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It's Begun

drawndrawn Member Posts: 544
edited February 2002 in General Discussion
The Kalifornia, San Bernardino County Sheriff's came through the range checking to see if all sport utility rifles were registered and took a gentelman and his AR to jail. Geez I can't wait for the day I can move from this constitution forsaken place!!


  • drawndrawn Member Posts: 544
    edited November -1
    Reading about the riots in London, our economic downturn, and the general condition of the world today, I wonder if "it" has begun. "It" being the early stages of SHTF.
  • niklasalniklasal Member Posts: 776 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Geez that's bad. Are you sure their uniforms said POLICE and not GESTAPO?Certainly no disrespect to all you LEO's out there, but I do find it to be a waste of your time and citizens privacy to be looking for illegal guns in such a manner. I somehow doubt that a street thug or gangbanger is going to be going to a range with a $900-$1200 AR-15.If the guy shooting his gun was making sure to wipe the fingerprints off every casing with his red or blue bandana, then I'd think you have something to worry about.
  • beachmaster73beachmaster73 Member Posts: 3,011 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    drawn....I'm going to ask a really really stupid question because when I left California seven years ago AR-15's were still legal. Are you implying that match grade AR-15's are no longer legal in the People's Republic of California? I don't normally get involved in too many political 2nd Amendment discussions on the forum... I usually reserve my political discussions for that North-South thing. And if AR-15's are still legal what did they get him on? Beach
  • cpermdcpermd Member Posts: 5,273 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    BeachI assume he had1)Unregistered AR2)Postban with the infamous bayonet lug or flashider.Kalifornia!cpermd
  • OtomanOtoman Member Posts: 554
    edited November -1
    Hey Drawn I thought you would be somewhere else right now?
  • drawndrawn Member Posts: 544
    edited November -1
    Beach, His and all AR's are still legal but where to be registered by01/01/01. I suppose the KaDOJ sends some form of verification of registration to help avoid this type of assault. So I assume cpermd is correct.Otoman, Almost done packing and leaving LAX very early in the morning contemplating showing up in bare feet and my underware!
  • OtomanOtoman Member Posts: 554
    edited November -1
    drawn, when you get there you will loose all of your inibitions and won't need those undies anyway Look for a cool gal in a string bikini with a mohawk haircut! Bullzeye would really like her!
  • salzosalzo Member Posts: 6,396 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    From what I seen, Bullzeye isnt interested in GIRLS!
    Happiness is a warm gun
  • idsman75idsman75 Member Posts: 13,398 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Set your fears aside. I judged from the AOL instant messanger chat I had with Bullzeye that he is certainly of the hetero persuasion.
  • Mr. LoboMr. Lobo Member Posts: 538 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    drawn, I am south of you, also in CA. Was the range a public or private range. This has me a little worried because all it would take is a high cap. mag. and you could get into a hassel with the man.
  • BullzeyeBullzeye Member Posts: 3,560
    edited November -1
    Thank you, Sgt.I'd like to talk with you again at some point about my progress on enlisting and whatnot. Our last conversation was very fruitful.I'm not sure I understand the mohawk thing, btw. I dont care whatcha all say: Trinity is still a hottie.Maybe after I enlist I'll meet an incredibly attractive female who loves high-powered weapons and hard rock music.Yeah, that eliminates just about every heterosexual woman on the planet....
  • offerorofferor Member Posts: 8,625 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I believe that 11 years ago, about the time I left the state, they were just adding the .30 M1 carbine to the ban list. I had bought mine there, at B&B in No. Hollywood, and took it with me out of state. If I were to ever move back, I wonder if they would allow me to register my collection as an incoming resident. I'll bet I can guess the answer.
    "The 2nd Amendment is about defense, not hunting. Long live the gun shows, and reasonable access to FFLs. Join the NRA -- I'm a Life Member."
  • interstatepawnllcinterstatepawnllc Member Posts: 9,390
    edited November -1
    I can't wait for the BIG one to come and seperate that liberal, self gratuitous, freakazoid state from the union. Eccckk!!
  • Mr. LoboMr. Lobo Member Posts: 538 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    offeror, the M-1 Carbine was not banned in CA. as far as I know.interstatepawnllc, Great comment...what about the rest of us independents?
  • .250Savage.250Savage Member Posts: 812 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Just an FYI from someone living in the occupied territories:1. Yes, M1 Carbines are still legal, and not considered "assault" whatevers.2. You may still own hi-caps (for now), you simply MAY NOT buy any more (of course, this makes it impossible for anyone, especially criminals, to get their hands on one). They were "grandfathered" in, and there is no way they can tell, did you own this before the latest breach of the constitution, or not?3. I concur; the gent in question must have had the audacity to believe it was none of the goobermint's buisness what guns he owned. This one certainly scares me. It sure shows they are targeting the law-abiding, rather than risking their pencil necks going after violent criminals. Oh well, I assume it was not their idea, they were "just following orders".
  • Judge DreadJudge Dread Member Posts: 2,372 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Thats the reason the North Corean plan of invasion BEACHEAD is Kalifornia ... Let all the liverals move there and enjoy the show !from a distance with your gun ready.
  • jeenyesjeenyes Member Posts: 330 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Any LEO who would enforce unconstituional gun laws is a traitor to the constitution. If someone is committing a crime that is one thing, but going against the constituion is another.
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