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Iraqi War Really Benefits Who US?? World?? Israel?

HAIRYHAIRY Member Posts: 23,606
edited February 2004 in General Discussion
U.S. checking possibility of pumping oil from northern Iraq to Haifa, via Jordan

By Amiram Cohen

The United States has asked Israel to check the possibility of pumping oil from Iraq to the oil refineries in Haifa. The request came in a telegram last week from a senior Pentagon official to a top Foreign Ministry official in Jerusalem.

The Prime Minister's Office, which views the pipeline to Haifa as a "bonus" the U.S. could give to Israel in return for its unequivocal support for the American-led campaign in Iraq, had asked the Americans for the official telegram.

The new pipeline would take oil from the Kirkuk area, where some 40 percent of Iraqi oil is produced, and transport it via Mosul, and then across Jordan to Israel. The U.S. telegram included a request for a cost estimate for repairing the Mosul-Haifa pipeline that was in use prior to 1948. During the War of Independence, the Iraqis stopped the flow of oil to Haifa and the pipeline fell into disrepair over the years.

The National Infrastructure Ministry has recently conducted research indicating that construction of a 42-inch diameter pipeline between Kirkuk and Haifa would cost about $400,000 per kilometer. The old Mosul-Haifa pipeline was only 8 inches in diameter.

National Infrastructure Minister Yosef Paritzky said yesterday that the port of Haifa is an attractive destination for Iraqi oil and that he plans to discuss this matter with the U.S. secretary of energy during his planned visit to Washington next month. Paritzky added that the plan depends on Jordan's consent and that Jordan would receive a transit fee for allowing the oil to piped through its territory. The minister noted, however, that "due to pan-Arab concerns, it will be hard for the Jordanians to agree to the flow of Iraqi oil via Jordan and Israel."

Sources in Jerusalem confirmed yesterday that the Americans are looking into the possibility of laying a new pipeline via Jordan and Israel. (There is also a pipeline running via Syria that has not been used in some three decades.)

Iraqi oil is now being transported via Turkey to a small Mediterranean port near the Syrian border. The transit fee collected by Turkey is an important source of revenue for the country. This line has been damaged by sabotage twice in recent weeks and is presently out of service.

In response to rumors about the possible Kirkuk-Mosul-Haifa pipeline, Turkey has warned Israel that it would regard this development as a serious blow to Turkish-Israeli relations.

Sources in Jerusalem suggest that the American hints about the alternative pipeline are part of an attempt to apply pressure on Turkey.

Iraq is one of the world's largest oil producers, with the potential of reaching about 2.5 million barrels a day. Oil exports were halted after the Gulf War in 1991 and then were allowed again on a limited basis (1.5 million barrels per day) to finance the import of food and medicines. Iraq is currently exporting several hundred thousand barrels of oil per day.

During his visit to Washington in about two weeks, Paritzky also plans to discuss the possibility of U.S. and international assistance for joint Israeli-Palestinian projects in the areas of energy and infrastructure, natural gas, desalination and electricity.

Don't assume malice for what stupidity can explain.


  • RocklobsterRocklobster Member Posts: 7,060
    edited November -1
  • HappyNanoqHappyNanoq Member Posts: 12,023
    edited November -1
    I don't get the idea of "Oil in exchange for aid in rebuilding".

    Iraq is flattened by bombs.
    Saddam is removed from power - apparently with no thought on how the country is to be rebuilt, but people always say - "The war is not about the oil", yet they support the thought that Iraquis need to fork over the oil to get help.

    This is how I see it.
    Someone doesn't like Saddam, so a war is set to remove Saddam and some followers - it's called "Liberate Iraq" or something to that effect.

    The war's over as Saddam is captured and his dictatorship is crushed - rebuilding of Iraq is started.
    Iraquis have to accept the possibility of giving oil to get help.

    My question is:
    How is this different than ... ROBBERY?
    It is the property of the Iraqui people and should in my opinion be left alone.

    Whatever the war have destroyed, should be rebuilt - but paid for by the governments that started/supported and followed through on the war - not by money raised within the country.

    The war was on Saddam - now the foreign governments wants to send oil to the east and west "as thanks"/"Bonus".???
    Pardon me for saying so - then the war WAS about the oil.. or what?.

    Don't do anything that I've allready done - That'd be just plain STOOOOOOPID.
  • dcon12dcon12 Member Posts: 32,003 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The oil belonged to Saddam. Not the iraqi people. The Iraqis never prospered from the sale of the oil.

    "Right is Right, even is everyone is against it, and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it"
  • HappyNanoqHappyNanoq Member Posts: 12,023
    edited November -1
    Yes, it may have belonged to Saddam or I'd rather say controlled by him.

    But who or where have he gotten it from? Not Antarctica...
    Think about it - .. YES !! He got the oil from the Iraqui people.

    It's still in Iraqui soil.

    What will you do, when you capture Bin Laden.. sell his wives as prostitutes, rent out caves or what?

    Sorry, I just don't get this way of thinking.
  • dcon12dcon12 Member Posts: 32,003 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Thats what I was saying is that the Iraqi people never benifited from the oil. It was stolen from them by Saddam. jemmenee christ. What am I doing wrong on this forum lately. i get in trouble just snezzing...[:0]

    "Right is Right, even is everyone is against it, and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it"
  • HappyNanoqHappyNanoq Member Posts: 12,023
    edited November -1
    It was probably just me who misread your post.

    The Iraqui people might not have benefitted from the oil - but I still think it's Iraqui property, since it's in Iraqui soil.
    So I still think the US-gov and the gov's that supported the US in the war on Saddam - should back out on the "Oil for money"-idea.

    I still think that that idea is plain robbery from the Iraqui people.
  • bmbuzlrbmbuzlr Member Posts: 667 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    What I want to know is, what is our (USA) oil doing under their soil!?

    "What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure." Thomas Jefferson to William Stephens Smith,1787.

    "They that can give up essential Liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

    If God didn't want us to eat animals, then he wouldn't have made them out of meat.
  • gonepostalgonepostal Member Posts: 604 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    bush and Cheney just happened to make their fortune in the oil industry hmmmmmmmm!

    yep its me ,same one for 4 years now
  • gruntledgruntled Member Posts: 8,218 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Can't believe there is any truth to this. If we can't protect the existing pipelines how in the world could we protect this one. I can just imagine the screams that would arise both in Iraq & the rest of the Islamic world from this.
    This must certainly be some type of disinformation to stir up more resentment against us.
  • dakotashooter2dakotashooter2 Member Posts: 6,186
    edited November -1
    Of course the war was about oil. At least in part. Sadam gave us a few other reasons that made justification easier. Anybody with half a brain knows that. If it wasn't we could have just blockaded all oil coming out of the country and cut off Iraqs lifeline. But that would have hurt us as much as them. Why do you think the trade of oil for food and medical supplies was allowed. Even the Democrates knew what was going on. They just couldn't support it publicly because it would compromise their positions. Dems knew that if they supported the prez on this and things went well thye would look good for supporting the prez. If things went bad they could blame it on the prez. either way the dems look good.
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