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RUGERNUT3RUGERNUT3 Member Posts: 247 ✭✭✭
edited February 2002 in General Discussion
The Judge got me thinking of this...Probably 12-20 years ago I read an in depth article about massive quanities of tunnels that N. Korea had dug...from the north...under the DMZ..up to one mile beyond the DMZ extending into S. Korea. The articlespoke of N.Korean tunnels that were aprox. 2-300 hundred ft. under the surface in granite or some other type of super hard rock formation found at those depths in the region. The tunnels (some) had been discovered by us in various ways; were found to be constructed thustly...for their specific purpose....(spell check, to use a cool word though!)(context,grammer checker,please!) just tall enough..wide enough to accamodate:4 soldiers abreast in full combat gear, small transport jeep,small(of course)transport & support vehicles...all capable of towing appropriate sized combat of supplies, arty, and other moderate to heavy battery. The tunnels that were located by us had been completed as far as within aprox. 20-30ft. of the surface, the opening(exit) to be easily blown @ the appropriate time. The reason behind these tunnels was to be able to place a huge number of combat troops and supplies WELL behind the DMZ in a hurry...avoid the DMZ which is the most heavily fortified strip of land in the world..and to achieve totally surprise. I do not know about some of the specifics of the article, or even the name of magazine that it was in...been some time ago. At the time, and still do..know some folks that were/are in the position to know...that the above statements were true then....and now.We(the U.S) STILL do not know the total of tunnels..nor a whole lot more about them. What I know (believe) is that the orientals DO have a patience that is almost beyond our(the west) comprehension,that has been proven through out history. Our intel in the area of N.Korea is somewhere around the level of that of most of the middle east..or less.The N.Koreans do not hide the fact that they would love to unite North & South and have ONE unified Korea. My thoughts through the yrs. after reading/hearing this info have changed little, the main regions that would be involved about all that world events changed. My REAL general scenario: N.Korea seeing/believing the U.S. military engaged on a major front(s) which men and material are a logistical nightmare causing our military capabilities to be stretched to the max...decide their patience has lasted long enough...attack hopes our other "commitments" are more pressing..and hope to strike a quick "deal" in their favor.Keeping in mind TODAYS WORLD. I can see SEVERAL ways we could get, be drawn into, a confrontation in the Middle East alone..that could put the U.S. in the "logistical nightmare" I spoke of.. So ladies and gentlemen..the question I present to you is...What is your "powderkeg".."scenario", that could cause nations to ally with,and against other nations leading to the ultimate..WWIII? Just a thought....


  • gap1916gap1916 Member Posts: 4,977
    edited November -1
    The world comes to an end as we know it.
  • Big Sky RedneckBig Sky Redneck Member Posts: 19,752 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I stand behind Bush for wanting to squash these middle east radicals once and for all. The problem I see is that we may get into more than what we bargained for, I see our military getting worn down and korea and or china stepping in. When that happens I think we may be in trouble. Thanks to Clinton our military is not what it used to be and like what was mentioned in another post, we are stretching it thin. I see some of our allies backing out if Korea or China gets involved. Add all the pot smoking anti war hippies and know it all politicians to make us even weaker things will not be good. I am not anti war, in my opinion I think we need to lay a good * whoopin on a few countries that need it, but if China gets into the picture, or even Russia, what do you suppose will happen. Do you really think our military is ready for a major conflict? It's one thing to send a couple of carriers out and do some strategic bombing, but if we need to spread it out can we do it. Patriotic I am, I will join and fight tomorrow if need be, but I'm also scared we may lose and this loss will not be one like 'nam, when we lose this one the country will change, we may get invaded when our guards down. Yes we are armed, yes we will fight back but be realistic, can you fight artillary and bombs with your AK or AR. The USA will turn into something out of a Mad Max movie.
    If you want my guns you will have to kill me first. I was born free and to take that from me you better be ready to fight.
  • usmc2498215usmc2498215 Member Posts: 82 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Well as I see it, regardless of where they might want to fight WW3, either side will need a place for R&R. I speculate that both sides will want to leave Southern California alone and pristine. We have great beaches, and of course Disneyland. Where else can you surf in the morning and snow ski in the afternoon? For me, a lifetime resident, I will be down just south of the Huntington Beach Pier running the "Shaved Ice" stand and the surfboard rentals......
  • cleve00cleve00 Member Posts: 24 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    WW III has begun and no one knowns it yet. Look around what do you see. You see one point of view sitting in the United States. People hate us just because of what we have.If they had the means to use Nukes they would have blown us away ,(as well as themselves, 20 years ago. These peole would be happier driving a car into a crowd of Jewish and/or Americans rather than sitting on the beach with a Mai-Tai watching Pamela Sue playing nude Volleyball. Don't despair and don't give in to fear and suspicion or "they" win the battle with you.
  • SUBMARINERSUBMARINER Member Posts: 1,362 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
  • beachmaster73beachmaster73 Member Posts: 3,011 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    My "next big war" scenario involves the current starvation and famine in North Korea. The PDRK has a huge Army that is very well trained and fairly adequately equipped. Their economy is in a shambles though. They have been fed a line of crap since the 1950's that the United States and South Korea are the embodiment of evil....I don't think anyone has forgotten the 1972 Olympics when HoJun Li of North Korea won the Gold Medal in 50 meter prone small bore and attributed his World record performance to his Prime Minister exhorting him to shoot like he was killing his American enemies so he did just that to achieve success. At another news conference the North Koreans claimed the capitalists had misquoted him...but the damage was done...they want to kill us.In any case North Korea is nearly on the brink of starvation now and right across the 38th parallel is a thriving, robust, and vibrant South Korean economy. Invade South Korea and bingo you get their economic assets. We aid South Korea and the Red Chinese come to the aid of North Korea. You have a war at the very end of the American logistics chain on the Asian land mass. This is a very real threat right now...peace talks and reunification talks not with standing. On the bright side the invasion could only happen during the winter and winter is nearly over so at the earliest it won't be until next year.What makes it militarily difficult for us is that the South Koreans actually think they can hold up the invasion at their border. We have numerous scenarios for amphibious insertions along the east coast of South Korea but the South Koreans want us to do our insertions into North Korea and we keep trying with little success to get info on suitable beaches in the South. Very frustrating when dealing with Asians. I had a South Korean LtCol of Marines telling me he would take me to recce the North Korean beach they thought most likely for us to use but he would not let me recce any South Korean beaches! Dealing with asian face is a pain if the butt. We have to go through the motions of saying, "Yes an amphibious assault could be successful at Hungnam or Wonsan." Meanwhile we are struggling how to really do it 40 miles north of Pusan.Second "next big war" scenario would be when some Arab hero detonates a man-portable nuclear weapon bought from some former Soviet general who certified it destroyed. Pick the place of detonation...Tel Aviv and watch the Israeli reaction. We get dragged into a war we don't really want...maybe we'll say to the Israelis, "You have nucs you take care of it!" But I doubt that. Well those are my most probable scenarios. BeachP.S. Yeah Yeah I know it's only a fantasy![This message has been edited by beachmaster73 (edited 02-14-2002).]
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