radiation next Friday. Doc told him there wasn't much hope, but FIL wanted to do this. Wife and MIL are really torn up. Please remember him, and the rest of the family in your prayers. I couldn't ask for a better guy to be my in-law. He has treated me like the son he never had for the nearly 30 years we have known each other.
  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    We leave Fayetteville, NC moving to Alamosa,CO Monday. Going to be a LOOOOONG drive in a 24' U-Haul pulling a trailer with our pick up on it (7 MPG). We can use all the help we can get so all prayers/well wishes will be appreciated.

  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Hello all,
    I want to ask that you please remember our 8-year-old son Brandon in your prayers. He hurt his knee roller skating at school a couple weeks ago. He limped around for a couple weeks and said it was getting better. Doc said it was more than likely just a sprain. Then he started playing on the school basketball team. After 4 + years in a wheelchair, he can't run too well to start with, but he was trying and the coach was being super good to him. Anyway, to make a long story short, Friday night at practice he could barely walk and he couldn't straighten his knee out. Took him to the ER Saturday and x-rays didn't show any breaks, but doc thought he needed an MRI just to be sure. Had it done this morning and the report came back this evening. He has a torn lateral meniscus. Basically torn cartilage. We are still waiting for an appt. with the ortho doc. His pediatrician said surgery was about the only option to fix it. So....looks like one more surgery for him. He is out of school the next three days and was looking forward to going squirrel hunting in the morning. That is out, and boy, is he upset!
    Thanks to all of you!

    Taxation WITH representation isn't so hot, either!
  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    There is A Bill Introduced That is To Repeal the 2013 SAFE ACT
    Coming Up Soon....

    Please Say A Prayer For Us Here In NYSTATE
    Next IT May Be YOU!!!
    Please Help Set An Example And Beat out this TYRANT Cuomo's
    Midnight Madness
    Thank You
  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Well, I really don't want to go into detail about the situation, but no one is sick or dying.

    My littlest brother is deployed (Iraq) and he could use your prayers for a situation. God knows what he needs.

  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    my best friend and my boss 20 y/o daughter in bad wreck....boyfriend driving her car doing 100 mph and hit tree this AM

    called chaplain in

    ...hes the best friend and person i know..lost his brother in december[:(][:(][:(]

  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Yep, you guessed it! Got here in time for the worst blizzard in 12 years and now the worst flood in a century. All I ask is for the dyke's (earthen and not Rosie type) and berms to hold. If that happens we will be OK, if not I may call for help bugging out.

    Thanks to all in advance,
  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    102.6 fever, aches, touch of scoots: looks like flu.
    It's "Jeff" over here.[;)]

    Remember to ignore the trolls.[:)]
  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    My sister was put in ICU last night with a extreme asthma attack. Oxygen levels are low and she is having trouble breathing. It is her own fault she has smoked for years even with asthma but she is a single mom and need to take care of her son.
  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Guys and gals, I don't usually ask for prayers, but my family could use some now. Father-in-law diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer about a month ago. Removed his spleen, half his stomach and half his pancreas. Healed up from the surgery so we met with the oncologist yesterday to get the treatment options. They aren't good. Goes Friday to have his "port" put in for chemo treatments, then starts chemo and radiation next week, every day for 5 weeks. According to the doc, the outlook is pretty grim. Wife is very upset, obviously. I hate this. He is a good guy, Navy vet, served at Gitmo during the Missle Crisis. Marines down there were so short-handed, he was given a carbine and dug into a fox hole with a platoon of gyrenes. Said up until now it was the only time he has ever been "really afraid." Please remember him and his family, if you don't mind.
  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I just talked to my sister-in-law & a close family friend is entering his last stages of liver/lung cancer. He has been fighting this for about a year & a half. They are doing a final scan today & then sending him home with the hopes he can spend a few weeks with his wife & sons.

    This has been extremely hard on the boys & his wife has become very bitter.
    It is going to be very hard on the community as well. He has lived here all his life, is our high school guidance councelor, coaches every sport & his youngest son is my son's best friend.

    Thank you
  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I asked for prayer earlier this week for my back...Have been to rehab three times and am doing better, but still not able to stand or sit without pain. Been cutting down on the Vicodin because all it does is make me feel goofy...

    I really need to get back to work next week....

    Thanks all...
  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Wife's half sister is in ICU. May not make it. Prayer requested.
  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    My wife has always said I have all the grace and good moves of a bull in a china shop.I got up early this morning to go help my younger brother move into his new house .In a hurry and not paying attention I tripped and fell going out of the garage. According to the emergency room doc and the x-rays I have a spiral fracture of the fibula where it joins the ankle with multiple small fragments floating around .Best guess is that it will require surgery and placement of a steel plate to tie it all back together but I will not know until a visit to the orthopedic doc next week so....... prayers please thanks guys
  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    My step daughter Nikki was critcally injured when she fell out of a pickup and suffered a skull fracture, she is currently being kept in a drug induced coma to try to control the swelling. I ask you as my friends and extended family if you pray, please pray for my child. If you dont pray please send best wishes and thoughts to her. Thank you so very much.

    A little more history about Nikki, her mother and I divorced over 10 years ago but I still consider her and her sister my kids as they are the sisters of my 2 blood children. She still calls me Dad so I still see her as mine. She is a beautiful 18 year old with a good head on her shoulders, she has a good job, a paid for car (bought it herself) and strong plans for the future. Again your prayers are appreciated. Thank you.

    UPDATE 1:

    The Doctors tried to put in a central line (thts an IV directly into the subclavian vein under the collarbone) and instead knicked a lung and gave her a Pneumothorax (air escaping the lung into the surrounding area). so now she has a chest tube as well.

    UPDATE 2:

    Her inter cranial pressure has dropped to 15 from 50. (good thing) her bleed appears to have stopped. She is on pain management meds now. and meds to decrease pressure. All the family that can be there is there. Thank you for your continuing prayers, they mean a lot. I will keep you all posted. Otherwise pretty much the same. Just waiting now.

    UPDATE 3:

    The swelling of her brain increased so much so the Dr's took her into surgery for 5 hours to remove a section of her skull. The neurologist gave her 20% chance to make it out f surgery. She made it out and the Dr used the phrase "She did well". they placed the skull cap into her abdomen to keep it alive so they can put it back when the swelling goes down. For the next 5 or so days she will be on the ventilator and kept in a coma. Waiting time again. Thank you all so much for your prayers, please keep them coming.

    UPDATE 4:

    Ok she had to go back in for more emergency surgery to relieve even more pressure. But on coming out her vitals were better and intercranial pressure down to 8 (good thing). They took her off the paralytic meds she was on and she opened her eyes and wiggled fingers a little but not conscious yet. She is still on the ventilator. Prognosis is better than before but still critical. Thank you all for your prayers, please keep them coming.

    UPDATE 5:

    Last night she woke up from her coma, today she stood and walked a bit. She has a trache in her throat but is breathing on her own now. She cannot speak yet and isn't truly aware of herself or who the people are around her. But she is making great progress, Thank you folks so very much for your prayers and thoughts. My prayers go out to all of you that you never have to go through anything like this with your children, Love and Peace be with you all.
  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    got a friend injured in a aotu accident missed 5 weeks work he's back on light duty for ow but missing that many paydays wow, thing are tough on him and his family right now
  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    heard that wsb out of Atlanta reporting they have found the body of the missing hiker in Dawson co., they have some 61 yr old perv in custody on charges of kidnapping as he was caught truing to use her atm card, will probably be upgraded
  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    My wife's friend's mom just died this morning. She'd been battling lung cancer that spread to the brain and had been doing pretty well, so this is a bit of a shock.
  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    All...I have a wonderful young woman in the church I pastor who received a heart transplant almost 7 years ago when she was 14. She will soon be 21. Her transplanted heart has weakened to the point that she cannot function, and she is now in the hospital and on a respirator to keep her breathing. She is on massive doses of lasix (sp?) to draw the water off her heart and lungs. She is too weak for another transplant. She is still alert, but cannot talk due to the respirator. Today she requested, in writing, that her life support be removed and the only meds she be given be for pain. The doctors removed her from the breathing machine today about 3:30 PM. They don't think she will make it through tomorrow without the respirator and other meds. Her kidney's are already shutting down. Please, please say a prayer, or have a nice thought, for Chelsea and her family tonight. Chelsea has touched the lives of so many people. She has challenged and encouraged others to be all they can be. God has given her something extra special, and now, please, join the family in spirit and in prayer as they walk this path with her.
  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    For Our Gb Friends In The SOUTH / WEST Areas
    Tough Nite Ahead
    Stay Safe......[:I]
  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    "Please Help Me Be Half the Man My Dog thinks I Am"
    Woody P. Woodshed[;)]
  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    My brother, who has been on disability with a head injury, is trying to get back in the workforce and off disability. He starts a new job, a good job, next week and it would mean so much to him to succeed at this. It will be a challenge for him to stay employed and I am praying he is able to do the work. All prayers and kind support are appreciated.
  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    This coming Thursday my wife goes in for surgery.The surgery it to remove a cancer. Then chemo therapy. She will lose her hair, this time.To top it all off they will throw in some radiation treatments. The surgery will be the easy part. The treatments will be the hardest part. Thank you.

    And this has come to pass,not to stay.
  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Just found out that a friend's GF shot and killer herself this morning. He is our GBI agent and she was a dispatcher. Please pray for both their families. Thanks.
  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I ask that all who will pray for my sister and family [God has already shown grace before as her oldest son went thru stem cell transplant for luekemia- in remission for 25 months now can you say HEALED!] anyway they are having issues with their daughter and she has been told she must have a hysterectomy as she has a tumor\mass that must come out I have heard from her husband that it is cancer please help in asking God's mercy again please and thank you!
  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    My nephew lost his wife this afternoon.Miranda was 31 and she had battled prescription drug abuse for several years .She had been sober and straight for the past 6 or 8 months .We suspect she had a heart attack at her mother-in-laws [my sister] house.She had been dead for several hours when she was found . She leaves behind 2 sons age 8 and 10 .Please pray for our family as we struggle with this .The family has no savings so burial costs will be an issue .Her husbands name is Daniel so please keep him and his sons Shawn and John in your prayers .thanks
  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Brother-in-laws girlfriend was in a car accident, shes pregnant and 2 weeks from her due date, the baby is ok they say but shes pretty banged up.
  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I got an email today from a wonderful fellow that I met thru gunbroker a couple years ago he's had problems with a brain tumor, anyway the email said that he had another mri recently and the tumor had grown deeper was inoperable and he would not likely see 2008, I asked him not to give up that God has and will do great things please remember my friend and his family and friends, it was hard reading that today it just seems so sad
  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    If you would be as kind to say a prayer for my daughter Shiloh. Seems like she is getting the flu. We have had some real bad stuff going around this year. Really hopping that my 5 week old son can stay healthy as well as the wife and myself.
  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    My aunt, 83 years old, has had some sort of stroke or mental break, She's in the hospital but doesn't know where she is or what is going on. They are testing her, but she doesn't look good.

    Please pray for Jean Clark, and that God's will be done in her health and life. She is a wonderful woman with a big heart and a lot of love, but she has sure been lonely since her husband passed away 8 years ago.


  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I have been gone for awhile as my wife's breast cancer returned and I basically devoted myself to taking care of her full time . We thought she had a few months more to spend with us but she suddenly took a turn for the worst last weekend and is now in hospice and I'm afraid her end is near.
    If you would please say a prayer for Rebecca that she may pass in peace without pain.
  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I hope prayer requests are still ok, last I heard it seemed like they were not forbidden.

    I'm not one to ask for others to pray for me or my family, but this time I feel like I need to. My wife is having extensive surgery on her jaw in just a couple hours, and I'd like to ask for anyone who would, please add a request for my wife's quick and full recovery to your prayers.
  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    My wife of 44+ years had to have her abdoman drained due to bloating, and the diagnosis of the fluid draind revealed that she had ovarian cancer.
    She is now undergoing chemo therapy and is not doing too well.
    She has lost a lot of weight and is down to skin and bones, and tatally bed ridden.
    The doctors say that after her third chemo treatment she will be operated on to remove her ovaries. About mid June.
    She is 76 years old.
    Would appreciate any and all prayers and well wishes.

    For GOD and COUNTRY

    Not as Lean[:D][:D]2X as Mean[:(!][:(!]But STILL a MARINE[}:)][}:)]

  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    My wifey, my live together girl friend, of 16 years passed on
    this AM from liver and kidney failure.
    Deborah A, Johnson {62} of Cross Plains , Tn. fought a long battle
    but finally succumbed to her childhood trouble of a bad liver.

    Please remember her in your thoughts.

    Thank you,

    BOB {babun}
  • PSFD DONKEYPSFD DONKEY Member Posts: 771 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    my oldest son is leaving in the morning. he is starting his career as a copy editor for a well known firm in New York City. prayers asked for his safe keeping and success. Nate is a good kid,and has never give me one ounce of trouble or heartache. he worked his way through college,and graduated with honor . since college he has been a freelance writer for many well known publishers and companys.

    congrats son, don't forget where you come from[;)][8D]
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