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C&P: Red Cross condemns security wall

HAIRYHAIRY Member Posts: 23,606
edited February 2004 in General Discussion
Red Cross condemns security wall

Chris McGreal
Thursday February 19, 2004
The Guardian

The International Committee of the Red Cross yesterday called on Israel to halt construction of the steel and concrete "security fence" through the West Bank because it breaches international law and is causing widespread harm to Palestinians.

The Israeli government denounced the ICRC's unusually public criticism as "political", because it came days before a legal challenge to the barrier at the international court at the Hague.

The ICRC said that where the 125 miles of barrier already built enters occupied territory, it has resulted in the widespread appropriation or destruction of Palestinian property.

"The barrier deprives thousands of Palestinian residents of adequate access to basic services such as water, healthcare and education, as well as sources of income such as agriculture and other forms of employment," the statement said.

"The problems affecting the Palestinian population in their daily lives clearly demonstrate that it runs counter to Israel's obligation under international humanitarian law to ensure the humane treatment and wellbeing of the civilian population living under its occupation."

An Israeli foreign ministry spokesman, Jonathon Peled, said: "We regret the ICRC's announcement both in content and in its timing. The fact that the international court is involved has politicised the issue and now the ICRC is adding to it."

An ICRC spokesman in Jerusalem, Simon Schorno, said: "We have been examining the impact of the barrier for 18 months. Today we are at a point where we have enough information and legal analysis that is strong enough to put out this statement."

There is always one more imbecile than you counted on.

Hypocrisy is the homage paid by vice to virtue.

Don't assume malice for what stupidity can explain.
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