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  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    in ref to your e-mail

    You know what you were doing.

  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    How you doin? Give us an update. How's wife coming along with her new skill/education venture, how is the rest of the family, how are you feeling now?
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    David,Thank you sir for the info for my niece, Andrea. Thanks again. Oakie
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I believe that you missed a Golden opportunity for a final comment on the latest locked thread.

    I posted that I am "free" to post on any thread I wish.......

    You could have countered with "And YOU are "FREE" to lock any thread you wish".

    Sorry if I've aided in the arguing (which I know I have).

    You have a thankless task here and I am grateful that you do it.
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Do you believe in Aliens or Martians? [:D]
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Nunn I want to wish you and your fine family a great Christmas and prospering New Year. I wish you good health and pray for your safety in your duties as an officer of the law. Please stay sharp, be wary and wear your BP vest. I wish we had more like you out there. God Bless! Stay Safe!
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    When is your election date??? Donna and I will be pulling for you. Keep us posted.
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Email Sent Your way
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I got a letter from GB that I responded to something I was not suppose to respond to. I have no clue what that was as I didn't respond to anything.I am confused. It was an automated email. Also why doesn't the email on GB work anymore. I cannot communicate with anyone off of the forums with the emails listed. They just get returned. This has been happening for about six months now. I know, contact support. I just thought I would ask you because you might know what the problem is. Oakie.
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    David, in my last BAR magazine (Biblical Archaeology Review) one of their vendors is selling religious videos which are hosted by a David Nunn. Is this you??
    Their web site is WWW.VISIONVIDEO.COMM
    What a coincident if it is not you!! Tom

    Those who beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those who dont.
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1

    I mistakenly posted a topic in Politics that I meant for general.

    It is titled JPFO Head's Speech to the NRA Board 1994.

    Would you be so kind as to move it over here please?

  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    C'mon man, are the drugs messin' ya up that bad?!?!?[:D][;)] Read my last line of my post, I am planning on leaving positive feedback, that is assuming the 3 guns are all to my liking. My only question is, should I say anything about the ammo shortage or just let it go? We are talking approx. 30 bucks worth.
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    What is stormfront .org ?
    Just curious.
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:I will lock it, but I will state this:

    I have the utmost respect for both select-fire and Highball, and have broken bread with both. They just have different points of view.

    I think Highball considers me an agent of The Beast, since I have a FFL, and transfer fireams using Forms 4473, and call in the NICS checks on buyers. I have to operate within the existing framework of laws, and I enjoy what I do.

    Back when I used to work gun shows, I met lots of guys like Highball. They might find a gun they like on a table, but if the table was operated by an actual FFL, they would look elsewhere for a private sale. I understood; they wanted no paper trail. You can't blame them, but it did severely limit their choices. Of course, the gangstas, convicted felons, and illegal aliens were also seeking non-papered firearms.

    I think Highball makes an unreasonable assumption when he states that people like select-fire will turn in their guns if a ban is enacted. Some of us "agents of The Beast" might just fool you.

    You sound like a good man with a level head.
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I think you can unlock my account I think I have computer issues worked out. Mr . Friendly and Tomahawk I'll try to hook up next time I'm up there spent most of my vaction closing and opening all of my accounts including cell phone only got to spend 1/2 day deer hunting what away to spend a vacation
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Market Hall is in a couple of weeks. I remember once that you said you went on Friday. Do you set up at that show? Or do you just get in on the early bird deals on Friday? Thank you, just wondering. I am thinking about heading up there, but I'm sure it will be super busy.
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Check this out: I just moved, sharing a house with someone, and oh, check out my cop-hating * -- my new roomie is a cop. [B)]

    Oh yeah, we get along just fine. [:p]
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    check your mail please. Let me know when I can proceed. thanks.
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Just received the Gun Digest books on Firearms assembly/disassembly that you posted on earlier.

    Those are nice. Real nice, and I'm sure will be of great use to me in the future. Much more comprehensive than the NRA guides. Thank you for pointing them out.

  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Did any of the information I gave you help you out at all?


    "Toujours Pret"
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Did you get the email I forwarded to be posted here?

    SSgt Ryan E. Roberts, USMC
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    David -

    I happened on your little note to GW. I'm sure I know your intentions... And they were honorable. At the same time, though, I wonder if it might not be just as well to let this guy say what he wants. While I see and hear some of the howls of protest, I also see voices of reason and truth.

    Let the light of truth shine on Mr. Wiz's posts. They'll soon either disappear or be so scorned as to not warrant comment. Either way I see a win for the better part of humanity. Free speech is allowed, ideas and lies can be presented, and the better part of your readership can make a choice for the good.

    My Best,

  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    you have mail,
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    You have mail.


  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    If you were breaking up a fight between two males and you happened to get grazed on your cheek, not hurt, but grazed, would you file an additional charge against whoever did it? Would you charge them with assault on a Police Officer? Or would you let it go? It wasnt intentional BTW.
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Do you ever pull people over for a traffic violation and think about the knucklehead you pulled over and try to mach them up to any GB members?
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I just want people to see them. I sent them to support under "fraud".
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Did you have a concrete floor that is dusty?
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Got the master lock out tonight, eh???[:D]Haven't seen you lock that many in quite a while. Good calls though[;)]. Oak
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    if I had something to do with that last lock, it was not my intentions

    I razz sf and he knows that I do wish him well

    I stated I got him started and bumped it up, as in mocking what goes on here often, which I personally find it schill bidding and inappropriate
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Hey nunn --
    Did you send me 3 e-mails? The name on the return e-mail address begins "ds5." There's no way to tell for sure except that "DavidNunn" appears in the properties. These all have attachments and I don't want to open them if they're advertising cookies or viruses, know what I mean?

    - Life NRA Member
    "If cowardly & dishonorable men shoot unarmed men with army guns, the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary...and not by general deprivation of constitutional privilege." - Arkansas Supreme Court, 1878

    Edited by - offeror on 07/01/2002 17:09:23
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I didnt know you were LEO,after hearing you talk about snakes and lizards I assume you are in Florida.Nice place used to vacation there as often as possible until about eight years ago,I got married and my inlaws live in Orlando,so I try to get my wife to go to alaska now!! Maybe we can complain to each other or share ideas.Sorry about that I see your from the lone star State.Still dont want no part of them snakes.I plan to go on a whitetail hunt this year in Texas so if you work any accidents involving Deer save me the horns in case I dont get lucky.At least I can show the Guys the horns and claim them.

    Stay Safe Happy 4th.

    Stay Safe.


    Edited by - rugster on 07/03/2002 10:35:32

    Edited by - rugster on 07/03/2002 10:36:34
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Should be there in the morning. Will call when I leave here. I should be there about 9:30 or 10:00.[:)]
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    please send me an email so
    I can send you a "LINK"
    Thank you
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    why do you have visit in your sig?

    kind of odd that you kinda need to go through gunbroker at least once to get here and those here already know....

    its late im bored and pickin on you[8D]
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Do you know any of the guys there in Greenville at the wastewater treatment plant?

    Reason I ask, working on a water treatment plant here and one of the operators came from Greenville, he thinks he knows you.
  • tccoxtccox Member Posts: 7,379 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Hi, givette here. I have been told that I can't post a question pertaining to policy issues here on the forum. Can I post GB's reply to my support issue? Then it's not a question, simply info from GB. That OK?? It's an escrow issue, and I feel all here may want to hear GB's take on the matter. Joe
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