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How do you read this Inspection Sticker

walliewallie Member Posts: 8,595 ✭✭✭
edited May 2012 in General Discussion
When does it expire


  • montanajoemontanajoe Forums Admins, Member, Moderator Posts: 60,159 ******
    edited November -1
    Do Not Remove it!!!!
  • walliewallie Member Posts: 8,595 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Today I got pulled over by my friend.
    Last Friday we went out to a club and I picked him up in my car at 9:15 pm
    And today at 1:30 pm he pulled me over for a inspection sticker violation.
    When I rounded the corner he was sitting in the middle of a wide divider
    I even waved at him and looking back I seen he had his flasher on but I never believed he was after me.

    He said Wallie your inspection sticker is expired.
    I said, why didn't you see that Friday when you were in my car. He said it was dark
    I said 11/12 I'm good
    He said they flipped the numbers around it's 12/11
    He knows I have 5 cars ( not mine) that I keep inspected and I look at the window stickers
    I all way read left to right, now this one is right to left
    Hell! I've been driving this car illegally since January
    So he wrote up this card to get it inspected within 10 days and to give him the card on Friday at the club
    I said no fine, he said nope
    I think they do it to confuse the old people
  • bigoutsidebigoutside Member Posts: 19,443
    edited November -1
    So in PA, you have one for emissions and one that certifies you have a windshield?

    Thats whacky.
  • walliewallie Member Posts: 8,595 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I just got a Chev inspected Sunday and it's back to normal. 4/13
    I don't know why they flip these # around
  • rcrxmike_2rcrxmike_2 Member Posts: 3,275
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by wallie
    Today I got pulled over by my friend.
    Last Friday we went out to a club and I picked him up in my car at 9:15 pm
    And today at 1:30 pm he pulled me over for a inspection sticker violation.
    When I rounded the corner he was sitting in the middle of a wide divider
    I even waved at him and looking back I seen he had his flasher on but I never believed he was after me.

    He said Wallie your inspection sticker is expired.
    I said, why didn't you see that Friday when you were in my car. He said it was dark
    I said 11/12 I'm good
    He said they flipped the numbers around it's 12/11
    He knows I have 5 cars ( not mine) that I keep inspected and I look at the window stickers
    I all way read left to right, now this one is right to left
    Hell! I've been driving this car illegally since January
    So he wrote up this card to get it inspected within 10 days and to give him the card on Friday at the club
    I said no fine, he said nope
    I think they do it to confuse the old people

    yes you have, Wallie.... my truck doesn't even have the insert sticker on it! says 11 12 on it. we don't have the emission's stickers up here, YET, it's how we profile 'flatlanders' in these parts [:D]
  • PTHEIMPTHEIM Member Posts: 3,374
    edited November -1
    I just got nailed Sunday evening by a local cop for an expired inspection. Not to brag but one day out form a one year anniversary.

    I admitted I knew it was out but, weather, work and no place or funds to fix the problem has kept me from getting the problems fixed.

    The problem is rusted through panels in front of the rear wheels on left and right of Jimmy.

    I got a 5 day warning to get the problem fixed, inspected and turned into the police dept. to keep from getting a paycheck eating ticket.

    Today I spent 3 hours sanding, poking, trimming, and filling the cavities w/foam filler.
    Tomorrow I'll be Bondoing, sanding and priming for inspection either Thursday or Friday.

    To all LEOs here, I didn't ask then but I'm askin' yous, If someone's given a warning for something like this, is that someone put on a BOLO list?
  • LesWVaLesWVa Member Posts: 10,490 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    It expired December 2011.

    IM = Inspection month (placed on by the inspection station).

    11 = 2011 the year in which the last inspection took place. Printed on the sticker by the printing company.
    Note the 5 on this WV inspection sticker is not properly aligned. It was put on by the inspector. WV also uses a different color back ground for each year.

    Factory automobile type.


    Sticker for Modified vehicles. These are for Vehicles that have lift kits mainly.

  • PTHEIMPTHEIM Member Posts: 3,374
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by wallie
    When does it expire

    After Googling a bit, it seems that you are out of inspection by 4 months.

    The month is in the plain field (i.e. the 12 here) and the year has the Penn DOT written acrossed it.
    For 2012 the year will be on the other side of the sticker w/Penn DOT written acrossed it.
  • andrewsw16andrewsw16 Member Posts: 10,728 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I remember those from back in Virginia. Bleeechk.
    Here in my county in Nevada there is no vehicle inspection and no windshield stickers. Yay!
  • spasmcreekspasmcreek Member Posts: 37,717 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    get a ticket for body panels ?????
  • walliewallie Member Posts: 8,595 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I just got back from the inspection station, now I have it right 5/13
    I asked, if anyone else got fooled with the # flip and they said yes but I hold the record so far, 4 months
  • RosieRosie Member Posts: 14,525 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Only ticket I ever got in my life was for not having my car inspected.
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