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Off subject for my fellow truckers

7mm_ultra_mag_is_king7mm_ultra_mag_is_king Member Posts: 676 ✭✭✭✭
edited November 2001 in General Discussion
Here is another example of Kalifornies anti everything veiws and like I said truckers and gun owners are under fire from the same people who constantly blow out of proportion facts and reports to make us look bad hence forth targeting us to make others who have not a clue about anything feel safe;CHP to muscle up on truckers The California Highway Patrol has announced plans to add 60 new white Camaros to an ongoing effort to crackdown on unsafe truckers. The new muscle cars, which should be on the road by January, will nearly double its fleet of specially marked patrol cars that covertly cruise the state's freeways. CHP already has 64 white Ford Crown Victoria sedans monitoring big rigs on the freeways. But, they believe the Ford sedans are too easy to spot because of their distinctive black-and-white coloring, according to the Los Angeles Times. The new Camaros, while continuing to bear the CHP logo on the doors, is designed to blend into traffic without the distinctive coloring. CHP plans to ask the state legislature for funding to hire 100 new officers. The additional staff and vehicles are part of a larger crackdown that was prompted by an increase in truck crashes in the state last summer. Collisions where a truckdriver was to blame increased 9.5 percent between 1999 and 2000, according to the newspaper. Truck fatalities also were up 8.2 percent during the same period. In Southern California, Camaros will primarily be deployed on three heavily used truck routes near the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, the Times reported. --Keith Goble, staff writer
when all else fails........................


  • 7mm_ultra_mag_is_king7mm_ultra_mag_is_king Member Posts: 676 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    taken from the pages of
    when all else fails........................
  • will270winwill270win Member Posts: 4,845
    edited November -1
    If only California would spend as much money huntin' criminals as they do oppressing the hard working American, this would be a nice place to live.
    When it absolutely, positively,has to be destroyed overnight.....U.S. MARINES. ~Secret Select Society Of Suave Stylish Smoking Jackets~
  • sandman2234sandman2234 Member Posts: 894 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I spend way too much time on Gunbroker. Haven't taken the time to catch up on the O/O's mag. Has some good coverage, when I take time to read it. Sorry to hear about Kalifornia's latest way to keep people from doing their jobs. We have some dedicated runs that go out to Ontario, Ka, but I refused the only one they ever offered me. Since most people like that run, I don't have to worry about getting offered it again. Guess they got the camaro idea from S.C. because they have had silver ones for years.
  • gunnutgunnut Member Posts: 724 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    While I am not a trucker, I respect the profession and realize the hard work that goes into it. That being said I believe that the money spent was wasted, it would have been better if they put the money into the road system/rest stops in my opinion.
    ~Secret Select Society Of Suave Stylish Smoking Jackets~
  • Walt NunleyWalt Nunley Member Posts: 228 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Submarine Sailor,Truck Driver,and very bad typist.GO RUSTY #2
  • 7mm_ultra_mag_is_king7mm_ultra_mag_is_king Member Posts: 676 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I am an owner operator with T.R.L based out of Penn. I have spent the last 6 years making a (not so good) living running produce out of Kal. I tell you , that I'm getting quite sick and tired of Kal's "I'm holier than thou" attitude. The poiticians and most law enforcment out there are to the point that I am starting to believe other drivers when they call it a "commie" state. we as truckers have a power that is almost unequalled by any other group of civs. we can change alot and I mean ALOT of things at the turn of the key. We can change our problems and many others as well. We can do something that can and will make us heard. We can change laws pertaining to us and anything else we deem as fit. Gun owners and truckers ride the same boat. We are both targets of ignorrant and stupid legislation. they use the excuse " for the better good of the people". Our rights are allowed to be violated in any way they deem necassary. let's stand up and say "WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH" I for one am tired of being punished for something that some other idiot did. Some morron in a car screws up in front of a truck and gets killed the trucker is held liable. The guy in the car is a victim. Same with gun owners. some morron goes coo coo with a gun we as gun owners are held accountable.why?? The states and cities spend millions of dollars each year to try and disarm us or make owning a gun a big hassle. Same with trucks, Julie Cirrillo from the federal you know what spent all that money last year for the new regs and what did she get?? NOTHING! but it was worth it because those nasty trucks are the problem. Not we the people. Truckers and gun owners are having our rights stripped away every day and we sit back and watch. Look at kal, All them new hotrods to catch us,,doing what? at a cost of $25,000+ apeice what is it going to accomplish?
    when all else fails........................
  • sandman2234sandman2234 Member Posts: 894 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    don't they need souped up cars to catch those big rigs? I mean, after all, aren't they capable of doing 60 in 5 miles or so from a dead stop, loaded??? Or maybe empty (mt), they can do over 100 mph.... Heck, I had a volkswagon pass me going faster than that onetime. They just wanted to spend more money, and drive cars that keep up with the Jones'...
    Have Gun, will travel
  • gunpaqgunpaq Member Posts: 4,607 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Mostly ran the east coast and only had two loads to Kalifornia. Did you ever wonder, when pulled over at a weigh station, why the DOT needs SWAT fatigues and a 9mm at their hip to inspect a truck? Also, why do those guys never have a sense of humor?
  • etc12819etc12819 Member Posts: 140 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I agreee with you all completely and this is off subject, but has anyone heard about govenors being put on new pickups so no one can go over 100 mph? A friend of mine was talking about it this afternoon, and I had not heard aboutit.
  • biganimalbiganimal Member Posts: 135 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I used to be a " High speed Trans-continetal freight relocation specialist" myself for a while back in the mid eighties and the only place I ever got a ticket was near Yuba city Kal. Not once BUT TWICE!!! first for 6 mph over the posted speed limit and the second for 88 Pounds over weight....both cost $150 each. glad I gave up truckin.....
  • idsman75idsman75 Member Posts: 13,398 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    gunpaq:Kali isn't the only state where the DOT feels the need to look like jack-booted thugs. I stopped at a rest area in the southeast during a long Labor Day weekend trip between NY and VA and just shook my head at the DOT guys in their fatigues and thigh holsters. I know that working the highways is tough for LEO's but this is an interesting issue that I am surprised has not yet been raised.
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