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Brady Campaign Statement on NRA Announcement

Josey1Josey1 Member Posts: 9,598 ✭✭
edited April 2002 in General Discussion
Brady Campaign: Instead of Courting the NRA, Lawmakers Should
Listen to America and Take Action to Make Communities Safer
To: National Desk
Contact: Amy Stilwell of the Brady Campaign, 202-898-0792

WASHINGTON, April 26 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Michael D. Barnes,
president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence united with
the Million Mom March, today issued the following statement
regarding the National Rifle Association's (NRA) announcement that
Senator Zell Miller (D-Ga.) will be the keynote speaker at the
NRA's annual convention to be held in Reno, Nev. April 26-28:

"As America struggles to increase national security, Senator
Miller and other lawmakers should be acting on measures that will
make our communities more secure rather than courting the NRA -- an
extreme special interest that is systematically working to
dismantle sensible gun laws that have proven to save lives.

"The NRA leadership does not represent the views of mainstream
Americans. Rather than working to prevent gun violence, the NRA
fights to keep military-style assault weapons -- high-powered
weapons with no civilian purpose -- easily available and on our
streets. NRA leaders repeatedly demonize America's law enforcement
officers, most infamously calling federal agents 'jack-booted
thugs' for enforcing our nation's gun laws. Are these the
so-called 'values' our lawmakers want to espouse?

"Before Senator Miller's colleagues rush to embrace his belief
that supporting sensible gun laws loses elections, they should look
around the Senate chamber to note the presence of Senators -- like
Bill Nelson of Florida, Debbie Stabenow of Michigan and Maria
Cantwell of Washington -- who vocally supported sensible gun policy
during their campaigns, and the glaring absence of those who
opposed life-saving gun policy measures. The last two elections
demonstrate that Americans want common-sense gun laws and they will
support elected officials who pursue them.

"Despite outspending the gun control movement by a margin of
five to one in the 2000 elections, the NRA lost five of the top
seven U.S. Senate candidates it backed with independent
expenditures, and seven of the top nine House races it targeted.
In contrast, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence succeeded
in defeating nine out of 12 'Dangerous Dozen' candidates we
targeted. And two traditionally pro-gun Western states, Colorado
and Oregon, overwhelmingly approved citizen-led statewide ballot
initiatives to close the gun show loophole.

"In 2001, James McGreevy highlighted gun policy in his
successful bid to become Governor of New Jersey. In Virginia,
strong support from gun violence prevention advocates in Northern
Virginia, including the Million Mom March, helped to secure Mark
Warner's victory.

"Poll after poll shows that the vast majority of Americans,
including gun owners, support sensible gun laws. Past is prologue,
and Democrats and Republicans who want to win elections would do
well to listen to their constituents and address gun violence
prevention issues in their upcoming campaigns."

For the Brady Campaign's full analysis of the 2000 elections,
go to:

To read the Brady Center's reports on how the NRA has prevented
enforcement of gun laws and on the link between guns and terrorism,
go to,

Recent Gun Trends:

-- Requests for Background Checks down -- The NRA has also been
promoting the idea that gun sales have skyrocketed since September
11 -- a claim exposed as fiction when the Christian Science Monitor
reported on April 2 that background checks requests are declining.
Specifically, FBI statistics cited in the April 2, 2002 edition of
the Christian Science Monitor, requests for background checks on

gun sales have fallen over the last two years. This is despite the
brief increase in background checks that was reported after the
September 11 terrorist attacks. (For the full story go to:

-- Handgun Sales in California at 30-Year Low -- Handgun sales
in California last year dropped to the lowest level since the state
began keeping records 30 years ago, according to new data from the
state Department of Justice. The sharp downward trend began in the
mid-1990s. Handgun sales have fallen by 65 percent since they
peaked nearly 10 years ago, even as the state's population has
swelled by 70 percent from about 20 million in 1972 to over 34
million today. (To view the Brady Campaign's press release go to:

-- NRA Efforts to Weaken "Concealed-Carry" Laws Floundering --
In the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks, the NRA has been
trying to exploit the public's understandable fears by pushing
state legislatures into weakening their laws on the carrying of
concealed weapons. Fortunately, the NRA's efforts to weaken
concealed-carry laws have been defeated in Nebraska and Wisconsin
and face defeat in Colorado, Minnesota, and Missouri. Even
Southern states that would be considered NRA strongholds, like
Georgia, Kentucky, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia, have
rejected its attempts to allow concealed weapons in schools,
churches and bars.
/U.S. Newswire 202-347-2770/
04/26 15:11

Copyright 2002, U.S. Newswire

"If cowardly and dishonorable men sometimes shoot unarmed men with army pistols or guns, the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary and gallows, and not by a general deprivation of a constitutional privilege." - Arkansas Supreme Court, 1878


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    will270winwill270win Member Posts: 4,845
    edited November -1
    Some are listening, we are saying "Promote the second ammendment or face losing elections." I believe some are hearing us loud and clear, others will just learn the hard way.

    "Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws." -Plato

    ~Secret Select Society Of Suave Stylish Smoking Jackets
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    k.stanonikk.stanonik Member Posts: 2,109 ✭✭
    edited November -1
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    kimberkidkimberkid Member Posts: 8,857 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I have nothing aginst "sensible gun laws" ... I just don't know of any ... they are all designed to disarm the average citizen, not the criminal.

    Sometimes the most obvious, is the most elusive!
    If you really desire something, you'll find a way ?
    ? otherwise, you'll find an excuse.
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    mudgemudge Member Posts: 4,225 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    ....military style assault weapons....high powered weapons that have no civilian purpose.

    Again, proof that they know not whereof they speak.
    What better militia weapon than an assault rifle? High powered?
    I think not.

    Typical Brady scare tactics. Tell the big lie often enough.....
    Mudge the disgusted

    I can't come to work today. The voices said, STAY HOME AND CLEAN THE GUNS!
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    offerorofferor Member Posts: 8,625 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    My thoughts exactly -- their rhetoric is looking a bit tattered:

    "Rather than working to prevent gun violence, the NRA
    fights to keep military-style assault weapons -- high-powered
    weapons with no civilian purpose -- easily available and on our
    streets. "

    You bet your a**... Sit down and read the Second Amendment and show me where it says non-military weapons are a good idea for the defense of a free state.

    Gotta give them credit for not using the words "hunting" or "sporting" in there. Maybe they're learning. But guess what? True MILITARY weapons are select-fire weapons. Banned civilian versions are in large part semi-auto, so they're complaining about 'apples in an orange grove' on their best day. Not only that, police SWAT teams may be provided banned weapons, which again may not be constitutional. I do not believe police are entitled to possess any military weapon unavailable for civilian use. This gets curiouser and curiouser...

    -- Life NRA Member
    If dishonorable men shoot unarmed men with army guns, the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary and not by general deprivation of constitutional privilege." - Arkansas Supreme Court, 1878
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    offerorofferor Member Posts: 8,625 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    You know, if we keep hemming these people in with the naked facts, pretty soon they're going to be painted into a corner that faces the truth -- it's all about an individual citizen, armed for a militia eventuality that we all hope never comes to pass. But the very arms they are trying to confiscate are those most suited to the task outlined in the Amendment. And therefore most likely protected by it. Once the courts define the "militia" as the citizenry at large rather than the State-controlled National Guard, it all falls apart. Let's just go look and see what the National Guard has in its armory that is currently being denied to the citizen militia.... the Brady Bunch backed the wrong horse. Which means it's purely a trumped-up political issue, a battle of rationalization, and not a practical or material threat to the Amendment at all, in the final analysis. But see what damage misinterpretation of the law can wreak?

    -- Life NRA Member
    If dishonorable men shoot unarmed men with army guns, the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary and not by general deprivation of constitutional privilege." - Arkansas Supreme Court, 1878
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    BoomerangBoomerang Member Posts: 4,513
    edited November -1
    quote: "As America struggles to increase national security, Senator
    Miller and other lawmakers should be acting on measures that will
    make our communities more secure rather than courting the NRA -- an
    extreme special interest that is systematically working to
    dism/antle sensible gun laws that have proven to save lives.

    "The NRA leadership does not represent the views of mainstream

    These idiots are not only brain dead they are also delusional. What "sensible gun laws" are they talking about that have been "proven to save lives"? Moreover, they are the ones that don't represent mainstream Americans. What was that saying about "facts and truth are the first to go/die"?


    Protect our Constitutional Rights.
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