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Did Ms. Brady purchase a firearm?

TrinityScrimshawTrinityScrimshaw Member Posts: 9,350 ✭✭✭
edited March 2002 in General Discussion
Did I hear correctly?Last night on Fox News I heard that Sara Brady had bought a gun for her son. What's up with this? Is there something wrong with this picture? Am I hearing things? Is the world really spinning? Can someone stop it so I can get off?And what's up with the grand old fat one Rosie? "I only said everyone who owned a gun should be put in jail because I was depressed at the time" She would not let Bill O'Rriley get a word in edge wise. Her fat mouth just kept the lips a flapping her liberal Bull *!Trinity+++


  • idsman75idsman75 Member Posts: 13,398 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    TrinityScrimshaw--You should search your radio dial on Sundays at 1400 hours for "Gun Talk" with Tom Gresham. It's a good radio show. They confirmed that Sarah Brady did admit to purchasing a rifle for her son. Apparently she is not in violation of federal law but many anti-Bradys are trying to hold her feet to the fire over "straw purchase" laws. I personally believe that she did it on purpose in order to get the pro-gun crowd to do this. If gun owners are holding her feet to the fire over a "straw purchase" then she can come back and say that even gun owners believe that private transactions should be illegal without going through an FFL/NICS first.
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