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Hey, EvilATF !

UnclePatUnclePat Member Posts: 77 ✭✭
edited February 2002 in General Discussion
Hey, Evil, one week and counting!Are you ready for 4 glorious days at FrontSight?The rest of these poor slobs can just eat their hearts out!


  • Evil ATFEvil ATF Member Posts: 1,195 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Heeeeeeeeeeeey buddy!You better believe it. Can't wait! The crappy thing is that I'm gonna have to drive the distance. Turns out that since I'm 24, I can't rent a car unless I want to pay $50 per day for a Compact that costs a 25 year old $20 per day. No thanks!So, I'll be tired as all get out, but I'll be there! A poster from another board will be there with us. Should be a lot of fun! I'm already planning my 4 Day Rifle course!
  • beachmaster73beachmaster73 Member Posts: 3,011 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Evil...Make sure you tell us how it goes with your M1A. Is yours scoped or are you doing the course with iron sights? And obviously...I hope you have a ton of fun down there. I wish I were going but I take off from school in early May for seven glorious days shooting in the Navy Championships in DamNeck Virginia. I think if I went shooting twice a year like that the school administrators would think I was enjoying it toooooo much! Beach
  • concealedG36concealedG36 Member Posts: 3,566 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Hey, you guys have fun!!! While I won't be down there in time to meet you (Evil, in response to an earlier thread, I won't be getting down to Vegas until 02/26) I DO plan on hitting The Gun Shop and trying out some full-auto weapons! I think Pelican is going to be there then, though, you should see if you guys can hook up!Gosh I love Las Vegas...
    Gun Control Disarms Victims, NOT Criminals
  • Evil ATFEvil ATF Member Posts: 1,195 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Beach:I was originally going to take the 4 Day Rifle course, but I'm selling the pool store and going back into personal protection. So, I figured the 4 Day Handgun course would do me more better in the near future than the rifle course. That's the one I'm taking now. I'll go back for the rifle course this spring. As to the M1A, it's all about iron sights! I'm actually considering selling the M1A to buy an SA58 FN FAL from DSA Arms. The M1A rocks, but I don't think it is quite the "ultimate" battle rifle. A buddy of mine just bought one from me and it handles like a dream. Decisions, decisions.G36:Dang! I should just be pulling into my driveway on the 26th! Maybe I'll catch ya' next time. Pelican:Lemme know if you'll have time to hook up with UnclePat and myself for a beer or two while you're in Sin City. Man...I just mapped out my final route and it's 23.5 hours drive time from my place to Front Sight. Due to time contraints, I'm going to have to make it all in one drive, with maybe an hour nap or two here and there. Sigh. Road trips stink when you're by yourself.
  • RugerNinerRugerNiner Member Posts: 12,636 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I'm surprised you couldn't get that car rental problem resolved. Drive carefully, others don't.
    Remember...Terrorist are attacking Civilians; Not the Government. Protect Yourself!
    Keep your Powder dry and your Musket well oiled.
    NRA Lifetime Benefactor Member.
  • Evil ATFEvil ATF Member Posts: 1,195 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Well, I did find a company that would rent to me, but they wanted an extra $30 a day for the car. Screw 'em. I'll drive. If my calculations are correct, I should be in the middle of the desert just as the sun is coming up. Gonna be beautiful.
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