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Just a suggestion - Not a complaint

schotzi1schotzi1 Member Posts: 307 ✭✭✭
edited February 2004 in General Discussion
(the first paragraph is NOT a complaint, I just want to set the stage for a suggestion)

I recently found this site and think it's great. Well, I thought I would ask a coulpe of questions (mostly to see how it all works) and I guess I asked things I shouldn't so I got REAMED. OK, I'm a tough guy I can take it. (my sarcasm sometimes comes out as thin skined but I'm not).

Here is my suggestion:
Why not have a beginner topic area. Have all new members use that area until they get - I don't know, 50 or 100 posts. Then they can "graduate" to the higher level. Kinda like school. How many times does the 8th grade teacher have to answer the same question over & over again. To the new kid his question is logical (if it has been asked a million times at least a million people want the answer and this seems to me like a GREAT place for answers). In school you don't mix 1st graders with freshmen (etc). That way the "dummie beginners" can get all the dumb, stupid, annoying & unappropriate questions out of the way. Of course the experienced can peak in on the lower level gang and give them some insight.

It could be a win - win situation. Beginners feel more comfortable and experts aren't annoyed.

Just a thought.

Be responsible
Be intelligent


  • bigdaddyjuniorbigdaddyjunior Member Posts: 11,233
    edited November -1
    Doesn't sound like there is much fun in that. We have so few joys left in life, would you deny us reaming rights as well?

    040103cowboy_shooting_one_gun_md_clr_prv.gifBig Daddy my heros have always been cowboys,they still are it seems
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    The idea sucks!!! Why shouldn't you have to go thru all the abuse the rest of us did!![:D][^]

    Hang in there, it'll get better!!! Welcome aboard!!!

    Come to think of it Im still taking abuse!!![:D]



    Kids that fish, hunt and trap have never mugged any old ladies!

    To Ride, shoot straight,and speak the truth
    This was the Ancient law of Youth
    Old times are past, old times are done:
    But the Law runs true, O little son!
  • schotzi1schotzi1 Member Posts: 307 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I AM going to hang in there. I don't get ran off easy. I was just thinking of the seniors not having to deal with us dumba$$ newbies.

    Be responsible
    Be intelligent
  • bambihunterbambihunter Member Posts: 10,742 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Ah, it isn't hard to figure out which newby's are trying to cause trouble and which ones are truly trying to learn the ropes. I dunno what you got reamed about, but that's how we all learn (hopefully it was truly constructive criticizm and not really ream).

    Welcome aboard...
    Fanatic collector of the 10mm auto.
  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    It's not the newbies that bother me it's some of the ornery seniors that get under my skin!!![:I][^]



    Kids that fish, hunt and trap have never mugged any old ladies!

    To Ride, shoot straight,and speak the truth
    This was the Ancient law of Youth
    Old times are past, old times are done:
    But the Law runs true, O little son!
  • bigdaddyjuniorbigdaddyjunior Member Posts: 11,233
    edited November -1
    Yep,it is definitely the old geezers that are the trouble. Can't tell 'em nothin'.[:D]

    040103cowboy_shooting_one_gun_md_clr_prv.gifBig Daddy my heros have always been cowboys,they still are it seems
  • RugerNinerRugerNiner Member Posts: 12,636 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Why not have a beginner topic area.
    Kinda like a Bunny Slope until Ya get your Feet Wet. [:D] [:D] [8D]

    sniper.gif Remember...Terrorist are attacking Civilians; Not the Government. Protect Yourself!
    Keep your Powder dry and your Musket well oiled.
    NRA Lifetime Benefactor Member.
  • bigdaddyjuniorbigdaddyjunior Member Posts: 11,233
    edited November -1
    Like the kiddie pool? Full of piissin' youngun's.[:D]

    040103cowboy_shooting_one_gun_md_clr_prv.gifBig Daddy my heros have always been cowboys,they still are it seems
  • WarbirdsWarbirds Member Posts: 16,904 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    schotzi1- First welcome to our little world. GB is kind of unique to say the least. I'm one of the Sr. guys running around that is known for starting fires, however I also have a nicer side, I contribute to every big giveaway, every time someone is in need I give what I can, in that sense I'm just like 99% of the other GB loyals. See I may seem rude, or arguemenitive but like the rest of the board I'm not such a bad guy. I've found most of the time the new guys very first post are in our "Ask the Experts" section. Generally, they are pretty good at offering a warm welcome, and you'll find they can't be stumped. If you jump into a political topic here on the General discussion board, well anything goes. Most of the time it seems we aren't talking about guns in general discussion, we talk about life. If talking about life and everyone elses' views are what keep me around here, I don't agree with everyone, and people expect me to speak my mind here, as long as I try to do it nicely. Just a few drawn out thoughts from a guy that hangs out here, I hope you become one of the guys that hangs out here as well, but it's not always smooth sailing.



    How different the world would be if we could consult the veteran instead of the politician. - Henry Miller
  • SuspensionSuspension Member Posts: 4,783
    edited November -1
    welcome aboard schotzi1, glad to see you back!!![;)]

    bigdaddyjunior you let your kids do that in the pool? uck [:D][:D]

    Ever tell them you have special chorine in there that turns pink when it comes in contact with natural mountain dew? It works, scares the heck outa them..

    NRA Life Member ---"A pocket knife, a clean hankey, and a pistol... things I can use." - Ted Nugent
  • IconoclastIconoclast Member Posts: 10,515 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    schotxi1: (1) Welcome! (2) While I didn't do a detailed exam of your posts, it's been my observation that some enthusiastic newcomers will jump right in with the *exact* same questions which have been addressed ad nauseum a hundred times before. That makes some natives restive. Respectfully, suggest you make use of the "search" function or at least lurk a bit before asking one of the hoariest questions such as a variation on "how many guns do you own?" Next to a paen(sp) to the virtures of a Jennings, that one is likely to elicit the most (rightfully) sarcastic replies. Firearms owners tend to be highly opinionated, highly independent, folks and sometimes I have the impression that these characteristics are highly distilled in this environment. A fairly thick skin is a necessary attribute at times in this venue. Much of it is relatively benign and even more can be discounted - once you know the players! Given your brief time aboard, you need to develop this before you can judge the "fairness" of it. Also, we've been "trolled" so often that many of us carry some caution / suspicion until you establish your bona fides. Believe me, many old line regulars experience hotter receptions on any given day than those which have been directed at you to date. I don't mean to be harsh, but this is not the place to be if you have an eggshell personality. This is a great group of people, but most everyone gets - and gives - their share of lumps.

    "There is nothing lower than the human race - except the French." (Mark Twain) ". . . And DemoCraps" (me)
  • jujujuju Member Posts: 6,321
    edited November -1
    quote: See I may seem rude, or arguemenitive but like the rest of the board I'm not such a bad guy. I've found most of the time the new guys very first post are in our "Ask the Experts" section. Generally, they are pretty good at offering a warm welcome, and you'll find they can't be stumped. If you jump into a political topic here on the General discussion board, well anything goes. Most of the time it seems we aren't talking about guns in general discussion, we talk about life. If talking about life and everyone elses' views are what keep me around here, I don't agree with everyone, and people expect me to speak my mind here, as long as I try to do it nicely. Just a few drawn out thoughts from a guy that hangs out here, I hope you become one of the guys that hangs out here as well, but it's not always smooth sailing.

    Could not have said it better my self[^]

    JuJu(one of the old farts that cause trouble and pee in the pool)
  • ruger270manruger270man Member Posts: 9,361 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Some of us seniors, such as myself, are more stupid than many of the newbies.. just cuz someones a newbie on here, doesnt mean they don't know a crapload about firearms. [;)]

  • 22WRF22WRF Member Posts: 3,385
    edited November -1
    Someone has to watch the kids[:D][:D][:D][:D]

    Steel is for guns Tupperware is for leftovers
  • mateomasfeomateomasfeo Member Posts: 27,143
    edited November -1
    quote:I AM going to hang in there. I don't get ran off easy. I was just thinking of the seniors not having to deal with us dumba$$ newbies

    Hell, if it weren't for the DA newbies, the seniors wouldn't have much to do...

    Still a newbie myself...



    "I am what I am!" - Popeye
  • gap1916gap1916 Member Posts: 4,977
    edited November -1
    If you really want to get under some of the skins of the GB members start a thread that promotes Hillary Clinton or hates the .45acp. Then there is the sacred cow of GB ((Start a thread that puts the 10mm cartridge down)) [8D]

  • He DogHe Dog Member Posts: 51,449 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Glad to see you stuck it out! If there were a kiddies pool, what would be the incentive for any of the more knowledgeable posters to hang out there? Over on the experts board we get the same questions from new posters frequently, like how much is my granddads really old double barrel shotgun worth? Almost always it is a decent, but cheaply produced utility gun sold originally for $10-$12 and today not safe to shoot and worth $100-$200 as a wall hanger. Old does not equal valuable. Several of us try to be gentle in explaining that over and over, but it does get tedious. This is not a condemnation, no one is born an expert and we were all both beginners and newbies, and no doubt somewhere along the line asked some of the same questions. I have often thought an FAQ section would be useful, but GB owns the site and the boards and they will determine what the boards are.

    He Dog
  • woodshermitwoodshermit Member Posts: 2,589
    edited November -1
    Most folks here are rude, foul-mouthed, insecure, close-minded, fully automatic weapons fetishists living out on the far, far right fringe of society. The internet gives them a forum to brag, lie and attack anyone who is not exactly like them. There are always a couple of undercover agents monitoring the conversation. Folks disappear, change gender and ethnicity on a frequent basis. Don't believe a thing you read except when it is written by the following 3 individuals:
  • NighthawkNighthawk Member Posts: 12,022 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Im a senior member,but it doesnt make me any wiser I assure you.Hang in and enjoy the ride theirs a ton of wisdom combined to learn from,even from the newer members.



    "Toujours Pret"
  • BullzeyeBullzeye Member Posts: 3,560
    edited November -1
    I'm Bullzeye, the youngest senior member here on Gunbroker. Nice to meet you.

    My suggestion to you is to not treat Gunbroker any different than a noisy conversation at a bar: if you've got a question, ask it. If you've got a comment, say it. If someone pisses you off, call them on it.

    Life's too short to play nice. Try and enjoy yourself here.

    "If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate for an outright ban, picking up all of them, "Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in," I would have." -Sen. Dianne Feinstein

  • BlueTicBlueTic Member Posts: 4,072
    edited November -1
    Welcome Dumba$$ - from a senior Dumba$$[:D][:D][:D]

    IF YOU DON'T LIKE MY RIGHTS - GET OUT OF MY COUNTRY (this includes politicians)
  • Contender ManContender Man Member Posts: 2,110 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Seniority is not based on knowledge, it's based on number of posts.

    Number of posts is based on the time one has to make them.

    People with the most time are either "between jobs", recovering from some disability/illness, retired, or rippin off their employer by spending their work hours on this forum[:D]

    Me, I'm lucky ... semi-retired, between jobs and dealing with some health problems, so at present I have a LOT of time.

    Stick around, take your lumps, give a few lumps, and learn. There's a fair amount of "bs", but that's outweighed by the vast amount of collective knowledge.

    Newbie area ... nah, we don't need it we just need bonified newbies and less "trolling slugs".

    If you only have time to do two things so-so, or one thing well ... do the one thing!
  • DancesWithSheepDancesWithSheep Member Posts: 12,938 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I think anyone who has not yet taken organic chemistry or known the heartbreak and embarrassment of enuresis should not be allowed to post here. Just my .$02.
  • mudgemudge Member Posts: 4,225 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Schotzi...Welcome. Believe me, even I have axed some pretty * questions. Yes, it's true.[:I]
    Just remember the difference between "stupid" and "ignorant" and you'll do fine.

    Mudge the confessor

    ps. Woodshermit, I take offense at that remark. Who you callin "RUDE"?

    I can't come to work today. The voices said, STAY HOME AND CLEAN THE GUNS!
  • Contender ManContender Man Member Posts: 2,110 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Dances with ...

    Why don't you just say pees in (fill in the _____) and get on with it[}:)]

    If you only have time to do two things so-so, or one thing well ... do the one thing!
  • Colt SuperColt Super Member Posts: 31,007
    edited November -1
    Your idea would be really great... IF anyone wanted to make hanging around here easy. Consider the grief you got to be a "trial by fire". It looks like you passed.

    If you have any character at all, you will get your brains beaten out from time-to-time, here.

    Hell, most of us take it for what it is - inconsequential fun.

    Then... there are the others...

    God Bless America and...
    NEVER Forget WACO
    NEVER, EVER Forget 911
  • .280 freak.280 freak Member Posts: 1,942 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Now in a store near you - the all new Sealy Enuresistic, the original water bed.
  • schotzi1schotzi1 Member Posts: 307 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I UNERSTAND AND ACCEPT! Thank you for the "beating". You live and you learn.....I guess I learned. Unfortunately for you guys I am here to stay! I don't get ran off too easy cause I kinda like the "fight". I kept getting kicked outta the chat rooms anyway cause of my "smart mouth". (besides they suck any way) This forum atleast has GOOD stuff to talk about and since I don't have any friends.....

    Talk to you soon.

    Be responsible
    Be intelligent
  • jjmitchell60jjmitchell60 Member Posts: 3,887
    edited November -1
    Why just get your feet wet when you can dive right on in and drown with the rest of us![;)] Welcome aboard.

    The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans is suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you.
    Rita Mae Brown
  • Big Sky RedneckBig Sky Redneck Member Posts: 19,752 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Well here is a few suggestions for any "newbies",

    1. Don't ask what is better, a Glock or a 1911 styles pistol. That question will start arquments.

    2. Don't ask what is better for self defense, a 9mm or .45ACP. Again arquments will start.

    3. Don't ask if a .223 is OK for deer. Too many here that suffer from Magnumitus and are easily insulted when they hear of someone killing a deer with a gun smaller than a .300WinMag.

    4. Don't praise GWB, too many members here who think he is the devil.

    5. Don't bash Harleys, several members here think they are Gods gift to motorcycling and get real testy when anyone says one bad thing about a Harley whether it is true or not[:D]

    6. Don't ask how many guns we got, if we want you to know we will tell you.

    7. You will also find that there are several members here who wish to abolish all gun laws and let the criminals have guns as well so that they may act out on fantasies of shooting someone. (By arming the criminals it gives them the OK to shoot anyone deemed as a criminal)

    8. Avoid self defense topics unless you feel it is OK to blow away any trespassers who may find themselves in your home. Again we have members who can't wait to try out them Cor-Bons.

    9. Don't talk about killing cats, some of us can and will find you and cut off your balls[:D]

    10. When it comes to pets you need to understand that some here hold their dogs in such high priority that they will shoot a bus load of Nunns for saying something bad about their dogs.

    There are many other topics that will get you flamed as well but these are some of the hottest topics.

    That being said this is one of the best families you will ever find and even though it at times looks like WWIII on here we all love each other(well not all of us). Get out your thick skin and jump on in and start to pay attention to those who will flame you, I would warn you but it wouldn't be fair if I mentioned names now would it?!

  • He DogHe Dog Member Posts: 51,449 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    7mm don't you be dissing my .300mag Jennings, or we will have real trouble![:(!][:p]

    He Dog
  • dcon12dcon12 Member Posts: 32,003 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I made the mistake when I started posting by asking for a little repect. So far that is all I get, a little.[:D][:D]

    "Right is Right, even is everyone is against it, and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it"
  • Colt SuperColt Super Member Posts: 31,007
    edited November -1

    And if you do... make sure you're against it.

    Take it from one who knows.

    Ball-less Doug - Sheridan, Oregon

    God Bless America and...
    NEVER Forget WACO
    NEVER, EVER Forget 911
  • dcon12dcon12 Member Posts: 32,003 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Try not to make lawyer jokes. They hear them so much at work they don't want to hear them here.[}:)]

    "Right is Right, even is everyone is against it, and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it"
  • ATFATF Member Posts: 11,683 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:I am here to stay!

    We'll remember this when you're gone.Welcome to the Coo-Coo House

    It's my cat's world. I'm just here to open cans.

    We got rid of the kids. The cat was allergic.

    ATF,Eagle Guns
  • groundhog devastationgroundhog devastation Member Posts: 4,495
    edited November -1
    shotzi1, Welcome aboard! Ole 7mmNut about hit them all except don't ask whether you should use some tried and true method of barrel break-in! And just ask Bullzeye what it was like when he started up! Do you shoot trees?[:D][:D][:D][:D]GHD
  • BullzeyeBullzeye Member Posts: 3,560
    edited November -1
    1. One's a silly-looking plastic toy, the other's an antique with a tiny magazine capacity. Take your pick.

    2. Lets say they BOTH suck!

    3. You're right, 7mm. I've decided to go deer hunting with my Crosman air pistol from now on. The only people who need a gun over .17-caliber are puss-wusses and lousy shots who can't hit a deer in the brain stem at 250 yards every time like me!

    4. Dubya's a horse's * and the worst president since Reagan! I don't really mind him all that much, but you're being so sanctimonious I just couldn't help myself.

    5. Harley's rock! Anyone who makes fun of Harley's is a little onager! (getting the message here, yet?)

    6. Hey 7mm, how many guns ya got there buddy?

    7. You're absolutely right! Guns are meant to be restricted! Hooray for gun laws! We can't go around "arming the criminals" now, can we? Unless of course the term "criminal" means anyone who uses humane caliber sizes on deer, or likes to debate politics, or crosses 7mm in any way...

    8. You're absolutely right again! Screw people and the houses they live in! A house is not a home, it's merely a passing-through point for anyone who wants to borrow some of your items without asking! SHOOT a "tresspasser"??? Perish the thought! You should make him coffee!

    9. Man jailed in abuse of estranged wife's cat

    Posted: 07/09/2003 - 15:52:12

    (Tucson-AP) -- A Tucson man is facing felony charges after allegedly beating to death his estranged wife's cat with a hammer.

    Forty-four-year-old Richard Sostarich was arrested Thursday after telling sheriff's detectives he killed the cat and authorities retrieved the burned body from a fireplace.

    Sostarich allegedly killed the cat after an argument with his estranged wife, who had asked him to watch her pets.

    Sostarich was booked for investigation of killing an animal and interfering with judicial proceedings.

    "If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate for an outright ban, picking up all of them, "Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in," I would have." -Sen. Dianne Feinstein

  • BullzeyeBullzeye Member Posts: 3,560
    edited November -1
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