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Better than Suicide Bombers? (C&P)

HAIRYHAIRY Member Posts: 23,606
edited February 2004 in General Discussion
THE HAGUE- Armed factions in the Gaza Strip are developing artillery that could hit Israeli towns after evacuation of the Strip, Shin Bet security services Director Avi Dichter said yesterday.

Artillery's shells could be fired over the security fence separating the Gaza Strip from Israel, much the way mortars and Qassam rockets have been fired from the Gaza Strip at Sderot.

Speaking to the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, Dichter noted the groups' efforts to develop such a weapon are liable to push Israel into carrying out a military operation in the Gaza Strip resembling Operation Defensive Shield, which took place in the West Bank in April 2002, following the Netanya Park Hotel suicide bombing the first night of Passover that killed 29 people.

Palestinian terror organizations have upgraded their weapons and explosives and are planning to make use of chemical agents, Dichter said.

Fence preventing terrorism

But Dichter had nothing but praise for the separation fence, saying there had been an absolute halt in terrorist activities from the Samaria area - the northern West Bank - because of the fence installed between Salam, near the Megiddo Junction and Elkana, about 120 km south. Dichter said that infiltrations into Israeli territory are now taking place in areas where the fence has not yet been completed, such as Kafr Qasem and Jerusalem.

According to the Shin Bet chief, Israeli cities that had been subjected to a large number of terrorist attacks, such as Kfar Sava, Netanya and Hadera, had been quiet since the fence was erected.

There is always one more imbecile than you counted on.
Hypocrisy is the homage paid by vice to virtue.
Don't assume malice for what stupidity can explain.


  • dcon12dcon12 Member Posts: 32,003 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I bet this will make Israel give up now.[}:)]

    "Right is Right, even is everyone is against it, and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it"
  • ElMuertoMonkeyElMuertoMonkey Member Posts: 12,898
    edited November -1
    You know, with all of the time, effort, and lives the Palestinians have put into murdering Israeli civilians, you'd think they'd have wised up by now and put their efforts into more constructive pursuits.

    Fact is they lost their wars. They chose a side and they lost. And since they're too macho to admit that they're losers, they persist in the self-destructive acts of a heavily-armed two year-old.

    And while I'm not defending or condoning the Israeli response, all I can say about this is, "What did they think was gonna happen?!" They bomb Israelis and then * and moan when Israel retaliates. Wake up guys, Israel has NEVER been known for its restraint.

    If the Palestinian leadership had looked to the future instead of the past, they might be more than the world's poorest people. But as things stand, they wallow in the past, picking and choosing the parts that suit their agenda and ignore the ones that lend evidence to their own culpability in the current state of affairs.

    If everyone followed the "Palestinian Model", the world would be an open sewer of unending grudges and payback. China would be a backwater collection of slums with nothing better to do than attack Japan for past grievances. Japan would be a militaristic tyranny bent on "avenging" WW2 by attacking the U.S. (again). Germany would be chomping at the bit to invade Russia again now that Russia can hardly fight back... a great opportunity to even the score from WW1 and WW2!

    But it seems to me that the Palestinians are content to wallow in the violence and hatred that their actions have engendered. Why try to build a future for yourself when it's so much easier to tear someone else's present down?

    Israel may not be blameless in this and their actions, without a doubt, only exacerbate an already delicate situation. However, while I don't condone their actions, I can hardly blame them.
  • jujujuju Member Posts: 6,321
    edited November -1
    quote:And while I'm not defending or condoning the Israeli response, all I can say about this is, "What did they think was gonna happen?!" They bomb Israelis and then * and moan when Israel retaliates. Wake up guys, Israel has NEVER been known for its restraint

    This is getting scary, this is like twice in one week I find myself agreeing with you.

    JuJu(I better increase my meds and see my therapist again)
  • interstatepawnllcinterstatepawnllc Member Posts: 9,390
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by ElMuertoMonkey
    You know, with all of the time, effort, and lives the Palestinians have put into murdering Israeli civilians, you'd think they'd have wised up by now and put their efforts into more constructive pursuits.

    Fact is they lost their wars. They chose a side and they lost. And since they're too macho to admit that they're losers, they persist in the self-destructive acts of a heavily-armed two year-old.

    And while I'm not defending or condoning the Israeli response, all I can say about this is, "What did they think was gonna happen?!" They bomb Israelis and then * and moan when Israel retaliates. Wake up guys, Israel has NEVER been known for its restraint.

    If the Palestinian leadership had looked to the future instead of the past, they might be more than the world's poorest people. But as things stand, they wallow in the past, picking and choosing the parts that suit their agenda and ignore the ones that lend evidence to their own culpability in the current state of affairs.

    If everyone followed the "Palestinian Model", the world would be an open sewer of unending grudges and payback. China would be a backwater collection of slums with nothing better to do than attack Japan for past grievances. Japan would be a militaristic tyranny bent on "avenging" WW2 by attacking the U.S. (again). Germany would be chomping at the bit to invade Russia again now that Russia can hardly fight back... a great opportunity to even the score from WW1 and WW2!

    But it seems to me that the Palestinians are content to wallow in the violence and hatred that their actions have engendered. Why try to build a future for yourself when it's so much easier to tear someone else's present down?

    Israel may not be blameless in this and their actions, without a doubt, only exacerbate an already delicate situation. However, while I don't condone their actions, I can hardly blame them.

    Astute, concise and appreciated.


    Ted Kennedy's breath has killed more people than my car.
  • BullzeyeBullzeye Member Posts: 3,560
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by juju
    quote:And while I'm not defending or condoning the Israeli response, all I can say about this is, "What did they think was gonna happen?!" They bomb Israelis and then * and moan when Israel retaliates. Wake up guys, Israel has NEVER been known for its restraint

    This is getting scary, this is like twice in one week I find myself agreeing with you.

    JuJu(I better increase my meds and see my therapist again)


    "If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate for an outright ban, picking up all of them, "Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in," I would have." -Sen. Dianne Feinstein

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