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someone asks a question: me

the loveable rat...the loveable rat... Member Posts: 969 ✭✭✭✭
edited February 2002 in General Discussion
i was reading a fishing board and guys were talking about carrying for self defense, mostly against the 2-legged kind. this led to a lengthy discussion w/ my gal about guns while camping(we do that a lot). it still a bit unresolved. my question to you guys is: while in the "great outdoors", have you ever pulled a handgun or wished you would've had one? i don't have one but some scenarios make me wish i did...thanks for all your help! (failing any helpful posts, i'll accept answers to whats your favorite ice cream on safari during the apocalypse and how does it complement the one rifle you're allowed to have chambered in .218- you're favorite band is allowed to carry your luggage....and "firewood" made from bones of historical leaders.


  • concealedG36concealedG36 Member Posts: 3,566 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    We always carry a S&W .357 snub-nosed revolver or my trusty G36 when camping/hiking/fishing, etc (law permitting). I don't think you can ever predict when you'll need a weapon for self-defense or rule out when you absolutely will not.Oh, and to answer your question, no. I have never needed a weapon for self-defense since I have been legally allowed to own one. I could have used one a few times as a teenager, but that's a different story.
    Gun Control Disarms Victims, NOT Criminals[This message has been edited by concealedG36 (edited 02-13-2002).]
  • the loveable rat...the loveable rat... Member Posts: 969 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    does the law restict you sometimes while doing those activities?
  • William81William81 Member Posts: 25,185 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I fish almost everyday between March and November. There are a couple of areas I fish that are several miles off the main road. I carry my Glock 23 with me when I fish those areas. I started doing this several years ago when I had an encounter with a big shepperd mix mutt without a collar. It may have been rabit as it was acting strangely. Luckily I was able to get to my car before it got too close. The farmer that owned the land shot it the next day when it was running some of his cattle.
  • mudgemudge Member Posts: 4,225 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    S&W model 29. It'll pretty much stop beasties of any type.Mudge the prepared
    I can't come to work today. The voices said, STAY HOME AND CLEAN THE GUNS!
  • beachmaster73beachmaster73 Member Posts: 3,011 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I have a S&W Model 63 Kit Gun that I carry when I'm sea kayaking. The stainless steel makes it relatively impervious to sea salt. The only time I ever needed a weapon when out camping I didn't have one; but my brother did and a very ugly Mexican standoff ended fairly peaceably. I was the only one who needed to change his skivies though!I'd think for real safety you'd need a stainless steel centerfire revolver in a fairly heavy but not mind numbing caliber. A.22LR works well on a rattle snake but I'd bet a .44 Magnum would be a lot more exciting! Seriously maybe a .357 would be all you'd need. Beach
  • concealedG36concealedG36 Member Posts: 3,566 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    the loveable rat, yes. Sometimes we fish in the Great Lakes where we enter into Canadian waters. Every year I buy a Michigan, Ohio and Canadadian fishing license. But, those Canadians don't take too kindly to pistols in their country/waters.Also, sometimes when we're camping I'll be enjoying a few beers. I don't carry when drinking (and it is against the law too).
    Gun Control Disarms Victims, NOT Criminals
  • the loveable rat...the loveable rat... Member Posts: 969 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    beach-would you mind elaborating a bit on circumstances? if, not- no prob, just sorta interested in the range of human experience...
  • gap1916gap1916 Member Posts: 4,977
    edited November -1
    My G23 goes on every camping trip. On some trips my .223 comes along for plnking fun. I camp on BLM land alot so there is no hassel with a fire arm.
  • cheezecheeze Member Posts: 815 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I was out with my brother once, rockcrawling in out 4x4s. The area we usually go has been overrun with trashy/drunk people. Sure enough the one time we don't have any firearms with us some schmuck starts hasseling us. So we took off and he follows us, pulls out a pistol and starts assaulting my little brother. My bro is still in his truck and i'm still in my jeep. The guy is hanging in the window and my bro guns it and takes off. The guy holds on for a bit then falls off. For a split second I wanted to run him over, but I didn't. We keep on going and stop later on to talk. Sure enuff he shows up again. I got my stick but he's got his gun and he's got a buddy now with a bat.Long story short he ended up leaving in one piece because I didn't have my sidearm.
    Dragon's Lair Fighting Arts, Dragon Style Wind Fist Kung Fu.
  • GreenLanternGreenLantern Member Posts: 1,647 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    When you do carry when you're out in the 'bush', is it CCW? Or open in a holster? This is mostly relative to state owned land though. Could you carry a firearm in say a state forest?
  • badboybobbadboybob Member Posts: 1,658 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I only had to use my weapon once. I was about 15 and on my way home from target shooting when a mentally retarded jerk decided he didn't like me or the gun I was toting. He worked himself into a fight or flight emotion and decided to fight. When he got 3 ft. from me I put my rifle under his chin. He decided he had business elswhere. That was 50 years ago and I have never needed a weapon since, but I'm carrying anyway.
    PC=BS[This message has been edited by badboybob (edited 02-13-2002).]
  • pops401pops401 Member Posts: 616 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Legalities aside, consider, Would you rather be caught with it or, caught without it?Always nice to have an umbrella handy in case it rains.
  • the loveable rat...the loveable rat... Member Posts: 969 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    pops-i agree...sorta. i've sometimes felt that if i had a pistol, i'll have to use it- sorta a self-fulfilling prophesy, but if you need it-you need gals biggest worry is safety and careless/drunk friends getting ahold of it, which i told her can be remedied w/ education and prudent use. i'd just hate to be a victim or let her be one- in spite of the karate-chop knowledge she claims...
  • wundudneewundudnee Member Posts: 6,104 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    S&W model 27 in the cabinet over the bed in the camper. Another smaller revolver under the truck seat when I'm on the road. I had a bunch of fools stalking me once and leaned down to get the one under the seat, they saw the move and left. I guess they weren't as foolish as I thought. I don't know if this is legal but I feel better.
    "If stupidity got us into this mess, then why can't it get us out?" Will Rogers
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