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C&P: Netanyahu's Nephew Exempted

HAIRYHAIRY Member Posts: 23,606
edited February 2004 in General Discussion
Netanyahu's Nephew Exempted from Israeli Military Service

Scotsman - Feb 20, 2004

The Israeli army has decided to exempt the countrys highest profile
conscientious objector, the nephew of hawkish ex-prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, from military service, Israel Radio reported.

Yonatan Ben-Artzi had been pressing for conscientious objector status
since August 2002, and had served a total of 196 days in a military
prison. A military committee ruled on Tuesday that he should be ruled
unfit for service but did not recognise him as a pacifist.

An Israeli military spokeswoman would not comment on the report.

A small but growing number of Israelis are refusing to serve in the West Bank and Gaza, and others are seeking exemptions from army service.

Speaking to Israel Radio, Mr Ben-Artzi, whose uncle is now Israels finance minister, expressed satisfaction with the conclusion of his case, though his main claim was not accepted.

Im very happy, Im very content this is coming to an end, he said.

Mr Ben-Artzi said he had pursued a personal truth in his battle to be
released from military service. He said he believed in dialogue rather
than in military confrontation.

I will always believe that the right thing for any person to do is to
speak his own personal truth, he said. I spoke my personal truth. In the final analysis this is the best thing that any of us can do.

Ben-Artzis case is one of six the army has ruled on this year. In January, five Israeli men were sentenced to one-year prison terms for refusing to serve after a court rejected their claim they were conscientious objectors. The court found the five were political activists trying to change government policy through undemocratic means.

Since 1995, 27 people have received exemption from military service after the Conscience Committee ruled they were pacifists, military prosecutor Yaron Kosteliz said. A total of 307 appealed to the committee during that time, he said.

Israeli men are liable for three years army service from age 18. Women
serve 21 months. Afterward, most men and some women continue with yearly reserve duty. But in recent years, numbers of Israelis who serve have been dropping, as more seek and receive exemptions.

Several hundred Israeli reservists have been sent to military prison for refusing to serve in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and perhaps hundreds of other objectors have been quietly reassigned to duties inside Israel by their units.

There is always one more imbecile than you counted on.

Hypocrisy is the homage paid by vice to virtue.

Don't assume malice for what stupidity can explain.
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