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Wayne County CCW permits

concealedG36concealedG36 Member Posts: 3,566 ✭✭
edited February 2002 in General Discussion
Well, I went to the Wayne County Gun Board meeting this morning. Wayne County is the county in Michigan where Detroit and many of it's suburbs is located.There were about 60 people crammed into a small room and the temperature and impatience were on the rise. When the gun board asked for public comment I was the first to speak. I asked why, despite the fact that the Michigan State CCW shall-issue Law took effect in June of 2001, qualified applicants are still waiting 6 months or more for a permit.I was told that ONE WOMAN is handling the processing of all of the applications, primarily because the county commissioner and the city council will not allocate any additional resources to CCW processing. All the while, CCW applications have jumped from about 1500 per year to 1500 per month. Other counties surrounding Detroit, not run by power-hungry minorities, have allocated additional personnel to handle the huge influx of applications, but Wayne County has not.What I found particularly interesting was that the gun board was issuing temporary CCW permits on-the-spot for people with "special needs". While I didn't ask, I was wondering if the ability to defend one's life as guaranteed by our 2nd amendment qualified as a special need!I have to say, I am so frustrated with the absolutely useless people running Wayne County that I have decided to move. Detroit City and Wayne County are run by a bunch of lazy, unionized, useless, uneducated idiots who care only about collecting their paycheck. I am ashamed to live in the same county as these people and I am embarrassed by the behavior of the city council, county commissioner, and county gun board. If they are anything like the people that our local news caught drinking on the job and f***ing around all day, then they should be FIRED NOW.Rarely do I get this upset, but I can honestly say that I hope the next unarmed victim is one of these jerks. Maybe THEN they'll understand that their stupid policies, holier than though attitudes and foot-dragging techniques are only putting honest citizens at risk.Hey Detroit, you SUCK!
Gun Control Disarms Victims, NOT Criminals


  • smokey1smokey1 Member Posts: 76 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Concealed,Sounds like a move to da UP is in order. Looks like even moving to Ann Arbor wouldn't help alot.Here in the UP getting the CPL has reportedly been a smooth process. I'm going down to be finger printed next week. I guess I'll find out. I'll keep you posted.
  • beachmaster73beachmaster73 Member Posts: 3,011 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Concealed...move to Monroe County. A very gun friendly environment. Of course we don't have anymore pheasants but other than that it's a patriotic county and housing prices are very cheap by Wayne County standards.....and you get to join our gun club here with its black powder league(whatever that is), its pistol bowling pin league(a bunch of crazy guys blowing away perfectly harmless bowling pins at a rapid fire pace), its rattle battle tournaments(the most fun you can have with your clothes on!), Our Afghan Army shoot(rattle battle with inacurrate AK-47's!!!...I tried to cheat and entered with a scoped Dragunov...they DQed me and took away my scope!!What can I was a Russian combat rifle!!), a small bore league second to none in the state, a high power rifle league with several high masters, and a rimfire and centerfire pistol league that is simply a great experience every Tuesday night. Also most importantly you'll be about 25 miles closer to Camp Perry and you'll never have to go there alone...there is always someone ready to drop everything and go there 24/7 in the months of July and August!!! God I sound like the Chamber of Commerce...oh did I mention that I don't lock my car here. Good luck in your search, Beach.
  • concealedG36concealedG36 Member Posts: 3,566 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Howdy Beachmaster,I would LOVE to move to Monroe County (or the Upper Penninsula for that matter). But, when I move, I'd like to move closer to family so that my wife and I can get some help raising our new baby. If I could just find a place in Oakland County with at least an acre of land and a decent sized house for under $350,000. We'll see.By the way, your club sounds GREAT! Lucky dogs...
    Gun Control Disarms Victims, NOT Criminals[This message has been edited by concealedG36 (edited 02-12-2002).]
  • Captain 241Captain 241 Member Posts: 377 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Just read last nites paper & I can not believe all the law suits that are going on over in the Detroit area for about people not getting CCW permits. Jackson Co. was one of hardest to get. Had no trouble with mine. Recieved mine last week. Course I have nothing in my back ground either. Jackson Co. has some affordable housing as does the U.P.Good Luck
    If you need a Second Shot, YOU NEED MORE PRACTICE
  • soopsoop Member Posts: 4,633
    edited November -1
    I was in the first group of people to get my ccw in Jackson County and had no problem.I would`nt live in the Detroit area for all the money in the world.If you are considering moving to Jackson Co. look at the Grass Lake area. Not too bad of a drive if you have to still work in the Detroit area.
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