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n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
edited February 2004 in General Discussion
And that person has a name of Lexi....stupid stupid dumb cat....
I had a long emailhalfway typed to someone...a good friend actually, and had poured out a lot to this person and my screen goes black...totally completely black....Couldnt do a thing, and had to stop and think for a moment what the heck was going on...
Looked over my shoulder...Classics comp was still was the light..just my comp gone...
Shoved in the shelf where the keyboard sits and there looking up at me was my baby...ohhhhhh such a sweet innocent little girl.... NOT!!! Her paw was on the reset button on the surge protector...DIE YOU LITTLE TWIT!!!!!!...

Now I have to go back and start that email all over again.....somedays it doesnt pay to get up....


Lil' Stinker's Opinion


  • SuspensionSuspension Member Posts: 4,783
    edited November -1
    Do what you gotta do but don't post it on here. some kitty lover might take offense[:(]. I sure would like to know details though[:D][:D]

    Got a cute little puppy that likes to do that to me, I'm in the process of finding one of those battery back up deals to hook up and solve that problem. They are kinda pricey though

    NRA Life Member ---"A pocket knife, a clean hankey, and a pistol... things I can use." - Ted Nugent
  • trstonetrstone Member Posts: 833 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    That'll learn ya for switching to that cheap cat food!

    You know what your cat is saying about you right now? Huh? Well, I'll TELL you!

    "Meow! Meow-meow-meow-meow! Meow-meow! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Meow!"
  • TrinityScrimshawTrinityScrimshaw Member Posts: 9,350 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    She was trying to tell you that her litter box was full.[;)]

    Trinity +++

    "Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it."(Proverbs 22:6)
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    Tell me if you think this spoiled brat gets cheap catfood....
    and I admit it...I have spoiled her, but so does Classic...



    Lil' Stinker's Opinion
  • dheffleydheffley Member Posts: 25,000
    edited November -1

    If we didn't love'em, we would kill'em!

    How you doin'!wolf_evil_smile_md_wht.gif
  • trstonetrstone Member Posts: 833 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I take it back. Anyone who would feed her cat lemon meringue pie by hand CERTAINLY wouldn't skimp on the quality of the cat food!
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    That was a biscuit with butter....LMAO*** not lemon meringue pie...have another pic of her eating custard with Classic, which she just adores.....
    She is hand fed every night....well at least at dinner time she has to have a taste of whatever we are eating....she sits patiently while I get what ever it is ready for her..(her fav is chicken, then pork, then beef, then the veggies and salad)..and she eats it from my hand...

    My god is she spoiled...sheeesshhhhhh...but she is worth it...most of the time anyways...


    Lil' Stinker's Opinion
  • woodsrunnerwoodsrunner Member Posts: 5,378 ✭✭
    edited November -1

    I think Lexi and hunter are emailing each other when we aren't around! I had to take a cardbord tube and slice it in half to protect my f-keys, esc key, and sleep mode key from his little paws when he wants attention. He also likes to pull the phone cord out of the back of my machine.

    I was in your shoes yesterday, ready to hang him. The arthritus in my knees has been really bad lately, so I have been sleeping downstairs rather than risk the stairs late at night. Monday I come home and he had this black crud coming out of his eyes. I flip out thinking it's dried blood! I wipe it away and can't find anything wrong with his eyes so I calm down and figure we'll see what they look like in the morning. I have this huge geranium with hot pink flowers. It blooms January to october with hot pink blooms. It's one of my favorite plants and spends the winter upstairs next to a big window. When I got it, it was in a 3" pot and tiny. It's now in a big 12" pot and it's about 2' in diameter. Yesterday moring I decide it probably needs watering. I hobble upstairs and every inch of the floor is black with potting soil. Right in the middle of it all is my geranium. He decided to see how well the pot would roll if he tipped it on it's side. He was very close to dying yesterday. It took an hour to clean all the potting soil up. The black crud in his eyes wasn't dried blood, it was potting soil. He nearly died.



  • jsergovicjsergovic Member Posts: 5,526
    edited November -1
    Beth .. if you think that punishment is bad, listen to this.

    When Dad was a kid, and did bad, he had to a tray of popping kernels
    popcorn not popped. Sounds painful. And fifty years later he has knee surgery [?]
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    WOODS, BR planted the pepperseeds in a flower pot, and they started growing, Lexi will go and eat em. have to keep the pot hid from her, the plants are about 2 inches tall untill she gets through with em.[:D]

    "It is hard to soar with Eagles when your surrounded by Turkeys"

    "I dont care how thin you make a pancake, it still has two sides"

    "A wise man is a man that realizes just how little he knows.
  • trstonetrstone Member Posts: 833 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    A buttered biscuit. Oh, dear God.

    And by HAND, no less!

    And you wonder why your kitty has turned into SuperBrat?

    What's next? No, wait! Don't tell me---let me guess:

    You also gave the cat its own credit-card, didn't you???

    Something for you to read, when you have the time (it's funny!):
  • 0311marine0311marine Member Posts: 3,233
    edited November -1
    at least she didnt chew on the power cord i had a friend whose cat met it's fate chewing on a lamp cord.sorry about your luck[:)]

  • ruger270manruger270man Member Posts: 9,361 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by BlackRoses
    ....stupid stupid dumb cat....

    EVERY CAT IS STUPID.. I dog would've never did that... [}:)]

  • He DogHe Dog Member Posts: 51,449 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Beth, I told you those toys were for Lexi, you shoulda forked them over when you had the chance.[}:)]

    He Dog
  • trstonetrstone Member Posts: 833 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Oh, and one other thing: Who do you think you're kidding here? Anyone who feeds their kitty BY HAND sure as shootin' AIN'T gonna string their little fur-covered bundle of joy up by its little kitty tootsies!

    And Kitty KNOWS it, too!

    Face it, you're "kittywhipped."
  • punchiepunchie Member Posts: 2,792
    edited November -1
    Beth, I know how yu feel also. The few times that I have ever heard Karen say anything negative about her little Abby I try to remind her that she created her in her own image (spoiled totally rotten and refusing to be ignored).


  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    We know its true, we just dont want to be reminded...just like we dont want to be reminded on who spoiled our husbands...*LOL[}:)]


    Lil' Stinker's Opinion
  • punchiepunchie Member Posts: 2,792
    edited November -1
    Isn't it just wonderful when the spoiling goes both ways. I love


  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1
    Beth ya posted this awhile back so I figured now was the time to bring it back!!! [:D]

    quote:Why would Bailey be in the doghouse?.....wasnt her fault......she was doing what comes naturally to a pup.....
    Same as with my baby....She loves cornbread...I know it and so does Classic....if I or Classic leave it out on the counter, then she will eat most of its our fault...not hers.....
    Give Bailey a hug...and tell Jordan to put up the bottles next time....
    Having a pup or they babies or adults is just like having a two year old in the house.... have to baby proof it...*LOL

    Why would you call the cat stupid and hang it by it's toes?? Having a cat in the house is just like having a two year old in the house....Ya have to baby proof it....[:p]

    Guess ya should have put the surge protector out of reach!!!

    Ah isn't revenge sweet!!!!![^]



    Kids that fish, hunt and trap have never mugged any old ladies!

    To Ride, shoot straight,and speak the truth
    This was the Ancient law of Youth
    Old times are past, old times are done:
    But the Law runs true, O little son!
  • gap1916gap1916 Member Posts: 4,977
    edited November -1
    You just have to Love pa [8D]

  • paboogerpabooger Member Posts: 13,953
    edited November -1



    Kids that fish, hunt and trap have never mugged any old ladies!

    To Ride, shoot straight,and speak the truth
    This was the Ancient law of Youth
    Old times are past, old times are done:
    But the Law runs true, O little son!

  • chuckchuck Member Posts: 4,911
    edited November -1
    BR, would you adopt me I would like to be hand fead, and I wont mess with your putter.[^][^][:D][:D]
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