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Look what those TX Murderers were defending

War Pig ActualWar Pig Actual Member Posts: 2,063 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
How'd I know that flag would be flying? Only thing that's missing is they should have a 1984 Ford F-150 instead of that Dodge.



  • MaxOHMSMaxOHMS Member Posts: 14,715
    edited November -1
    his f-150 is in the shop- again
  • BaseJumperBaseJumper Member Posts: 5,570
    edited November -1
    With the meth lab in there how do they have room to sleep?
  • War Pig ActualWar Pig Actual Member Posts: 2,063 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    That place is about 3 square feet from being an outhouse.
  • mateomasfeomateomasfeo Member Posts: 27,143
    edited November -1
    Let me guess what color they are...
  • tneff1969tneff1969 Member Posts: 6,682 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Inbred is not a color Matty [:D][:D][:D]
  • mateomasfeomateomasfeo Member Posts: 27,143
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by tneff1969
    Inbred is not a color Matty [:D][:D][:D]

    Well, the thread cried out for the typical racist comment that appears on these threads when the perps are black...
  • kimikimi Member Posts: 44,719 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    What flag do citizens fly like the black scum pictured in order to get a pass on being buried by the mainstream media, to include, their Sister Progressive nextwork Fox News, pigs? It's okay that the media covers scumbags when they are white, right, Pigs?: (In addition to these murderers raping and mutilating the bodies of this young lady and man they were to have urinated upon them as well.)

    La Shawn Barber's Corner


    Media Blackout On Christian-Newsom Murders?
    by La Shawn on May 14, 2007

    in Duke Rape Case, Justice

    Wednesday, November 12: Read about another torture-murder. Plenty to go around.

    Tuesday, May 22: For more coverage of the Duke case, see the latest post, Journalists' Rush to Judgment.

    Wednesday, May 16: Michelle Malkin covers the Christian-Newsom murders over at Hot Air.

    Later.Fellow BC Baldilocks comments about the Christian-Newsom case at Hot Air (emphasis in original):

    "Shades of the Wichita massacre (those perverts even mutilated the dog). And, yes, I saw no MSM coverage of that evil incident either.

    "As many observers have noted, crimes committed by blacks - regardless of the race of the victim(s) - do not fit the MSMs standard narrative of black people always being the victim. Such crimes don't even fit Fox News' narrative.

    "In the runup to Stanley "Tookie" Williams' execution, I said that we black people do not need other people to listen to and cater to the psychopaths in our number because it gives such monsters encouragment and it infantilizes black people as a whole. Well, I think that, by ignoring massacres like this one and like the one in Wichita, the MSM entities, through their inaction and cowardice, are doing just that. It's one of racism's sneakier and more insidious manifestations."

    Tuesday, May 15: Wow. *** [letter removed from site - letter writer said he forgot to include link to my post - I believe him] lifted an entire paragraph from this post for his letter to the editor at (last paragraph). (Hat tip: Matt Sheffield)

    Also, several people in the comment section mentioned that "white supremacist" and "neo-Nazi" sites have taken up the Christian-Newsom murder case as a cause. What that has to do with the main focus of this post - the media blackout and feminist non-outrage - is a mystery to me.

    In a free society, unpopular speech is protected. That's why we have something called the First Amendment. That some people are using this case to further their nefarious goals, whatever they may be, is called life. Deal with it. People of all colors do things to manipulate and influence - for positive and negative reasons.

    That so-called white supremacists may use this post or the Christian-Newsom case to bolster their movement or whatever won't stop me from calling things as I see them. It's the risk we take in a country that allows freedom of speech. Well, it's a risk I take.

    I've been dragging my feet on this one, but it's time to step up.

    Early this year, a white couple was carjacked, tortured, raped, and murdered by a group of black thugs. Christopher Newsom (23) was gang-raped, shot and set on fire. There are unconfirmed reports that the killers cut off his BallPark Frank while he was still alive. The going-to-straight-to-hell murderers made Channon Christian (21) watch, and then they gang-raped her over four days and left her to die. There are unconfirmed reports that her breasts were cut off while she was still alive. (Also see this story and the Wikipedia entry)

    I've been getting e-mail about this case since it happened, but I've been hesitant to blog about it. Flopping Aces published a big post about the case last night, which probably accounts for why I received a few more Christian-Newsom e-mails this morning. Here goes!

    I've noticed that mainstream media are reluctant to report this story, especially when it first happened. In light of the blanket coverage the Duke "rape" case received, the paucity of coverage in this case seems a bit unbalanced. I mean, isn't the brutal, black-on-white gang-rape, mutilation, and murder of two people more than or at least as newsworthy as a white-on-black gang-rape (which obviously was phony)? Even if the stripper's allegations had been true, why was the Duke case burning up the airwaves while the Christian-Newsom case barely emits a spark?

    What's up with the lack of blanket media coverage? I'm not talking about a story here or there with case updates. The media should be swarming around this story. What happened to Christian and Newsom should be all over the airwaves and printing presses.

    What's up with the stunning silence of feminist types and hate-crime proponents? Forget Newsom. He was a white male. But what about Christian? Where are the pot-bangers and wanna-be castrators?


    Have so-called black leaders said anything about what those thugs did? They have so much to say about everything else.

    Every time someone starts telling the truth about black crime, someone else comes out of the woodwork to remind everyone that a "few" black criminals don't define the black community. From my perspective, it's difficult to argue that point with a straight face. Of course, the murderous deeds and thuggish ways of black criminals shouldn't define all blacks. But if you try to pretend that it's not a serious problem that blacks commit a disproportionate share of crimes - an incontrovertible fact - or that the lack of blanket media coverage and outrage has nothing to do with race, you're being willfully blind and foolish.

    As I see it, black crime is so commonplace that it's just not interesting to white liberal journalists, especially black-on-white crime. And white liberal feminists are more outraged when white men use a so-called sexist term than they are with black-on-white rape statistics. I have yet to hear a feminist condemn what was done to Christian.

    I'm disgusted by the whole incident, which is why I haven't blogged about it. But I'm publishing this post and opening comments for people who want to discuss it. Be civil.

    Update: Remember the international outrage over the beating and murder of a homosexual named Matthew Shepard? There was a TV movie and everything! I doubt Hollywood will touch the Christian-Newsom case.

    A commenter linked to this. I don't remember reading anything about that case.

    Update II: Glenn Reynolds writes: "My earlier comment on the [Christian-Newsom] case has had me excoriated by some white-supremacist sites for covering up a hate crime.Well, to be a hate crime, the motivation has to be hate. I haven't seen any evidence of that so far. It's certainly true, of course - as LaShawn notes - that if the races were reversed the press would be all over this case and lots of people would be confidently pronouncing it a hate crime without any evidence other than the races of the perpretrators and victims, but since it's black-on-white crime they're making less noise. That's the press."

    That's the problem with "hate crimes." All crimes are motivated by hate, but crimes committed by a perpetrator who utters a slur are considered worse than other crimes. What difference does it make if a thug is motivated by hatred of blacks or hatred of rich people?

    In order for "hate crime" charges to be added to the Christian-Newsom case, somebody had to have used a racial slur, and a witness would have to come forward. In my opinion, it doesn't matter who said what in the Christian-Newsom case or any other. Hate crime laws are redundant, not to mention nonsensical.

    I call hate crime laws by their proper name: thought crime laws. They were devised to penalize certain people for thinking nasty thoughts about certain "protected" groups of people.
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  • War Pig ActualWar Pig Actual Member Posts: 2,063 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    kimi as usual you're taking the victim's approach to this story. I was looking at the fact they lived in a outhouse and were trying to protect Lord knows what from a little kid....If you think the choosen ones are being treated unfair, you may have been hanging out with the people in this "house" breathing meth fumes.
  • kimikimi Member Posts: 44,719 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by War Pig Actual
    kimi as usual you're taking the victim's approach to this story. I was looking at the fact they lived in a outhouse and were trying to protect Lord knows what from a little kid....If you think the choosen ones are being treated unfair, you may have been hanging out with the people in this "house" breathing meth fumes.

    Do you really believe that any sane person reading your post will believe your weak, cowardly reason you have given me here pigs? Such a thought as you have given is funny, and not hardly intelligent enough to distract people from your racist reason for making it.
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  • eastbankeastbank Member Posts: 4,052 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    that case and many others are the reason i carry every where i go, with three extra clips. that don,t mean i will not be killed, but if not in the first shots, i will shoot untill the threat is dead or gone. eastbank.
  • fishkiller41fishkiller41 Member Posts: 50,608
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by BaseJumper
    With the meth lab in there how do they have room to sleep?

    With a METH LAB in there, THEY DON'T NEED ANY SLEEP!![:0][:0][:0]
  • ElMuertoMonkeyElMuertoMonkey Member Posts: 12,898
    edited November -1

    Why are you even tangentially standing up for these losers?

    Black or white, idiocy knows no bounds.

    Making excuses for these two retards is just as bad as Al Sharpton standing up for the monsters you posted an article about.
  • kimikimi Member Posts: 44,719 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by ElMuertoMonkey

    Why are you even tangentially standing up for these losers?

    Black or white, idiocy knows no bounds.

    Making excuses for these two retards is just as bad as Al Sharpton standing up for the monsters you posted an article about.

    Did you read the part highlighted in "red" Monkey, before you made your swipe at me, or did you purposely overlook the fact that I called these white people scumbags? hmmm My point in referring to these white people as scumbags as I did was to make note that the media is all over this story, while they bury heinous stories regarding black on white crimes like the Christian-Newsome Murders.

    And, no, you are wrong again, there is no way that I can be compared to Al Sharpton since I did not make any excuse for their actions. What I did is point out that War Pig Axual's racist swipe at the Confederate flag was put into proper perspective with the difference in the media and these two cases. I'm not surprised that you overlooked this simple fact either.

    What flag do citizens fly like the black scum pictured in order to get a pass on being buried by the mainstream media, to include, their Sister Progressive nextwork Fox News, pigs? It's okay that the media covers scumbags when they are white, right, Pigs?: (In addition to these murderers raping and mutilating the bodies of this young lady and man they were to have urinated upon them as well.)
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  • wlfmn323wlfmn323 Member Posts: 4,712
    edited November -1
    wow, folks racist remarks put aside, i havent heard about this. what is the deal behind the post? when did this happen?

    and since you brought up the flag, what is the deal with it? looks like the stars and bars, but the lower right bar doesnt go to the corner of the flag? not real sure thats a rebel flag.

    now for the question that some will scream racism about,,
    why is it that the MAJORITY of crime, is committed by those who are MINORITIES? (for those who need their hand held, thats black, latino/a, oriental(not as bad)) i mean sure, us white hillbillies lay claim to almost all of the mass murderers, and seriel killers, but the majority is from the minority.
  • ElMuertoMonkeyElMuertoMonkey Member Posts: 12,898
    edited November -1

    But this isn't a debate about the fairness of the media, is it? War Pig noted that people here, not the media, are quick to jump on perps when they're black, but fall conveniently silent when the perps are white.

    I happen to disagree with that summation if only because I have yet to see a white couple abduct, rape, torture, and murder a black couple, but the fact remains that his condmenation was of the forum members, not the media.

    By trying to shift the blame to the media, by accident or design shifted the focus away from those two inbred losers and placed the burden of guilt upon a biased media.
  • RugerNinerRugerNiner Member Posts: 12,636 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    This is the case being discussed.
    Keep your Powder dry and your Musket well oiled.
    NRA Lifetime Benefactor Member.
  • bountyhunter101bountyhunter101 Member Posts: 149 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    What I saw was WPA is assuming anyone flying the Confederate battle flag is a racist & a murderer. It is all the saw to some. He couldn't be more wrong & if anything he may be the racist.

    The Confederate Flag is a matter of hertiage to most, symbolizing the past & what their ancestors fought & died for. For the narrow-minded like WPA it is a symbol of hate & the KKK, neo-Nazi's, skinheads & white supremacits.

    It is the typical knee-jerk reaction from a bigot from the other side.

    What WPA misses is they are criminals & color doesn't matter & neither does the fact they were flying a Confederate flag. Once you see thru your own color barrier then you will understand.
  • kimikimi Member Posts: 44,719 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by ElMuertoMonkey

    But this isn't a debate about the fairness of the media, is it? War Pig noted that people here, not the media, are quick to jump on perps when they're black, but fall conveniently silent when the perps are white.

    I happen to disagree with that summation if only because I have yet to see a white couple abduct, rape, torture, and murder a black couple, but the fact remains that his condmenation was of the forum members, not the media.

    By trying to shift the blame to the media, by accident or design shifted the focus away from those two inbred losers and placed the burden of guilt upon a biased media.

    It is a debate about the media since it is a main stream hot topic with them for three reasons, white people, southerners, and a picture of the Confederate flag. To the media, it does not get any dirtier than that, and they love it. You can add a fourth reason for it being a debate about the media, WPA constantly bashes this issue just like the media. Now you can add a fifth reason too, in that the point I made about the black on white crime was buried quickly. The shift you mention did not take the blame off the white criminals, but it did bring light to the far more heinous crimes of the black people to cement the points I have made.
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  • The Ultimate InfidelThe Ultimate Infidel Member Posts: 2,327 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Oh I dont know. Perhaps blacks are talked about 75% more than whites because they fill at least that much of the criminal justice systems dockets for violent crime. Facts back that up Warpig.[xx(] Egads I suddenly have the urge to go hog hunting. [:D]
  • bountyhunter101bountyhunter101 Member Posts: 149 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Laundry-pro
    Oh I dont know. Perhaps blacks are talked about 75% more than whites because they fill at least that much of the criminal justice systems dockets for violent crime. Facts back that up Warpig.[xx(] Egads I suddenly have the urge to go hog hunting. [:D]

    Could it be that they commit about 75% of the violent crime is why they are in the court system.
  • JustCJustC Member Posts: 16,056 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I don't know what yall are talking about with racist statements,..I openly stated that if they were my kids,..I don't thik the law could keep me from killing BOTH of them. All in a very twisted and drawn out manner mind you.

    Color don't mean squat after the crime, is simply a detail used to decribe the perps. Unfortunatley, numbers do point very clearly to certain minorities, no chaning the numbers.
  • quickmajikquickmajik Member Posts: 15,576 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Yeah, I said they looked like lifetime members in the crack heads club. But whats the point of saying anything, piggy is clearly dunder.
  • SuaspontaSuasponta Member Posts: 41 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    The Christian - Newsom case is not a new case, this happened some time ago. This was the last news story I read on it was so revolting that I've never been back since. The lack of media coverage concerning the horrendous crime surprised me enough to try to find out why that was the case. From what I've been able to discern is that the state The State of Tennessee is behind the blackout. The Dept. of Criminal Justice has requested some of the larger media corps, to not report on this incident for fear of starting a potential race war in Tennessee. This was at the request of both black and white leaders of the state. They want to keep all the details aside, and unless you actively seek them out the details of this crime are not going to be thrown in your face. However, this is bias since recently there was the story of the black women who was held a prisoner and raped and tortured in West Virginia that received full coverage from all the major MSM. Go figure.
  • bountyhunter101bountyhunter101 Member Posts: 149 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by JustC
    I don't know what yall are talking about with racist statements,..I openly stated that if they were my kids,..I don't thik the law could keep me from killing BOTH of them. All in a very twisted and drawn out manner mind you.

    Color don't mean squat after the crime, is simply a detail used to decribe the perps. Unfortunatley, numbers do point very clearly to certain minorities, no chaning the numbers.

    It's the premis that they had a Confederate flag waving was the reason or should have been a warning. Getting tired of the stupidty behind some peoples ignorance.
  • JustCJustC Member Posts: 16,056 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    do we know what race the kids were yet?? that would/could throw some light into their possible motives etc.

    either way, they look like perfect candidates for euthanization to me, less drain on my paycheck.
  • mateomasfeomateomasfeo Member Posts: 27,143
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by bountyhunter101

    It's the premis that they had a Confederate flag waving was the reason or should have been a warning. Getting tired of the stupidty behind some peoples ignorance.

    Sort of like the premise that because someone is black they are a violent criminal.

  • bountyhunter101bountyhunter101 Member Posts: 149 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by mateomasfeo
    quote:Originally posted by bountyhunter101

    It's the premis that they had a Confederate flag waving was the reason or should have been a warning. Getting tired of the stupidty behind some peoples ignorance.

    Sort of like the premise that because someone is black they are a violent criminal.


    Maybe you see it that way. I was in the Carolina's when the Flag flap was going on & let me tell you that it was nothing but a stunt to make Confederate heritage disappear. It's their own stupidity for not knowing history or making up their own.
  • SuaspontaSuasponta Member Posts: 41 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    It's the details they don't mention. The rape and torture sessions, that are so incredible violent, I'm not going into details on this forum. A female perpetrator was involved, came over to get into the fun. And when it was over, they tossed her in the garbage can, at the house she was killed, as if she was just a big piece of garbage. That's how the authorities found her, stuffed in the garbage can. Now, folks, anyone irregardless of color, cannot justify this crime based on color, or status of life. The people who perpetrated this horrific crime are the real pieces of human trash, and need to be snuffed out as cruelly as their victims were.
  • COLTCOLT Member Posts: 12,637 ******
    edited November -1
    ...I guess I'm lost, nothing new...but, regarding the sign in actualpiggies post...who all is against using a gun in defense of thier property, and why? Same as most signs that proclaim similar sentiments..."Those found here tonight, will be found here in the morning", etc. Who knows that the pic is not a hunting cabin, but, is a house? Ive seen plenty of times I'd have dearly loved to have had that shack for a shelter, would have been like a night in a five star Hotel.

    ...I have a Rebel flag in my gunroom over my work bench...and? I am from the South...just more liberal spuge from the little piggy troll. I proudly fly Old Glory, Marine Flag and the Texas Flag...if YOU don't like it, I'll happily send you directions to my home where you can attempt to remove them.

    ...I guess piggy that you would not be happy with my Gladsen Flag, patches, etc...because I know Napolotano proclaimed "Dont Tread On Me" was part of the "extremeist" lingo. I suspose you feel as she does that Vets are terrorist too...just a little liberal troll that has given a new meaning to putz...but from a follower such as yourself, wouldn't expect anything less...before you made this post did you clear this topic with your block capn'?

    ...I have used the phrase "Dont Tread On Me" in EVERY single em and letter I have sent to my Reps for years, thousands in fact, so in line with your mindset and the libs, I am pretty sure I may be on at least one "list", they know where to find me...[;)]

  • kimikimi Member Posts: 44,719 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by eboydell
    quote:...I have a Rebel flag in my gunroom over my work bench...and? I am from the South...just more liberal spuge from the little piggy troll. I proudly fly Old Glory, Marine Flag and the Texas Flag...if YOU don't like it, I'll happily send you directions to my home where you can attempt to remove them.I fully agree with Colt, and I also think **** ****** ******** **** ******. And that's what I am allowed to say![V]

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