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More Diarrhia of the moth from the Anti's

Josey1Josey1 Member Posts: 9,598 ✭✭
edited February 2002 in General Discussion
Anti-Gun Group Denounces Ashcroft's Weapons ProposalsBy Jim Senior Staff WriterFebruary 14, 2002( - The anti-gun Violence Policy Center said Attorney General John Ashcroft's proposal to bar felons, illegal aliens and others from getting firearms is aimed at speeding up gun sales -- not in protecting the public safety.At a Wednesday press conference, Ashcroft announced three initiatives to improve the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. A fourth initiative known as "Project Sentry" would focus on "prosecuting gun crimes committed at our nation's schools and protecting juveniles from gun crime," according to Ashcroft."The president has emphasized that America's war on terrorism must involve the combined resources of federal, state and local governments. Project Sentry applies the same approach to the problem of school-related violence," the attorney general said.But the Violence Policy Center isn't buying Ashcroft's recommendations."The attorney general's actions show that his first priority is not keeping guns out of the hands of terrorists, criminals, and other prohibited purchasers, but in fact speeding up gun sales," VPC's Legislative Counsel Mathew Nosanchuk said in a statement.Ensuring that guns are kept out of the hands of illegal aliens, felons, fugitives, and other people in prohibited categories has clearly taken a back seat to the gun lobby's announced goal of making the Brady Law's 'instant check' truly instant. This is being implemented at the expense of public safety," said Nosanchuk."This is a clear example of the Justice Department carrying out the will of the National Rifle Association, placing the political and monetary interests of the gun lobby and the gun industry over public safety," Nosanchuk concluded.Ashcroft said all of the U.S. Attorney's offices have been assigned a Project Sentry coordinator to facilitate partnerships among federal, state and tribal governments. The partnerships will involve law enforcement authorities, community groups and school personnel to help prosecute and supervise juveniles who violate federal and state firearms laws.Ashcroft also instructed the FBI and the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service to use the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, known as NICS, to deny gun transfers to those aliens prohibited from purchasing weapons under existing federal law.The attorney general said this means the FBI will now work with the INS to check the immigration status of noncitizens who seek a buy a gun. Ashcroft said when a federally licensed firearms dealer calls the NICS system, the FBI will ask if the gun buyer is a citizen. If not, the call will be referred to the INS to determine the buyer's immigration status.The National Rifle Association likes Ashcroft's proposals."It's definitely a step in the right direction. It cleans up a lot of the mess in the system," said NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanaandam said in a statement.\Culture\archive\200202\CUL20020214b.html


  • Josey1Josey1 Member Posts: 9,598 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Brady Campaign And Million Mom March: If Ashcroft Is Serious About Keeping Guns Out Of The Wrong Hands, He Needs To Do More To: National Desk Contact: Amy Stilwell of The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, 202-898-0792 WASHINGTON, Feb. 14 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence united with the Million Mom March today commented on Attorney General John Ashcroft's new gun crime and gun records initiatives, and challenged him to take the additional, common-sense steps necessary to ensure that firearms do not fall into the hands of criminals and terrorists. "We agree with the Attorney General that we must do more to prevent illegal aliens and other prohibited purchasers from obtaining firearms, and his new plans to enforce the law and improve the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) are a step in the right direction," said Michael D. Barnes, President of the Brady Campaign. "However there is much more that can and should be done. "If Attorney General Ashcroft is serious about keeping guns out of the hands of criminals and terrorists -- if he truly wants to solve this problem -- then he should actively support a background check every time a firearm is sold, and he should allow the FBI to use NICS records to determine whether any of the suspected terrorists bought guns in the United States. "Furthermore, if the Attorney General is sincere in his stated desire to improve the NICS system, then he should abandon his efforts to destroy NICS records after just one business day -- an action the National Rifle Association has been seeking for years. The immediate destruction of these records would jeopardize the long-term success of the NICS. Without the ability to retain records, the FBI would be unable to monitor the performance of the system, such as determining whether criminals are using false identification to pass the name-based check, as well as to make sure that the system is not being used for unauthorized purposes. "Here's the bottom line: prevention is the key to reducing gun violence. Yes, enforcement is critical, but we must also close the gaping loopholes in our laws that allow guns to fall into the wrong hands in the first place." Background: On February 13, 2002, Attorney General John Ashcroft announced four Department of Justice initiatives "designed to reduce and punish gun crimes." Specifically, he announced that: 1. DOJ would enforce existing law by instructing the FBI and the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) to use the NICS to deny gun transfers to aliens that are prohibited from purchasing guns; 2. The FBI has been instructed to implement certain procedural changes to NICS that are intended to increase the accuracy and speed of background checks; 3. Funds will be allocated to the improvement of state criminal history records; and 4. A new program has been created to prosecute and supervise juveniles who violate firearms laws, and those who illegally provide firearms to juveniles.
  • mudgemudge Member Posts: 4,225 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    "The FBI would be unable to monitor the performance of the system". What the gun-grabbers are really saying is that they'd be unable to monitor who has the guns and where to find them when the confiscation starts, which is their real goal. Mudge the distrustful
    I can't come to work today. The voices said, STAY HOME AND CLEAN THE GUNS![This message has been edited by mudge (edited 02-16-2002).]
  • BlueTicBlueTic Member Posts: 4,072
    edited November -1
    Thats pretty funny that they are to destroy any stored info after 1 day. All they need to know - they already know. Date of purchase, type of weapon. Gee, lets see - Bluetic had 6 hits in the last year, 2 handguns and 4 long guns. Add 3 little colums to their database and make them hidden unless you use the other form page layout. When an oversight committy comes through they never see it. Yeah we're stupid to let them do checks every time on every purchase. Hell, we are stupid to let them do checks at all.
    IF YOU DON'T LIKE MY RIGHTS - GET OUT OF MY COUNTRY (this includes politicians)
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