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Surtax on guns would provide better control

Josey1Josey1 Member Posts: 9,598 ✭✭
edited February 2002 in General Discussion
Surtax on guns would provide better controlThe State reported that U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft was in Columbia recently to announce the first phase of a new spending program for the federal government. The total amount pledged is $530 million to fight gun-related crimes by hiring more prosecutors, etc.It is unfair to tax every American to pay for this program because (according to the Census Bureau) the majority of Americans don't own any handguns. And criminals ultimately get their guns from law-abiding gun owners, either through well-meaning private sales or by theft. Any person who has had his home or car broken into and found later that a gun was taken has, by definition, supplied a criminal with a gun.A much more equitable way to pay for this new program would be through a high surtax on handguns. This would also have a side benefit of reducing handgun sales and thereby achieving what a thousand new prosecutors never could -- a reduction in gun-related crime. Some would say every American should pay because gun ownership is a right, but I say it's a right only as long as you can afford it.ROBERTSON GILMORE Columbia


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