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A Not-So-Glowing Review Of The Passion

robomanroboman Member Posts: 6,436
edited February 2004 in General Discussion

Scathing! [:(]


"The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long..."


  • whiteclouderwhiteclouder Member Posts: 10,574 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I love the last line in the article.

    "Still, if you flogged yourself for two hours and six minutes, the result might be about as enlightening as this film."

    The "enlightenment" he seeks just ain't gonna show[:I].

  • trstonetrstone Member Posts: 833 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Who cares? He's a critic from MicroSloth NBC. The feckless little Liberal-Arts weasel wasted his time in college studying Film and Art and Expressing Yourself With Your Butt and all that other crapola, and the only job he's fit for is trying to find fault with the work of others---others generally much more capable and talented than him, I might add---and trying to sound clever and sophisticated in the process. It's so painfully transparent, I can't help but laugh at him!
  • beachmaster73beachmaster73 Member Posts: 3,011 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    It won't win an Oscar because of liberal bias but it will probably bust more than records with how much money it brings in to Mel. Beach.

    P.S. I certainly intend to see it with my family. Beach
  • BlackieBoogerBlackieBooger Member Posts: 2,175 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    A lot of the movie critics that already have seen it believe that it will be all time classic such as Gone With The Wind is,

    "Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, not liberty to purchase power."
    Benjamin Franklin, 1785
  • FrOgFrOg Member Posts: 2,034 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I haven't been to the theater in over a year. I think I'll make an exception for the Passion and take my wife out to dinner and a movie. [:)][:)]

    As far as this review, if the movie had been nice and peachy about Jesus' sermon on the mount or something, I would bet this guy would write that the movie was not realistic enough. I think movies about JC should be diverse in their approaches.



  • TeamblueTeamblue Member Posts: 782 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    If one doubts for a minute that there is a broad and intense effort in this country and world to oppress Christianity, or religion in general, in favor of secularism, then they are simply ignoring the facts.

    The environment of disparaging and divisive comments that are endless in their attacks on this movie are merely another extension of that.

    It has been said by many who have seen this movie that they expect that viewing it alone will cause thousands to examine there own lives and accept Jesus into their hearts.

    You can be assured that the secularists DO NOT WANT THIS TO HAPPEN! So you can see the reason for much of the controversy. THEY ARE SCARED OF THE POWER OF THE TRUTH that this movie reveals!

    Thank you Mr. Gibson for your honest and realistic testimony.

    Justice through Valor

    "Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war" Psalm 144
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